Whole-Testpaper |   11271


hiii everybody,
first of all i want to thank freshers world for assisting me in getting this job.

insosys paper doesnt consist of any maths. they only test the analytical n logical skills.
follow RS AGARWAL for that its more than enough.
10 days preparation should do.
practice more n more....

for puzzles follow shakuntala devi. for us they werent asked much.
patterns i.e the next figure in series questions will be a bit difficult practice them more.

time management is important.
do whatever u u know first n asap..
then dont leave any question put guesses.

The interviewer will be an elderly man or woman who is an army officer or any one who served the country.
they will be very cool.

if u have done ur aptitude well u r almst into the company.

The qualities they will c in u is ur confidence, how truthful u are. when they give shakehand give it firmly becoz they can if ur tensed or not by it.

i was asked evrything about my project work hw i started, my management, problems i faced and all.
tell evrthing perfectly and always smiling.

most imp: if they ask if u have any questtions say yes and ask amthng or the other. dont say NO.

sometimes u may be called for 2nd n 3rd time interview. Do that cooly.dont get tensed.say the same what u have told to the before interviewer. dont change anything.

 no technical questions will be asked 99.9%.

hope to c u there..:):)
