Lakshmi-Vilas-Bank Question Papers - Lakshmi-Vilas-Bank Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited (LVB) was founded eight decades ago ( in 1926) by seven people of Karur under the leadership of Shri V.S.N. Ramalinga Chettiar, mainly to cater to the financial needs of varied customer segments. The bank was incorporated on November 03, 1926 under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and obtained the certificate to commence business on November 10, 1926, The Bank obtained its license from RBI in June 1958 and in August 1958 it became a Scheduled Commercial Bank. 

During 1961-65 LVB took over nine Banks and raised its branch network considerably. To meet the emerging challenges in the competitive business world, the bank started expanding its boundaries beyond Tamil Nadu from 1974 by opening branches in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Pondicherry. Mechanization was introduced in the Head office of the Bank as early as 1977. At present, with a network of 290 branches,1 satellite branch and 8 extension counters, spread over 15 states and the union territory of Puducherry, the Bank's focus is on customer delight, by maintaining high standards of customer service and amidst all these new challenges, the bank is progressing admirably. LVB has a strong and wide base in the state of Tamil Nadu, one of the progressive states in the country, has a vibrant industrial environment. LVB has been focusing on retail banking, corporate banking and bancassurance, is rendering high-tech services which include:

± 100 % CBS Branches.
± VISA Enabled International Debit Card.
± RTGS & NEFT enabled electronic funds transfer services.
± Internet Banking, Mobile Banking & SMS Alerts.
± Electronic Clearing Services (ECS).
± National Electronic Clearing Services (NECS).
± Payment through mobile phone via, Paymate. 

coupled with all our existing recently launched innovative & attractive deposit schemes, and other loan schemes which suits large number of employees, comparable only with Best in the industry to-day.

Total business (as on 30.06.2012) volume grew with the deposits level at around Rs.14136 Crs and the credit portfolio expanding to Rs.10504 Crs with a total business mix of Rs.24640 Crs and registered growth at 22% on Y-o-Y.

The bank has a suite of products that are constantly innovated to suit the changing needs of the customers.

To facilitate all the financial services under one roof, the bank has tied up for a bancassurance pact with Life Insurance Corporation of India for marketing life insurance products, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd for General Insurance distribution business and arrangements for distributing the mutual fund products of 16 various reputed AMCs

The Bank believes in cost effective service delivery powered by “appropriate” technology to enhance value to customers. All our bank branches are in the state-of-the-art core banking software viz. Flexcube.

The Bank has an ATM network of 606, in vital/Major locations. Consequent to the tie-up with Cash Tree Network and NFS for ATMs, over 81000 & above ATMs.

In terms of service standards and operational efficiency, the bank has bench marked its practices with the best in the industry. The bank has taken great strides in reaching out to the various segments of the society through its innovative products delivered through multiple channels woven around branches in different geographies. True, life smiles where LVB serves.


"To be a sound and dynamic banking entity providing financial services of excellence with Pan India presence." 


“To develop a range of quality financial services and products to create value for customers, shareholders and the society; to motivate people to achieve excellence in performance leading to sustained profitable growth and build a vibrant organization.”


The new logo unit depicts the following,
Red is for the values, Pure and Strong. Red is for Truth that can do no wrong. 
Gold is the land of prosperity where we all belong, the abode of wealth where happiness hails from.
A glimmer of lights from ochre gold, the circle of kumkum where all good things hold.
Come walk the path of Lakshmi and celebrate her blessings, wisdom, growth and contentment and a life full of rich meaning

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