Whole-Testpaper |   15558



Hi, everyone preparing for INFOSYS. here i would try 2 give u the whole question paper and also an insight of the Hr round.

CRIETERIA:- 65% in 10,12,B.Tech/MCA  with a relaxation in any one from 10,12,B.Tech/MCA.

At about 10 a.m the ppt. started which was nice. It provided the whole intro of the company which followed  an audio+video  presentation too n that was really awesome. U have to fill a form before taking the wriiten test in which u have 2 fill in ur personel details and also the aggrgate marks out of the total marks along with the % of 10,12,B.Tech/MCA. So I advice u to keep ur documents handy as u hav 2 fiil in a lot of details.

Keep a passport colour photograph also as its attached in the form.

Prepare the following things 4 cracking Infosys paper(Analytical)All is in R.S Agarwal Verbal n Non-Verbal and D.I. in Aptitude R.S.

1st paper is of following(35 ques.)
1.     Data Interpretation(2 ques.)
2.     Picture Series(5 ques.)
3.     Data Sufficiency(5 ques.) 
4.     Syllogism(5-6 ques.)
5.     Logical Reasoning(1 ques.)
6.     Puzzles from R.S.Agarwal Verbal n Non-Verbal

2nd paper is of English (40 ques. Total)
1.    2 passages (10 ques.)
2.    Fill in the blanks
3.    Sentence Corrections.

Time is really very less 4 eng. paper so start it from back and do the passages afterwards. No Negative marking in both papers.
Some of the questions I remember are:-
Q1.   2 friends hired a piece of land and invested money in ratio of 3:1. They harvested coconuts and lemon in ratio of 2:1.Lemon trees were 100. In 1996 the profit was 28,000.In 1998, it was 5% of the total amount(I dont rem. it full). (Aptitude R.S.)
5 ques. followed it
Q2.    4 figures and next was to be found which completed the series.(R.S Agarwal Verbal n Non-Verbal )
Q3.    Data Sufficiency of Mathematical types.
Q4.    Ram,Shyam,Rajesh r frnds.They r engg. ,doctor ,teacher not in that order. they married Ria ,Sita,Gita not in that order
(5 ques. followed. very easy one) (R.S Agarwal Verbal n Non-Verbal )
Q5.    Syllogisms   All cloud is white No sky is blue.   4  These  type of ques. just learn the 9 rules and u will certainly do it.  ( R.S Agarwal Verbal n Non-Verbal)

Now the Eng part
If u r good at eng. then u won't hav any probs doing it.Anyways if u could get some cat material u may practice from it.

At our college result was declared at 5 p.m. and 138 were students qualified from nearly 450-500 students. I was also selected and the next  round is HR. Remember there is no Tech. round in it ,just a HR round.

Generally it was a cool experience.Some of my frnds HR lasted 4 just 8-10 min.But mine lasted for 35 min.Questions are:- 
Q1.  Tellme something about urself.
A-    I told him but he said what else? Then I gave my family background. he asked what else?  I told my strengths.Again what else? My hobbies........What else?
Then I told him about my projects and said sir I think that's it.He smiled and said O.k. I think he was testing my Patience and confidence.
Here I would like 2 tell that my tell me abt urself  lasted for 18-20 min. but generally its not so. But always expect d unexpected :-)

Q2.  What good books hav u read in last 1 year?
Q3.   How do ur enemies/friends describe u?
Q4.   U hav mentioned in ur resume that u r creative  giv me 2 examples
Q5.   7 news of last 1 month?
Q6.   In latest MCD polls how much did BJP and CONGRESS scored?
Q7.   Why should I hire u?
Q8.   Mergers in steel market(Tata-Chorus,Mittal-Arcelor)
Q9.   Any other merger other than steel(Hutch -Vodafone)
Q10. Something u ask from me?
Q11.  How did u felt when India lost to Bangladesh?
I don't remember but there were 2-3 more questions.

Learn all the states-capitals and names of imp.ministers of india and capitals of some neighbouring countries and try to summarize news of last 1 month.

The result was declared at  11.15 p.m. and I was a lucky one to get selected. Through the entire day and until the whole procedure was carried out till the result was declared a very dear friend of mine stayed with me and prayed 4 my selection. I m very thankful to him as without his support and motivation I wouldn't b able 2 believe in myself.       and......................yes he was also selected in Infosys.

So just Hav confidence and believe in urself.

