L n T Infotech Candidate-Experiences |   5853

L n T Infotech Candidate-Experiences

L&T Infotech conducted a placement procedure for freshers in the thadomal college, Bandra, Mumbai on the 18th & 19th Janunary, 2011.

Criteria (58% with not more den 2 dead/live kt’s & AGGR. SHOD B 60%+ at th end of 8th semester) the procedure consisted of 3 rounds spread over 2 days (initially it was supposed 2 b having four rounds consisting of seperate technical and HR interviews but then I was reduced to just 1 common interview)
Round 1: Aptitude test:
Paper had 90 questions [1 question for 1 mark with no negative marking] time allotd was 90 minutes. The L&T pple conductd the test and we had 3 different sets so that no copying takes place.
The paper was divided into 3 sections
1) Quantitative
2) Logical reasoning 
3) English. With sectional cut-off for each section.
1) Quantitative (30 questions for 30 marks): Refer R.S. Aggarwal (Quantitative aptitude) questions were asked from chapters on percentages, profit loss, time & distance, time and work, simple intrest, compound intrest, probablity, arithmatic & geometric progression, etc.
Try to solve atleast 17-20 problems from this section completly before moving on to the next section.
2) Logical reasoning (30 questions for 30 marks):
Refer R.S.Aggarwal (verbal and non-verbal reasoning book)
Questions: A problem from the chapter puzzles (similar type of sum) for 5-6 marks, venn diagrams (4-5 problems),sylogism (section 2: chaper1 : logic) 5-7 marks + passages(3-4 lines) given along with 2 consequences from which you have 2 select  the logically correct consequence (consequence1 alone, consequence 2 alone, both, neither  being the options)
3) English (30 marks 30 questions)
(You can refer objective english, by R.S.Aggarwal, but clearing this section highly depends on your vocab)4-5 synonyms, 5-6 questions on changing the underlined word or phrase with one of the four options, sentence correction (sentence is divided into 3 parts from which we have 2 choose 1 part wich is not gramatically right),1 reading comprehention (lenghty- suggestd to be done in the end) 5 questions on the passage,  5-6 fill in the blanks with correct set of words, etc.


I suggest you try doin atleast 20 questions frm each of the 3 parts mentiond above perfectly and den if time permits go for the remaining 10 questions frm each part. But newaz make sure you mark all the answers with random options in case u dont noe the answers (since there is no negative marking)

Then they gave the selected candidates a pre-placement talk 30-45 mins
Round 2 (Group disussion) This is also an elimination round: (Around 40% elimination from each group)

They give you 2-3 minutes to write down the points on a piece of paper then the GD goes on for around 10-15 mins.  Try not the b the 1st 1 to talk in the group, preferably b the 2nd or the 3rd person. Don't start talking late too dats wy more risky den going 1st. And while speaking your point never look at the paper on which you have written that point and read.

Always be confident.
My group got the topic " Active participation of students in politics" 
Some oder topics I heard of were "3 things you wod like to take with you on a trip to moon" , "advertisements" , " role model frm bollywood/hollywood and why?" ,"should the voting age b decreased/increased from 18" , "sports/olympics" , etc
Round 3 (Interview): Even this is an elimination round 
Questions I was askd were:
HR: Tell me somthing about yourself?

Me: Answered

(Then he was amused by our final year project so he had a major lot of questons based on it)

after that

HR: As you noe the govt is trying 2 construct subways, bridges, flyovers, etc in Mumbai. Why do you think evri attempt is failing miserably wen it comes 2 the stipulated time in which it shod be completed?

Me: Answered


HR: Why do you want 2 switch over from your branch to the IT sector?

Me: Answered.


HR: Do you have any questons for me?

Me: Sir, what are the prerequisites for me that I shod try n achieve before joining L& T?

HR: Nothing specific. You will be trained in the training period of 2 months.

Me: Ok, thank you sir

HR: Thank you!
(Bottomline is: Be prepared with your final year project, things you hve mentioned in your resume, visit company site and get some company info. + look happy even if you are not, be confident, keep smiling, respect /greet the HR official, and if the hr suggests you nething regarding your projct, etc then appreciate that and show the excitment of getting the suggestion)
Results were decalard on the 19th and they selected 42 people from around 125 students by the placement procedure from my college. I being 1 of them!


All the best!