Whole-Testpaper |   16460



Hi, I am Saion Chakrabarti from Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology(TECHNO GROUP) and participated in the Campus recruitment drive by Infosys at Techno India.

The campus recruitment drive consisted of three parts:
i>a ppt presentation

ii>Written test

iii>HR interview

The Infosys written test consisted of two parts:

1>Arithmetic and Logical reasoning

1.A cube of 10 cm side was painted with a black border of width 1 cm on all its sides…the rest of the part on the surface of the cube was painted blue…now the cube was cut into 1000 parts…

a>how many cubes were uncoloured{options were given}

nd likewise questions followed{sorry am not able to remember thm}

2.Figure out the odd figure: 
simple ones {refer:RS AGGARWAL ,non-verbal reasoning,chapter:SERIES,yeah the pictorial ones}

3.a table consisting of the production of rice nd wheat from 1986 to 1996 was given nd questions followed like:
a>ratio of rice production in the year 1989  between the North zone and the west zone.
b>find the max. percentage increase in wheat production  compared to previous year. Nd likewise questions followed.

4.The question was a PUZZLE….it was something of the genre:-“There r 6 houses on both sides of a road.3 in each row.House A is of green colour nd is beside house F which is just opposite to B……..” now questions followed like:  
which house is the yellow house,which house is located in the middle nd so on..{Practising the the first two chapters on PUZZLES frm RS AGGARWAL is more than needed}

5.The questions were on syllogism.we had to find out which were logically correct.{My suggestion is not to mug up those laws or even go for those venn diagrams..just go by urgut feeling nd use common sense} 

1.There were two big paragraphs,nd questions were asked from them..try them at last bcause they r easy but time consuming.

2.rest were on basic grammar like sentence correction,choosing the right option tht makes the sentence grammatically correct nd so on…{wht I feel is that U don’t need to practice this section,it’s just a test of the English tht u hve learnt frm ur nursery classes}

Well 52 students frm our college cleared the aptitude test..nd the HR was held soon after.
Heres an excerpt of my Interview:
ME: May I come in Sir.

INTERVIEWER: yeah Saion come in nd sit down.

Now tell me something about urself,urbackground etc.

ME: said.

INTERVIEWER: so U were into a lot of xtra curricular activities.wht were u into?

ME :sports ..specially long jump nd 100 m nd did a lot of stage-acting at inter-school level.

INTERVIEWER: so how many minutes u used to take to run 100m.

ME: around 11sec.

INTERVIEWER: wow,thts good u could easily go for the Asian record,by the way whts the Asian record?

ME: well,the world record is about 9.74 sec,but sorry sir I don’t remember the Asian record.

INTERVIEWER: wht abt the acting?
ME: sir it was nothing much serious,it was more pomp than acting,we had a dramatic club in school nd we enacted topics tht were given to us nd we also did a play called “Saving Private Gyan” whch was a spoof on “Saving Private Ryan”

INTERVIEWER: U also said tht u love reading books,wht was the last book tht u read?

ME: all quiet on the western front.

INTERVIEWER: aaaah,All Quiet on The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque…so is it on World War 1 or World War 2?

Me: World War 1 sir!!

Interviewer: so how does the book start.

Me: said

INTERVIEWER: does it start that way??or does it start “he had fallen forward and lay on the Earth as though sleeping…”

ME: it’s the last line sir.{with a smile}

INTERVIEWER: Ok,u have read it.Now I have a small problem for U..say if u take a gas balloon to moon wht will happen to it?

ME: since theres no atmosphere or air in moon the balloon is not going to rise,but since theres gravity,less than tht compared to Earth, the balloon will start falling at a brisk pace compared to earth.

Interviewer: If theres no air or pressure on moon then why will the ballon not keep on xpanding?
ME :then the membrane of the balloon will burst

INTERVIEWER: let it burst.. why will it not burst? {nd an argument followed}

INTERVIEWER: ok leave the balloon..U come frm a civil engineering background,why do u want to come to the IT sector?

ME: gave a short speech whch I had prepared with things like “who doesn’t want to join Infosys”…..”I want to b a part of the IT revolution tht has placed Indiaback on the world map as a economy” nd so on..

INTERVIEWER :is the IT industry still growing as it used to b?

ME: No,everything is not good in the IT sector bcause of the rising rupee but every industry has its ups nd downs nd I believe tht the IT industry will b able to triumph over the difficulties.
INTERVIEWER: so tell me wht subjects did u have?

ME: said

INTERVIEWER: so whats a rebar?
ME: the iron rods used in RCC r called rebars.

INTERVIEWER: whts the full form

ME: reinforcement bars

INTERVIEWER: why do asbestos sheets have a wavy structure?.

ME: said

INTERVIEWER: say u were to find out how many razors r used in India,what will u do?

ME: Iwill send some ppl to the razor factories nd get the data of how many razors they r selling

INTERVIEWER: say if they don’t provide the data.

ME: hmm..then I will hve to conduct a survey by taking a small sample space nd how many razors r being used nd the population of tht area..now I multiply it by the total population nd get an estimated data by taking into consideration various socio-economic factors J{he he}
INTERVIEWER :any other way u cud do it?

ME: I don’t think it could be done in any other way in a vast country like India.

INTERVIEWER: ok correct this form nd sign it.{I wrote same as above in my permanent address section}…now as I was correcting he asked me to name some African countries simultaneously while correcting the form….I started with Nigeria,Kenya….nd ended with Zaire nd Zimbabwe.

INTERVIEWER: wht was the previous name of Zimbabwe?


Interviewer: of Zaire?

ME: Tanganika J

Interviewer.. TANGANAIKA…r u sure…??
ME: No,sir tht was a guess.{for the ignorants like me:the answer is Congo}

Now he gave me a puzzle of some container containing 3 litres of water nd another 5 litres of water..which I was unable to solve but showed a lot of zeal to solve J

Now he started asking me questions on my school..like wht was the motto of urschool{whch I didn’t remember}nd so on.

And then he asked me wht newspaper do I read..nd cite some news of the last few days…nd then we had a discussion on the mob brutality in Asansol.

Last question was:
INTERVIEWER: how was the English paper ?

ME: Easy sir!!

Interviewer: So wht do u mean by “cold shouldering a person”

ME: Ignoring a person.

Interviewer: OK,Best of Luck Saion.
ME: Thank U sir.

Now there was long wait of 4hrs till our results were declared…about 34 from our college got selected{including me of course}..nd we were asked to get a passport,nd not get a backlog nd not get involved in some criminal offence before joining Infosys.

OK thts it…. best of luck to everybody..nd thnks for going through this long article.{whch also improved my typing speed}.
