Whole-Testpaper |   13331




It's Himanshu Rajendrakumar Khatri. I had written Infosys on 11th June at SaintMichaelsAcademy, Chennai. It was really a nice experience. As usual results get declared on the day itself but this time they had taken too much time to declare it. They announced it in the evening at 7:30 . I cleared the test & I had 9 answers right out of 10. I was not sure about 10th question which was logical reasoning. But later I came to know that I have 2 ans right from 4. So in all I had 9 & half ans right from 10. English pattern was easy nothing special to refer it. But try to summarize tenses & u can follow cbse pattern. This is all about test.

I had interview on 13th at Infosys centre.  Here are the questions that appeared in the test. I tried to give the exact words from the test & I think I did well. Also I had given detail answers.

Q.1) Dr. Watson has 5 nephews. After he died he mentioned in his will that  each of his brother's sons should get money according to their ages. The difference between each son is Rs. 20 & youngest son got least money. Total money to be shared is 1000. How much youngest son will get?


Let the third i.e. middle son will get Rs. x then youngest son will get Rs. x-40.
=>      Adding their shares = 1000

=>      (x-40) + (x-20) + x + (x+20) + (x+40) = 1000

=>      x = 200

=>      x - 40 = 160

=>      Youngest son will get Rs.160


Q.2) In a party there r total 1275 handshakes assuming each person did handshake with other fellow. How many people attended the party?


Let number of people attended the party = x then

Number of handshakes =xC2 = 1275

=>      x * (x - 1)     =      1275

             2 * 1

=>      x2 - x - 2550 =0

=>      (x - 51)(x + 50) = 0

=>     x cannot be negative

=>      x = Number of people attended party =51


Q.3) If one fifth of a hive of bees flew to the rose flower, one third flew to the lotus flower, three times the difference of these two numbers flew to slandbara & one bee continued to fly about, attracted on each side by the fragrant of ketaki & malati, what was the total number of bees?


          X + X + 3( X - X ) +1 = X

          3     5        3    5

=>      X = 15 = Number of bees.


Q.4) Due to some defect in our elevator, I was climbing down the staircase. I had climbed down just 7 steps when I saw professor Zorkoski on the ground floor. Continuing to walk down, I greeted him & I was surprised to see that when I was yet to get down 4 steps to reach the ground floor, professor had already finished the climbing up 2 steps for every 1 of mine. How many steps did the staircase have?


                         7                 X               4

                   |-------------- |------------------|----------------|

From figure, equation becomes :
7 + X + 4 = 2X

=>      X = 11

=>      Total number of steps = 7 + 11 + 4 = 22


Q.5) Complete the following series:

a)    3, 6, 13, 26, 33, 66, ?


              3 * 2 = 6

              6 + 7 = 13

              13 * 2 = 26

              26 + 7 = 33

              33 * 2 = 66

              66 + 7 = 73

              73 * 2 = 146

Series : 3, 6, 13, 26, 33, 66, 76, 146

b)    364, 361, 19, 16, 4, 1, ?


              364 - 3 = 361

              O(364) = 19

              19 - 3 = 16

              O(16) = 4

              4 - 3 = 1

              O(1) = 1

              1 - 3 = -2

Series: 364, 361, 19, 16, 4, 1, 1, -2

Q.6) A man was asked to meet a lady lawyer who had a good logical skill. Today is Saturday. A man wanted her appointment. She called her three days after the day before the day after tomorrow. What is the appointment day?


              Today =  Saturday

              Day after tomorrow = Monday

              Day before the day after tomorrow = Sunday

              Three days after the day before the day after the tomorrow = Wednesday

              Therefore, Appointment day is Wednesday.


Q.7) Find the values of X, Y, Z & B using following equations. Substitute values from 0 to 9 without repetition.

     X  Y  G                            X  Y  G

      +                                    -

         A  B                                A  B

     --------------                        ------------- 

    C  D  E  F                          B  G  A

Ans:            9  4  5                            9  4  5

                   +                                    -

                       7  8                                7  8

                ---------------------             -------------------

                 0   2  3                             8  6  7


Q. 8) Somebody asked a wizard, Alchimiro about his age. He answered that he is still young according to age of wizards. Let me tell u, I m thrice my son's age & my father's age is 40 more than twice of my age. Total of our ages is 1240 years. What is the age of wizard?


          Let wizard's son age = X then wizard's age = 3X & his father's age = (6X+40)

=>      X + 3X + 6X + 40 = 1240

=>      X = 120

Wizard's age = 360 years


Q.9) This was 8 marks question regarding the committees of 5 juniors & 4 seniors they have to form 3 committees. Some conditions had given & based upon that we have to answer 4 questions. I solved it last. Sorry for not remembering the question.


Q.10) A man enquires a person about the past 5 day's temperature at noon in that region. The other replies that he doesn't remember the actual figures but there was a different temperature on each day & their product gives 12. Assuming the temperature to the nearest degree what are the temperatures on the five days in Celsius?

Ans: Temperatures on 5 consecutive days are: -2, -1, 1, 2, 3 in degree Celsius.


HR interview was cool. They didn't ask me to explain myself, a most imp question. Being a chemical engineer they keep asking me why you are not interested in chemical industry & what u did in last 1 year. I explained them all truly & they look convinced. So my advice is be true to them, they are among top mind readers. They will easily catch your bluffs. They asked me which concept from computer u like most. I told them about OOPS & explained it. They also asked me how u will adjust within a team. Such HR questions. Then they had given me a simple puzzle.

Well this is all about my Infosys experience. I am waiting for the result. 
