Whole-Testpaper |   11828



Hi Friends, I am Sourav Kundu, 3rd Year Computer Science and Engineering, from Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering, Bankura and I am proud to be so. I have got selected in Infy through a pooled campusing and I want all of u to be my Friend there.
At the Very Beginning let me make u very clear about the fact that the Ques pattern of Infy have changed totally, and to some extent puzzles free. Their will be a single set.
First Part Reasoning:- It consisted of 6 sections of 5 ques each and 30 ques to be solved in 40 min.
It consisted of following Sections:-
1. Puzzle on classification from RS agarwal.
2.Ques on finding next image from given sequence.
3. Data sufficiency.
4. Data Interptation.
6.Puzzle on Blood relation from RS Agrawal

Puzzles were of Type:..... A,B,C,D,E three persons having dogs Jim,Con,Tom.... having freinds X,Y,Z,F,G and their doctors were h,j,k,l,v........etc.

Five condition were given like:- Jim is not A's dog, Y is D's Friend....etc.
Now Five Questions were their from the above hints.It was very time killing and I did it at the end.

Data interpretation was a Pie chart along with a table.It was fairly very easy.
100% can be scored from Data Sufficiency part: include ages,average,Time dist,Blood Relation.
The rest sections were easy too, preparing R.S. Aggarwal will be more than enough.

Second Part English:-
Next was English Test. In that there were 40 ques to be solved in 35 min.

1. 5  long paragraphs including Comprehension.
2. 5 short paragraphs.
3.7-8 ques on Filling the Blank/Completing sentence.
4. 7-8 ques on Sentense correction.
5. 7-8 ques on deriving conclusions from given paragraph.
6. 5 ques on finding best alternative for underlined sentence.

7. 6-7 ques of Type Like:---- All bangles are ring,all rings are not diamond,...etc
 Then which of the Statements are correct:- All rings are Diamond....etc.

Paragraphs were too big, I didn't have much from the paragraphs, one of the was on Evalution of OS,Windows,Dos,Macintosh,etc. Sentence correction part,etc. were too easy. Catagory &. as stated above can be scored fully.

PPT:- 0ne hour, It was excellent.

HR Interview:-
It was one of the most easiest round and eliminating too....Once you get nervous, you are gone...

I entered the room with a wonderful smile and the person came out of his seat and aplauded me heavily saying "What a wonderful smile Gentleman". I almost got through at the First site.

They may give U small brain teasers,like I was given:-- I ate 100 rasgullas for the past 5 days, each day i ate 6 rasgullas more than the previous day. 2day is the 5th day and i have completed 100 sweets.How many did i eat yesterday.

The are definitely going to ask U to speak on Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for 2mins. Then I was asked to compare him with Daud Ibrahm.

At the middle he told me that "You haven't impressed me. I give you a last chance, you have 2 mins, now impress me".My communication was very good, I have given all the questions confidently. So I understood he was trying to make me nervous. But I then boomeranged him with a puzzle and he said "Bravo, Bravo...".
From small questions they will go on testing your presence of mind. No trace of technical is there in the whole procedure.

Written is the most vital,once it is clear, U R 90% placed.

I have also been selected by L&T Infotech.
