Whole-Testpaper |   21919





Section 1:logical reasoning(30 q 40 mins)

Q: There r 11 players.Each player scores prime no of goals.their avg of goals in some tournament was given.No player scores goals more than 45.No player has no of goals scored equal to any other player or equal to the avg.

5 q on it like..

1)max no of goalz scored by any player??

2)min no of goalz scored by any player??.......

  This was, i thnk the toughtest in this section 

Q:Next 5 were frm odd figure out type

very easy solve these 1st. 5 marks r for sure. 

Q11-15:data sufficiency..reasy 1s

Q16-20 data interpretation

Q:21- 25family tree was given.in puzzle form n their professions.n 5 qs like

how many females r there in d family?

this was like d puzzle test frm R s Aggrawl..bt a diff 1

Q:26 to 30  frm Syllogism

these r very easy

to b very quick read the statmnts 1s and make a rough idea

n then go by options.ull definitely find an option matching urguess


Section 2:verbal reasoning(40 qs 30 mins)

there r 1st two RCs .very easy 1s.dont leave it they seem to b lengthy bt easy to comprehend.So do attempt both at any cost.
then i guess there r 10 questions on correct the sentences.b perfect wid articles ,prepositions,tenses n dats all u need to crack it.i did RCs n all these chapters frm CAT notes frm IMS.

the sentences r lengthy..almost 4 to 5 lines each.so if u attend 1 u hav to read that sentense+4 options.So almost 20 lines for 1 q.U hav to b extraordinarily quick.Dont go for each n evry option.Read the options randomly.most of the mistakes r related to tenses nd sentence  


 Few qs on deriving conclusions  frm passages.(I don’t rembr a sequence of these qs so jst giving d types of qs)

Then there r some q to find the correct option to fill in d blank.dont rembr how many of them were there.

thats all i rembr abt d test.


INTERVIEW:The very next day at corporate office at Nariman PT Mumbai.

at arnd 2 pm ..he was an old man

Me: may i come in sir?

HE:yes,please.(soon as i entered he took out my form n noticed i was not wearing my specs)

R u d same person..he asked..

ME:yes sir,photographer said ,flash might get reflected frm d glasses,so i dint wear it.

HE:hav a seat

Me:thank u .Good afternoon sir.(i shud hav said this a bit earlier)

He:Tell me abt yourself.

Me:i told evrythin.(Then he ws qshning where urcoll lies n all d related qs)

HE:urstrong points.

Me:hardworking(He interrupted me there)

HE:How do i know?(Here hav a convincing explaination)

HE:urnegative points

Me: if i am d team leader..i somtimes push ppl too hard..i mean i can b lil harsh on them if they r not performing well

HE:harsh??then do u beat them??(Both of us laughed)

ME:not exactly.i dint mean that.I meant i want evry 1 in my group to contribute to a purpose.only then it will b a team .

HE:how will  u overcome urthis shortcoming?

Me:well,ill assign more work to dat person whos not standing up to the mark.

He:if hes still not not doing well.

ME:then i hav to adopt out d box strategy nd it may not  b advisable to b personal to any1 at urworkplace bt if it works for me i thnk i shud  talk to him in person n try to understand d prob wid him.

He:wat will u do exactly??

ME:ill arrange d meeting.Put this prob in front of them .It may b d case that samoe r not good at wat work they hav been assigned.so ill try to rotate the work.n see if dat gives d result.(He was pretty much impressed.This i guess was a situation reaction test for me.)

He:wat does urfather do??

Me:i told.bt then he again started digging d sub

HE:hav u evr helped urfather in his business??



Me: i told.(Bt he dint stop there he went on askin me some cases that r typical in my fathers business,how do u handle such customer,what will u suggest customer in that case etc.He was again satisfied.he was perhaps checkin how keen im at knowing d work at my hand.So b sure of wat u r talkin.do not lie, u r in trouble otherwise)

HE:dont u think urmother shud enjoy her life?go to watch a movie

Me:yes i do

HE:bt u dont allow her to go out..

Me:itz not like dat..d time demands her to b at home ..dats all

He:how long she needs to do for u guyz...u hav grown up nw..u shud make her enjoy her life nw..n take responsibilities(He was smiling while saying all these so was i)

ME:hmm...she'll definitely enjoy it..when ill join infosys..(both of us smiled)

He:u wont b here (Mumbai) then.


HE:how good r u at Maths??

Me:ok ..i mean good

He :good or vry good

ME:good...bt ill try to do my best

He:tell me 1000+1000







Me:n i made a blunder...i said 3000..d very net moment i realized ...itz 2100(It seems easy here bt wen u r in d interview room u alwayz think of givin r best..n this happens then.b ready for such traps they hav many of them ready.i asked same q to 2  pll wen i was out .result was same)

HE:ok tell me 5+5+5=??

Me: 15

HE:no i say itz 550.how??(rembr they wont ask u d puzzles in very plain manner.so try to decode the puzzle right way.it is quite obvious dat by anylogic 5+5+5 cant be 550.after saying evrything.he said )

u can use 1 straight line anywhere on d left side of d = sign.u ant make = sign as not equal to)

Me:(i was staring at it)n i got it in jst 5 to 6 seconds

       Just make any one of d + sign as  4.so ans is 545+5=550

He:good.now tell me ans to this.Divide 100 into 2 parts such that one is multiple of 47 and another is multiple of 17.(This was d language he used.bt if u go by this ull end up wid nothing.i tried it as both d parts r of 1000. bt then he gave me that in equation form as ---*47+----*19=1000 .again i tried bt i cudnt.he stopped me)dont give up

He:tell me abt urextra activities in coll or at home.

Me:n i had alott to speak on.bt unfortunately he was interrupting all d time.i cudnt focus him on many of my achievmnts coz of dat

He:solve dat puzzle.b4 going to bed today itself.i hav noted down ur no.i may ring back anytime n ask u whether u hav solved it or not.

Me:yes sir ill definitely solve it.(nodding my head positivly i confirmed..iz 47 n 19 right sir..he said sir)

He:any qs

Me:i jst overlooked on infy site Microsoft n Infy collaboration.wat is dat abt??

He:ull get to know abt all these things wen ull b at infy.right nwthink abt getting into infy(so my advice will b not to ask ne such q)

He:thank you

Me:thank you so much sir.


be confident nd b genuine.Know wat urtalkin.dont go wid any preplanned thoughts in urmind.they can ask anything.results r not yet declared.they said after 4 to 5 weeks theyll contact a selected 1s. 

here  r few more puzzles which my frnz were  asked

1)there r two rods on d tablein a room.u hav no other source to know which 1 is magnet.how will u find which 1 is mag then??

Ans :chk wid the pole movemnt wen u move nother rod close  to d rod on d table.accordingly u can find out.

2)cost of 1 saree n blouse together is 110 Rs.cost of saree is 100 more than cost of blouse.waT r their individual prices.

Ans is 105 n 5

3)u will b given 1 blank paper.wat can u do wid this.condition is u cant type on it or write on it.

Ans:make a plane out of it....n the most expected was ...tear it apart n throw it away.(He said ths is wat i was expecting)
