General - other |   4207

General - other


well infosys written test was divided into 2 parts
1.reasoning ability 40 questions 40 minutes
2.english 40 questions 35 minutes

Reasoning Ability
1.Blood relation problem  questions based on that
2.Puzzle(Rs Aggrawal Type)  questions based on that
3.Picture series  questions (a little tricky)
4.Data sufficiency

Tips for reasoning test
a) Syllogism- Best book for this topic is MK Pandey In Previous papers rules were not required. m But in our exam qus required use ofrules
like A+A=A.So learn them
b)No need of doing shakuntala devi puzzles for written test. But if u have covered RS Aggarwal then u can do it to enhance your analytical ability.I didn't.
C)For blood relation problem try doing by making family tree.Then it will be easier to answer all quns based on that problem with great
d)Picture series-Also do water images and mirror images

English Test
2 long passages for comprehension
7-8 small passages for theme detection
correct usage.4 sentences were given out of that 1 sentence was to b
 chosen which was grammatically correct.
fill in the blank with appropriate sentence

Tips for english
it's only speed that matters.U should be fast in reading and
accurate in comprehension.

Final tips for written test
1.Visit at atleast 10-15 papers provided by students on
2.Cover all the topics mentioned by students on these site both for  english as well as reasoning
3.Have confidence.Don't let expectations overcome your real strength

It was on the same day after written test results were announced.
There were six panels.
1.Asking about hardware only
2.Asking all current affairs and general knowledge
 a)chief minister of Rajasthan
 b)how many inches in feet,cms in inches
3.other were normal of my friend was asked-who is chairman of dda bcoz her fathr works thr
4.mainly they check for confidence,presence of mind
  a)qns like what is the temperature of room
  b)how can u find height of this room
5.Some panelist even asked simple puzzles
Mine was really cool.
Just 2-3 thing from my resume.about hobbies.why u did job(i had job  experience).About family background.What ur sister plannnig for
 future. Lastly any questions for me.
Main thing is your confidence and body language.
Most important be original,know yourself well.

For every thing u have done in your past and going to do in future u should be able to give appropriate reasons.don't write copied or fake hobbies.that's only the key to success.Rest is all luck.

Good luck.
