Interview-other |   823



Hey friendz…. Hello every I am Anoop Badhwar , Friendz I had the infy placement paper on 12th feb n I want to share my experience with you….

Paper Pattern:
U have to do 35 ques in 40 mins, araam se ho jaate hai….. yaar do R.S. Aggarwal as much as u can…

Some main topics are…..
>1st of all do all the 7 types of puzzles in R.S. Aggarwal verbal wali book
<!->Data sufficiency wale ques
<!-->Then some simple ones like train, time n work, interests, Data interpretation, numbers …. Itna bahut hai apti part k liye…

Guyz…. This part is lengthy … 40 ques in 30 mins L  Friendz truly saying, I don’t know english much… n I think for students like me, english was tough… some important ques were
>2 R.C. ( my advice is that do them at last if u’ll have time because these are time consumings… )
>5 fill ups for prepositions
>Most important n maximum ques were like u have to conclude suitable solution by reding passage…. These are little bit tricky….. but ho jate hai  

Now when u have cleared the written exam…. You are 90% in Infosys

Interview Pattern:
Next comes the interview part, it is not difficult at all…. Any one can make it… be confident n most important, be what u r…. plz dnt bluff… know urself.. prepare each ques that they can ask…. Major funda to go thru is be cool… don’t be confused  

Ya, also they ask some puzzles of shakuntala devi in interview… simples one but use some logic  

My interview:
>May I cum in mam
She- ya, sum in
>Very good morning mam
She- good morning, have a seat
Me- thank u mam n took my seat
She- introduce urself?
Me- said….
She- how can u say that u r positive
Me- said
She- tell me about ur extra circullar activities
Me- told about my play n others
She- what was the play about n ur role
Me- told
She- why not studying in chd
Me- told
She- ok, ur hobby is travelling, where have u gone????
Me- told
She- favourite place n why???
She- finally I wanna give u one puzzle( there are 4 men each have their own speed to walk, there is a bridge, A can cross in 2 mins, b can cross in 4 mins, C can cross in 7 mins & D can cross in 12 mins. U have to send two person at one time with a torch n then one will cum back n again two will go n so on… adjust them in pairs so that minimum time is consumed)

Friendzz…. After 30 mins, result was declared n that day I was the most happiest person on the earth….. I will celebrate 13th feb always instead of 14th feb…

One most important thing is….. Pray to GOD… GOD can do anything, he gives birth to miracles…. Believe that GOD is with u….
