Infotech Candidate Experiences |   13990

Infotech Candidate Experiences



hey all...this is saikiran(cse)..i have attended an  offcampus of infotech at CMR college of engineering on 29th feb 2009..Some 1000 ppl from 15 colleges attended.The recruitment process consisted of 5 rounds.

1.Written test
50 questions and 50 minutes.this test is pretty simple and time management is very important.It had questions regarding probability,speed and time also included data interpretation questions and also vocabulary.

2.Technical written test.
20 questions and 25 minutes..very basic questions of c,c++ and java.Some 2 to 3 electronic questions were also asked. discussion
Thiis is the main elimination round.No one will comprimise here.u need to have good communication and fluency.u need to speak for atleast 2 or 3 times,if u dont put any effort then u will be out of it....jst have confidence in urself...speak abt 3 or 4 sentences ...and that will group had abt 12 ppl...and only 4 got thru...i cud make it....

4.Technical interview.
well...if u brush up ur basics that will do a world of good for u.
some of the questions.
what is an absract class??
what is function overloading??
what is a trigger?
what is the difference between data ware house and data mining?
tell me about ur project..
what is the front end and back end of ur project??

5.HR interview.
if u get thru technical interview then this is just a formality.They will ask about ur family back ground and all the other details.. 

Well...i can tell u one thing thru my experince..there is no substitute for hardwork..just keep working hard and u will come out in flying colors some day...and forgot to tell all of u....i got thru all the rounds and got selected for infotech enterprises...ALL THE BEST FOLKS!!!
