LnT ECC Candidate-Experiences |   12137

LnT ECC Candidate-Experiences

 Ln T ECC canidates experience

Hi everyone,

I am Anchit from SDMCET,Dharwad. On 28-11-11 Lnt ECC came for the campus placement at BVBCET(i.e pooled).

The test started after a brief ppt of the company.

The selection process consisted of General Aptitude followed by the interview(technical + HR).

There were totally 50 questions to be answered in 60 minutes. Questions were quite easy.It was from age, units conversions, odd man out & series, english(antonyms, synonyms, passage....). It was very easy !!!!! need not to worry at all for this stage.

Then came the interview round. Following question were asked :


     1.    From which place you are?

     2.    What are your strengths?

     3.    What do you know about LnT ECC? (carefully listen to the ppt for such questions)

     4.    What can you do for the company that helps the nation?

     5.    What is so special about you? and some questions from my family, parents occupation.................etc.

Ln T ECC Technical Round :

     1.   Which is your favorite subject?

     Ans  Strength of materials

Then he asked questions frm the subject like

     2.    What is creep?....i answered

     3.    What is anealing?........answered

Then questions were from mechanical drawing like.........

     4.     Which angle of projection is used in India...........i answered him 1st angle.

Then someother questions like

     5.     What is cost? How would you define MRP ?....bla bla

So with all this , I was finally selected. It is my first core job.

So the tip is: Never be nervous .......just be claim. Think that you are going to have a general talk with the interviewer and obviously no need to worry much about the Aptitude round.



SDMCET, Dharwad
