Whole-Testpaper |   13709



Hi, friends this is Amit Kumar Singh a student of (ECE) F.E.T, G.K.V., Haridwar and now also an Infosyian. I got selected for Infosys through the Pool placement done by it, at COER, Roorkee on 5th and 6th of January. Here I am mentioning about my experience during the whole placement process.

On the first day, first of all they gave the presentation which was really very great and very well presented. After that the aptitude test was held which started something around 12:40pm and was of 1hr 15min duration consisting of two undermentioned parts.

1. Logical and critical reasoning test 30 questions 40 min
2. Verbal reasoning and English test 40 questions 35 min

Logical and critical reasoning test
1-5Q ------- The question was based on direction in which a person was moving in different directions and we had to answer few quetions related to that.
2-10Q ----- The questions were figure related in which we had to find the correct figure in sequence.
11-15Q ---
16-20Q --- The question was related to DI in which a table showing number of students in different branches during 6 years were given and we had to answer questions having lot of caculations. So I suggest you to do it at last.
21-25Q --- The question was puzzle type in which 5 peoples A,B,C,D,E lived in 5 consicutive flats and each having vechicles which they parked in garage below their flats. Few conditions were given like no one parks his vehicle just below it and so. We had to answer questions related to it like who parks below E and so on.
26-30Q --- The question was syllogism type. In this 6 statements were given with four combination choices like AFC, ACF etc and we had to find the correct logically related combination.

(I recommend you to just go through R.S. Aggarwal Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning. But prepare well for it. As its one of the deciding factors in clearing Aptitude test.)

Verbal reasoning and English test
1 ---- There were two paragraphs. It will take time so attempt them at last.
2 ---- There were questions on sentence correction in which we had to find correct replacement for underlined part in passage.
3 ---- There were questions on finding the correct sentence among 4 given sentences.
4 ---- There were questions on filling up the blanks with suitable grammatical words.
5 ---- There were questions related to theme dectecion from a small passage.

(The questions are generally easy and related to basic grammar, just once go through prepositions, tenses, verbs, adjective and subject-verb relationship from any grammar book, Wren & Martin preffered. Also go through few theme detection and passage comprehension type questions given in Barron's GRE or any other MBA preparation material. But its all easy not much preparation is required.)

The results of Aptitude was declared at around 5:30pm in which 340 students were selected from around 1200 students of different colleges. From our college 34 were selected among 120 students. I was one among the selected students for HR. We were told to come on following day for our HR interview at 8:00am.)

HR Interview
We were initially made to sit in a room from where we were directly taken before HR for interview around 11:30am. Inspite of preparing a lot I was feeling a lack of preparation before entering for interview but in the end everything went well for me. Here I am describing my enconter with HR.

HR - Amit Kumar Singh.
I - May I come in sir.
HR - Yes come in.
(He stood up and shaked hand with me)
I - Good afternoon sir.
HR - Good afternoon, Okay! Amit give me a copy of your resume.
(I gave a copy of resume.He took my signature at few places and then gone through my resume.)
HR - Okay! Amit you have mentioned about a project on BUS ARBITER WITH MEMORY(which is my project) in your resume.
I - Yes sir.
HR - Explain about the project along with your contribution in the project and the result of it.
I - Introduction.....................Actually sir, in today's world there is growing demand of fast processing for which multiprocessors are used. And for power saving a single memory is used utilising single memory.........................................................few technical details...................................it is having 2 components bus arbiter and SRAM..........................................my contributionin in project development........................................Our instructor gave the initial idea about Bus Arbiter. We then collected information about it from internet and refrence books...........................
HR - Why are you mentioning WE ? Who are WE here ?
I - Actually Sir I did the project in group of two.
HR - Okay! then what was your contribution in project development and who was leader among you two?
I - I gathered initial idea of project from all possible sources. Then I designed the components with the help my instructor. I also encorporated a change by interfacing SRAM with Bus Arbiter..............................................We both did project in group and both of us contributed equally for it.
HR - But there has to be a director, a leader of group, who was he in your group?
I - I did most of works but my partner supported actively and very well to me.
HR - So, you did most of the work .
I - Yes sir
HR - Okay! how did you kept yourself updated during the project?
I - I used internet and refrence books suggested by our instructor.(just tell name of any book)
HR - Whether the books were textbooks?
I - Actually sir, I have attended VLSI traning programme through VHDL programming. So, there were no textbooks or so.
HR - Suppose you are struck in any problem and you are not getting out of it. Then what will be your approach to solve the problem, tell me the steps you will try to solve the problem?
I - I will first of all analyse the problem the problem on my personal level. Actually sir I am in a habbit of analysing and thinking about all my day to day activities before going to bed.

If then also I did not find the solution to my problem I will consult to some other person who will be having more knowledge regarding the problem and try to solve the problem.

If then also I did not find the solution, then i will leave the problem (HR interrupted)

HR - What you will leave the problem in between?
I - No, sir actually I will not leave the problem completely but not let it affect my other works. I will keep doing my other works and try solving the problem side by side. And I am vey much sure that one day I will find the solution to the problem.
HR - Okay! do you have any question to ask?
I - I have heard that you provides the best training in India, Is there any prerequisite knowledge you expect your emplooyes to have before training?
HR - (Explained) Any more questions to ask?
I - No sir.
HR - Thank you! Now you can leave.
I - Thank you! sir.
(He again stood to shake hand with me. Then I left the room.)

After interview we were made to sit in a room for around 1hr 30min where the tension was creeping inside everyone's mind. Finally we got our results announced by chief HR at around 1:30pm and my name was announced too along with 17 other students of my college.

My friends, I want to suggest you all that the major factors deciding your selection are your confidence and your communication skills. And clearing aptitude makes 60% of your selection which is increased considearbly by having good communication skills.

So, friends just try to clear your aptitude test by any means (especially friends cooperation),but remember hard work is must and try to improve your communication skills. I am very much sure that you will make it upto Infosys and even if you don't make it upto Infosys, remember one thing that its only India's number one not the world's number one.

