Whole-Testpaper |   18193




Hi friends
First of all a very important thing to tell u that plz leave studying puzzles, the pattern has been entirely changed
Start ur preparation with RS Agrawaal and try to complete it.
i was not at all prepared for the changed pattern, even before half an hour of my exam i was mugging the puggles.
firstly we were given a form to fill in half an hour. plz fill it in proper handwriting, it count a lot.
after filling the form we were given a blank sheet for rough work.. mind it rough work is as imp as ur answer sheet
after seeing the paper i was shocked.. then i started doing it with patience..
 My friends hard work counts a lot along with the blessing. I cleared the written exam
paper pattern
Ques 1-5 a 5x6x7 cube is given with their boundries painted with diff colour. if the cube is divided into small cubes of dim 1x1x1 cm
1-how many cubes have red color painted side?
2-how many cubes have red and voilet color painted sides?
3-no of cubes which are unpainted?
4-cubes with three sides painted with yellow,voilet and red?
5 only one painted side of red color?
( just practice this ques by urself consider any color in any side and solve it)
Q6-10 figure based ques from rs agrawwal
five figures were given and the sixth was asked
some questions were on data sufficiency
5 questions were based on::
their are 6 persons mr tendulkar, mr sharma, mr dravid bla bla
they live in a three floored buildind 2 in one floor
some conditions were gived
who stay in which floor?
from rs agrawal
5 ques on Data Interpretation
2 graphs were given one cost based and one sales based three companies are there a,b,c
ques like which company gives profit, which is in loss
and like that
English papar
it was easy, i thing english papar helped me to clear the written
2 easy RC were their, direct answers........
it covered 10 questions
10 questions were on correct the sentences
10 ques were on english usage
5 ques were on synonyms
no negative marking
my friends plz pray for my interview
i am little worried about it.
good luck 4 ur exam

Parul Sharma
