Whole-Testpaper |   21472



hi friends i m vijay desai....... i answered infosys test on 16 dec 2006 at jd academy in pune
there two sections  REASONING & ENGLISH
section 1:reasoning
1)8 doctors A B C D E F G H,visting a hospital for 8 days i.e monday to sunday
-but monday is a holiday so no doc visits da hospital
-eadition like no one visits before A n after H
-doctorsch doc visits for 1 hour on normal day but on saturday they visit for half an hour as saturday is a half day
-some con visits from 9.00 am to 6pm
-there is lunch break from 1 to 2
-some condition like D visits after E
and two more conditions similar to that questions:
-when will c visit if duration of each visit and the lunch break is reduced by 15 min and four more questions......sorry friends i dont remember those. but the problem is very easy if you solve it by making a rough table and than use the conditions

2)5 questions on logical deduction which are very easy if you solve R.S.Agarwal (VERBAL NON VERBAL) LOGIC chapter
    for god study that chapter perfactly n also those 9 rules as it help u to solve the problems in no time

3)data interpretation problem which i attempted last and could solve properly but just guesed it as there are no negative markings

4)1 puzzle on like ....1 lady plans to hire some servants which come to work at her place from minday to friday......and 5 question on it
  i dont remember the problem but you can solve it if you practice puzzle chapter from r.s.agarwal

5)5series problem 3 of which are very easy ..u can find these in series chapter of r.s agarwal
so for logical part just study r.s agarwal and attempt data interpretation problem last and that will see you through the logical section

section 2:ENGLISH
there are 2 big passages at the start of it,which are very scary so i directly went for the last question which was 5 questins on sentence completion which were easy if know little bit about english grammer like verbs,tenses etc
there were 5 questions on finding the correct sentences which were easy too
there were 5 questins on finding the incorrect sentence whic were also easy

so friends for english i had  not done any preparation but i recommend u people to go through some basic english grammer thats just to be on the safer side results were  at 3 pm and by gods grace i cleared the test and was actually surprised to see my name on the list...
friends please keep faith in god and respect your elders that does help ........

my slot of interview was at 12:00 pm but it started at 2:00 pm
there was only one round of interview n there were two people and it was just a simple HR interview.
There were questions like who is your role model?
what is your comment on ganguly's comeback ti indian cricket team?
they also asked me 1 simple puzzle which was
   1 frog in 30m deep well he takes a jump of 3m durin the day but at night he drops back by 2m so which day will he be out of the well.....
my answered was 28th day but he said it is 27th day.. i dont know how but my approach  was correct which i told them when they asked me told to explain how i got the answered..
so friends durin the interview they just look how confident you are and you communication skills
there were some questions on attitude and your skills but that can depend upon you.
so friends please pray for me..i need that.....
BEST OF LUCK to you people who are going to answer infosys test in the near future...hope we meet in infosys...
