Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Question-Paper |   2716

Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Question-Paper

                                                Kotak Mahindra Bank Question Paper

Reasoning Ability

1. In a certain code ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘NSFUMBOJ’ and ‘TOWERS’ is written as ‘XPUTSF’. How is ‘MATE’ written in that code?
(1) FUBN
(2) UFNB
(3) BNFU
(4) BNDS
(5) None of these

2. The positions of how many digits in the number 5314647 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

3. What should come in place of the questions mark (?) in the following letter series?
(1) PR
(2) QS
(3) QR
(4) PS

4. 'ERID' is related to 'DIRE' in the same way as 'RIPE' is related to ________ ?
(1) EPIR
(2) PERI
(3) EPRI
(4) PEIR
(5) IPRE

5. How many meaningful English words can be made with the third, the fifths, the seventh and the ninth letters of the word 'DOWNGRADED', using each letter only once in each word?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

6-10. In each question below, a group of digits/symbols is given by four combinations of letters numbered (1),(2),(3) and (4). You have to find out which of the combinations (1),(2),(3) and (4) correctly represents the group of digit/symbols based on the following coding system and the conditions those follow and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the four combinations correctly represents the groups of digits/symbols, mark (5) i.e., 'None of these' as the answer.

Digit/Symbol : 5 9 @ © 3 8 1 $ % 4 2 6 * 7 δ #
Letter Code : B E P A K D F H Q I R J U M V T

(i) If the first unit in the group is an even digit and the last unit is a symbol, both these are to be coded as the code for the symbol.
(ii) If the first unit in the group is an odd digit and the last unit is an even digit, their codes are to the interchanged.
(iii) If both the first and the last units in the group are symbols, both these are to be coded as 'X'.

6. @91$26
(5) None of these

7. 387#©9
(5) None of these

8. 4@312
(5) None of these

9. %4187*
(5) None of these

10. 9124 δ 6
(5) None of these

11. In a certain code ‘BUILT’ is written as ‘5#32@’ and ‘TRIBE’ is written as ‘@9345©’. How is ‘RULE’ written in that code?
(1) 9#2©
(2) 92#©
(3) @#2©
(4) @2#©
(5) None of these

12. How many meaningful English can be formed, starting was S, with the second, the fourth, the fifth and the eight letters of theword PERISHED, using each letter only once in each word? (To be counted from left)
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

13. The positions of howmany digits in the numbers 837912 will remain unchanged after the digits within the number are rearranged in descending order? (from left to right)
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

14. How many such pairs of letters are three in the word STREAMING each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? (in both forward and backward directions)
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

15. In a certain code ‘CLEAR’ is written as ‘SBFMD’ and ‘BONDS’ is written as ‘TEOPC’. Howis ‘STALE’written in that code?
(5) None of these

16-20. Study the following arrangement of numbers, letters and symbols carefully and answer the questions given below:
R @ 2 9 T V AY 5 © # J 1 P 8 Q $ E 3 * H % 6 W 4 I δ U Z

16. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(1) J P ©
(2) E Q *
(3) W I %
(4) 9 V @
(5) 1 # δ

17. Which of the following is the fifth to the right of the nineteenth element from the right end?
(1) P
(2) V
(3) W
(4) 8
(5) None of these

18. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately prepared by a consonant and immediately followed by a symbol?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four
(5) More than four

19. If the positions of the last eighteen elements in the above arrangement are reserved, which of te following will be the seventeenth from the left end?
(1) E
(2) P
(3) W
(4) 6
(5) None of these

20. How many such vowels are three in the above arrangement, each of which is either immediately followed by a symbol or immediately preceded by a symbol?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) Four
