Indian Overseas Bank Computer Kowledge-GK |   6337

Indian Overseas Bank Computer Kowledge-GK

IOB Placement Paper


Indian Overseas Bank IOB 2013 Recruitment of probationary officers Written Test Pattern and Selection Procedure

Computer Knowledge Questions for bank examinations

1.Which of the following is the product of data processing
a. information-Answer
b. data
c. software program
d. system

2.The process of putting data into a storage location is called
a. reading
b. writing-Answer
c. controlling
d. hand shaking

3.The process of copying data from a memory location is called
a. reading-Answer
b. writing
c. controlling
d. booting

4.A list of instructions used by a computer is called
a. program-Answer
b. CPU
c. text
d. output

5.The CPU consists of
a.input, output and processing
b.control unit, primary storage and secondarystorage
c.Control unit; arithmetic logic unit and primary storage-Answer
d.input, processing and storage

6.Which of the following is true about primarystorage
a. it is a part of the CPU
b. It allows very fast access to data
c. It is relatively more expensive
d. all of the above-Answer

7.Which of the following is the most powerful type of the computer
a. main frame
b. super conductor
c. micro computer
d. super computer-Answer

8.Software instruction intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called
a. system software
b. process software
c. documentation
d. application software-Answer

9.The computer device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the
a. CRT
b. line printer-Answer
c. computer console
d. card reader

10.Which one of the following can produce the final product of machine processing in a form usable by humans
a. storage
b. control
c. input device
d. output device-Answer

11.The term 'memory' applies to which one of the following
a. logic
b. storage-Answer
c. input device
d. output device

12.A program written in machine language is called........ program.
a. object-Answer
b. computer
c. assembler
d. high level

13.A source program is the program written in ..........language.
a. English
b. symbolic
c. high level-Answer
d. object

14.A typical modern computer uses
a. magnetic cores for secondary storage
b. LSI chips-Answer
c. magnetic tape for primary memory
d. more than 10,000 vaccum tubes

15.A collection of 8 bits is called
a. byte-Answer
b. record
c. word
d. nibble

16.General purpose computers are those that can be adopted to countless uses simply by changing its
a. output device
b. input device
c. processor
d. program-Answer

17.The current generation of computers
a. second
b. fifth
c. fourth-Answer
d. third

18.Non volatility is an important advantage of
a. CCDs
b. magnetic tapes and disks
c. magnetic bubbles
d. both b and c-Answer

19.To implement all functions of the basic logic functions, it needs
a. OR gate
b. NOT gate
c. AND and NOT gates-Answer
d. None of these

20.In the binary number 110.101, the fractional part has the value
a. 0.625-Answer
b. 0.125
c. 0.875
d. 0.5

21.The fastest type of memory is
a. tape-Answer
b. semiconductor memory
c. disk
d. bubble mem

22 Which of the following statements is wrong
a. magnetic core memory, RAMs and ROMs have constant access time
b .magnetic tape is non volatile
c. semiconductor memories are used as mass memory medium-Answer
d. An EPROM can be programmed, erased and reprogrammed by the user with an EPROM programming instrument

23 The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured is
a. ROM-Answer
b. RAM

24 Which memory is non volatile and may be written only once.
a. RAM
d. PROM-Answer

25The fastest type of memory is
a. tape
b. semiconductor memory-Answer
c. disk
d. bubble memory

26 In magnetic disks data is organized on the platter in a concentric sets or rings called
a. sector
b. track-Answer
c. head
d. block

27 When we move from the outer most track to the innermost track in a magnetic disk, the density
a. increases-Answer
b. decreases
c. remains the same
d. either remains constant or decreases

28 Which of the following device can be used to directly input printed text
a. OCR-Answer
b. Mouse
c. MIC
d. Joystick

29 Which device can draw continuous lines
a. daisy wheel
b. plotter-Answer
c. chain printer
d. impact printer

30 In which storage device, recording is done by burning tiny pits on a circular disk
a. punched cards
b. floppy disk
c. magnetic tape
d. optical disk-Answer

31 Which of the following printers uses light beam and electrostatically sensitive black powder
a. dot matric printer
b. daisy wheel printer
c. chain printer
d. laser printer-Answer

32 The primary purpose of an operating system is
a. to make the most efficient use of the computer hardware-Answer
b. to allow people to use the computer
c. to keep system programmers employed
d. to make computers fast.

33 The operating system manages
a. memory
b. processor
c. disk and I/O devices
d. all of the above-Answer

34 Which of the following translator program converts assembly language program to objectprogram
a. assembler
b. compiler-Answer
c. macroprocessor
d. linker

35 Scheduling is
a. allowing job to use the processor-Answer
b. unrelated performance considerations
c. quiet simple to implement, even on large main frames
d. the same regardless of the purpose of the system

36.Which of the following items is not used in LAN
a. computers
b. modem-Answer
c. printer
d. cable

37.Which is the device that converts compuer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line
a. teleport
b. multiplexer
c. concentrator
d. modem-Answer

38.What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission
a. bytes per second
b. bits per second
c. baud
d. either b or d-Answer

39.A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to
a. 1000 bytes
b. 1024 bytes-Answer
c. 2048 bytes
d. 512 bytes

40. Inputs to your computer is accomplished using the
a. Screen
b. keyboard-Answer
c. printer
d. plotter

41.Which of the following is not used as secondary storage
a. Semiconductor memory-Answer
b. magnetic disks
c. magnetic drums
d. magnetic tapes

42.A collection of wires that connects several device is called
a. link
b. bus-Answer
c. cable
d. port

43.A offline device is
a. a device which is not connected to CPU-Answer
b. a device which is connected to CPU
c. a device which is in breakdown stage
d. None of these

44.Which of the following is the fastest
a. CPU-Answer
b. magnetic tapes and disks
c. video terminal
d. sensors, mechanical controllers

45.Memories in which any location can be reached in a fixed and short amount of time after specifying its address is called
a. sequential access memory
b. random access memory-Answer
c. secondary memory
d. mass storage

46.The register which contains the data to be written into or read out of the addressed location is known as
a. index register
b. memory address register
c. memory data register-Answer
d. program counter

47.The register which keeps track of the execution of a program and which contains the memory address of the next instruction to be executed is known as
a. index register
b. instruction register
c. memory address register
d. program counter-Answer

48.Which of the following is used as storage locations both in the ALU and in the control section of a computer
a. accumalator
b. register-Answer
c. adder
d. decoder

49.Accumulator is a
a. hardwired unit
b. sequential circuit
c. finite state machine
d. register-Answer

50.Which of the following memory is volatile
a. RAM-Answer
b. ROM
