IOCL Selection Procedure |   15016

IOCL Selection Procedure

IOCL Selection Methodology of  non-executive category Engineering Assistant -Grade IV (Mechanical),Engineering Assistant -Grade IV (Electrical)  Vacancies


IOCL Selection Procedure -2013


 The selection procedure will comprise of Written Test, Trade Test and Personal Interview. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Written Test would be called for Personal Interview and Trade Test. The candidate will have to pass through each stage including medical fitness for being adjudged as suitable for selection.


 Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.

IOCL Previous Years vacancies and details 


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)Advertisement No. PH/R/02/2012

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals fulfilling the eligibility criteria for the under mentioned posts at
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Haldia Refinery.Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (Instrumentation) Instrumentation `Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (Electrical)Electrical `Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (F&S) Fire & Safety `Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (P&U) Electrical `Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (P&U) Mechanical Jr. Engg. Asstt-IV (Mech-CC) Mechanical,

• Selection would be based on written test, Trade Test (Wherever applicable) and personal interview. The candidates will have to pass successfully through each stage of the selection process including medical fitness for being adjudged suitable for selection.

• Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability of candidates.

Fore more details :
