Karnataka PSC Question-Paper |   1701

Karnataka PSC Question-Paper

                                            Karnataka PSC Previous Year Mains Paper

Part A

1.Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 200 - 250 words each .(20x2=40)
(a) What were the differences in the ideas and programmes of the Moderates and Extremists in the Indian National Congress ? 
(b) Briefly discuss the contribution of the Swaraj Party to the Indian National Movement. 
(c) Assess the work of. Sir M. Visveswaraiah in Mysore as Dewan,keeping in view his slogan:"Plan, promote and encourage developments".
(d) Discuss the echoes of 1857 Revolt in Karnataka.

2.Answer. any four of the following questions in about 100 - 120 words each .(10x4=40)
(a) Summarise the early experiments of Gandhiji at Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad. 
(b) Estimate the development of Vernacular Press in the second half of the nineteenth century. 
(c) Briefly explain the rise of peasant uprisings in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
(d) Explain anti-colonial struggle in the Princely States of India.
(e) Elaborate the British attempts at negotiated settlements after the Second World War in India.
(f) Write a note on the impact of Quit India Movement in Karnataka.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 50 - 60 words each .(5x2=10 )
(a) What do you understand by the concept of `Satyagraha' as propagated by Gandhiji ?
(b) What was India's attitude to the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1950 ? 
(c) Write a note on the economic progress made by Karnataka in the post Independence era.

4. Write brief notes on all of the following in about 20 - 25 words each .(2x5=10)
(a) Sir Mirza Ismail
(b) Brahmanetara Parishad
(c) Birsa. Munda Revolt
(d) Coorg Insurrection
(e) Nehru Committee Report of 1928

5.Write short notes on all of the following. Restrict your answer to 20 - 25 words each (2x10=20)
(a) Inamdars
(b) Royal Commission
(c) Unique Identification Authority of India
(d) Gazetted post
(e) New Flag Code of India
(f) Objective of Lokayukta Act 1984
(g) Public Accounts Committee
(h) Lokpal
(i) Ashraya Yojana
(j) PPP Model

6.Write brief notes on all of the following questions in about 20 - 25 words each (2x10=20)
(a) Civilian deaths
(b) Base rate
(c) Heritage trees
(d) Dawal Malik
(e) Women in Indian Army
(f) 3G Spectrum auction
(g) Fake encounters
(h) Akrama - Sakrama Scheme
(i) Padma Vibhushan Award
(j) GST

7. Write short notes on all of the following. Restrict your answer to 20 - 25 words each (2x10=20)
(a) Kissan Credit Card (KCC) 
(b) Jal Nirmal Project 
(c) Karnataka Knowledge Commission (d) Planning Commission of India 
(e) Child Labour 
(f) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(g) Yashaswini Health Insurance for Farmers
(h) Service Tax
(i) Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
(j) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana

Part B

8.Answer any three of the following questions in about 200 - 250 words each .(20x3=60)
(a) Discuss the possible strategies to maintain peace and harmony in the Kashmir valley.
(b) Discuss the options for eradicating Naxalism in the country.
(c) Discuss the implications of Indo-US nuclear deal in meeting energy needs.
(d) What is Sting Journalism ?
(e) Is a ban on cow slaughter viable, even if necessary ?
(f) Would a new States Reorganisation Commission solve our problems ?

9.Answer any five of the following questions in about 100 - 120 words each .(10x5=50)
(a) Comment on the growing unrest in North Korea.
(b) Can the incredible achievements of Saina Nehwal be a lesson for others ?
(c) What, according to you, is the impact of the recent stand of the Central Government on Belgaum ?
(d) Discuss the salient features of Global Investors Meet of Karnataka.
(e) Why does not inflation in food prices benefit farmers ?
(f) Is linking major rivers of India feasible ?
(g) Should we legalise betting in cricricket matches ? 

10. Answer/write short notes on, any six of the following questions in about 50 - 60 words each (5x6=30)
(a) Knowledge Processing Outsourcing
(b) Cloud seeding
(c) Energy drinks
(d) Mention the major projects envisaged by the Karnataka Government to overcome the power problems faced by the State.
(e)Highlights of XI Plan period with respect to Education and Health.
(f)Poverty amidst plenty
(g) Surrogate advertisements
(h) India's obssession with fair complexion

11.Answer any one of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 - 250 words each (20x1=20)
(a) "Indian Federalism is the simultaneity of two processes- the unionization process and the regionalization process"-(Bishnu Pathak). Discuss. 
(b) Give an account of the experiment of decentralising governance in Karnataka. 

12. Answer any three of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 - 125 words each (10x3=30)
(a) Assess the importance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. 
(b) Explain the method of Election of the President of India by illustrating the three formulae. What. are the reasons behind the adoption of an indirect method of Election ? 
(c) Write a note on the objectives of the Nemmadi Project.
(d) Bring out the major recommendations of the High Power Committee for Redressal of Regional Imbalances(HPCRRI) in Karnataka.
(e)Bring out the observations of Justice Sadashiva Committee on the excesses committed by the Special Task Force.

13. Answer any four of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 - 55 words each.(5x4=20)
(a)Narrate the circumstances under which the Janata Party came into existence in the Indian Politics. Trace the splits in that Party from 1979 to 1999 and the aftermath.
(b) Write a short note on the composition,and objectives of Karnataka Administrative Reforms Commission MARC). What are its. major recommendations on the Secretariat reforms ? 
(c) Examine the role of the Right to Information Act(RTI) in reforming Indian Administration:
(d) Examine the issues involved in Amendment of Panchayat Raj Act of 1993. 
(e) What are the factors that influence the effective participation of women in the new.Panchayati Raj institutions ? 
(f) Comment on the concept of social justice with an example of government policy in ensuring social justice.

14. Answer any one of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 - 250 words each(20x1=20)
(a) Bring out the impact of `Global Economic and Financial Crisis' of 2008 - 09 on the Indian economy. Highlight the measures taken by the Central Government to overcome the crisis. 
(b) Bring out the basic objectives and features of Karnataka's New Agricultural Policy 2006. To what extent does it help to meet present challenges in agriculture ? 

15. Answer any three of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 - 125 words each (10x3=30)
(a) Explain the objectives and achievements of NREGS in Karnataka. 
(b) Discuss the Regional Disparities and Special Development Plan 2003 -- 10 of Karnataka. 
(c) Examine the need for Second Green Revolution in India. Explain the basic components of this revolution. 
(d) Examine National Highway Development Project (NHDP) as a major organisation in the development of road transport. 
(e)Explain the salient features of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Programme.

16. An any four of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 - 55 words each (5x4=20)
(a) Explain the steps taken by the SEBI for healthy capital market development in India. 
(b) Discuss the strategy of inclusive growth adopted in the Eleventh Five Year Plan of India. 
(c) Explain the package of services provided under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Programme.
(d) What are Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) ? How do they affect India's trade ?
(e) Write a note on Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana.
(f) Highlight the role of Self-help Groups in rural women empowerment. 

17. Answer any one of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 - 250 words.(20x1=20)
(a) Give an account of agro-climatic regions of Karnataka.
(b) Which are the major wheat producing regions in India ? Describe the main characteristics of such regions.

18. Answer any one of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 100 - 150 words.(10x1=10)
(a) Discuss the major irrigation projects of India.
(b) Which are the major industrial corridors in India ?

19. Answer any two of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 50 words each.(5x2=10)
(a) Discuss about the petroleum production and imports of India.
(b) Describe manganese ore reserves in Karnataka State.
(c)Write a note on cloud burst.

20. Answer any one of the following questions. Restrict your answer to 200 - 250 words each (20x1=20)
(a) Discuss the effects of nuclear power plants on the environment and its mitigative measures. 
(b) Biotechnology is said to be the technology of the future. List out the objectives of the Biotechnology policies adopted by the Karnataka Government since the year 2000, and give an account of the steps taken by the government. 

21. Write brief notes on any four of the following. Restrict your answer to 100 - 120 words each.(10x4=40)
(a) Rain water harvesting
(b) Stem cells
(c) Gene therapy
(d) Satellites
(e) Carbon nanotubes
(f) Optical fibre in medical diagnosis

22. Write short notes on all of the following. Restrict your answer to 20 - 25 words each.(2x10=20)
(a) Chikungunya Virus
(b) Solar Energy
(c) Chandrayan-II
(d) Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
(e) Bio-Informatics
(f) National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) 
(g) Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) 
(h) Bio-fuels 
(i) Skin cancer and Ultraviolet rays 
(j) Nanotherapy
