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General - other


Hi friends, I am Piyush Gaur from JIIT Noida. INFOSYS came to our campus on 12th and 13th of March. Three colleges participated namely JIIT Noida, JUIT Waknaghat(Solan) and JIET Guna.

No. of students appeared:
JIIT - 470
JUIT - 280
JIET - 183

No. of students selected after written test:
JIIT - 320
JUIT - 160
JIET - 70

No. of students finally selected:
JIIT - 293 (I was luckily among them :-))
JUIT - 140
JIET - 41

Guys I think most of you must be knowing what Infosys and who all eligible (infact everybranch is eligible, one just have to clear that % criteria).
Eligibility Criteria -  60% X 60% XII and 60% in all previous semesters. (For B.Tech only,MCA and M.Tech students do consult your TPO)

Now before the written test there was a presentation in that we were told that try getting atleast 20 correct in both Analytical & Logical Reasoning section as well as Verbal section. There is no funda like upper cut off and no negative marking so attempt all the questions.

At that time only the person told us that they are expecting around 500 selections so that was something which really gave us confidence.

LOGICAL REASONING PART Questions: 30      Time: 40 mins
Ques 1-5. It was a puzzle test on 7 people (A,B,C,D....G) playing cards. 100 cards were there distributed equally among them then there were some transactions like A got 5 cards from E etc etc.... something like this. Ques 6-10. All question were based on finding odd one out from the given figures. All were easy.
Ques 11-15: Then came the Syllogisms 6 statements were given namely A,B,C,D,E & F. Then from the options we were to find which of them follow. Eg. options are 1. ABD 2. BEF 3. BDE 4.
ACF 5. None of these. So work in a reverse manner i.e from Answer to question.
Ques 16-20: A Data Interpretation question usually while solving the RS Agarwal you wont find them difficult but this one was not that easy. 2 graphs were given (both of them were line graphs) one was Liabilities as expenditure on safety mining. Another was percentage increase in liabilities per year. Language of the question was not that easy it demanded 2-3 readings. One ques I found to be bouncer type.
Ques 21-25: Another puzzle was there this one was pretty simple than the previous one. Can be found in RS Agarwal Verbal and Non-Verbal. 6 aspirants were there preparing for bank examination RBI, ICSB and Andhra Bank. 3 males and 3 females with the given information make a table then apply logic to complete it.
Ques 26-30: Then came the Data Sufficienct part again it was easy I think only one of them was bouncer type rest all were fine and easy.

AFTER A BREAK OF 5 MINUTES next paper is distributed of:
VERBAL PART       Questions: 40          Time: 30 mins
There were 2 passages for reading comprehension both were easy. There there were sentence correction type questions those were also fine. Then came the fill in the blanks. Then there were questions in which we were asked to find grammatical mistakes that was also quite easy.
Overall verbal section was easy than the logical aptitude section. This is what I felt and my other friends. Results were declared after 3 hours. Then Interviews started since due to large no. of selections most of the interviews were taken on the following day i.e. 13th or march.

This one was mine Interview:
Piyush: Good Afternoon sir
Interviewer: Good afternoon, have a seat.
P: Thank you sir
I: So u r from biotech, y did u opted for it most of the girls opt for this field:
P: No sir its not like that its just the matter of interest and I found biotech a diff. and upcoming field.
I: What type of career u r expecting from biotech.
P: Sir if I had to pursue my career in biotech only then i'll opt for Bioinformatics.
(Then he had a breif look at my resume)
I: Ok tell me what all you learned from ur last project?
P: Blah Blah Blah Blah...
I: Have u done any group project?
P: Yes Sir
I: What difficulties u faced in that?
P: Blah Blah Blah Blah...
I: What is the source of your information for latest technology?
P: Newspapers, Magzines, Internet etc..
I: Which newspaper do u read?
P: The Times of India
I: On which page do u find the news regarding latest technology?
P: Sir on Times Trends
I: Which is the last news u read related to upcoming technology?
P: News I read just 2-3 days ago.
I: Ok fine Piyush. Do u want to ask any questions?

Now this is the conclusion part it is very important always ask aleast a question. I asked two and he became very frank while answering them. Guys this the complete story of Infosys from my side. After clearing the written one thing is sure that u r 90% selected 10% depends on interview just dont spoil it. Answer questions nicely and avoid answering in only Yes or NO.

All the best!!
Piyush Gaur
