Interview-other |   12742



Vivek Shrivastava, Fifth Semester, Ujjain Engg College, Ujjain.
The selection procedure for Infosys consist of just two parts: Written exam and HR round. The eligibility criteria was 60%+ in 10th and 12th, and 65%+ in B.E. The exam was conducted in M.I.T. Ujjain. 90+ students appeared from my college U.E.C. Ujjain.

Written Exam (sectional cutoff was there):
1. Aptitude(30 questions, 40 minutes):
No special preparation required for this part, I had previously solved R.S Aggarwal's Quantitative Analysis and i easily solved 20+ questions, to be sure solve R.S. Aggarwal's verbal&non verbal (i haven't seen that book).
Q1.) 5 questions on a question dealing with five numbers, you have to put the condition and find the five values.
Q2.) 5 quest were based on figures in which we have to find the odd one
Q3.) 5 ques. were based on data sufficiency.
Q4.) 5 ques. were on line graph. (Data Interpretation)
Q5.) 5 ques. were based on syllogism.
and five other questions.
Over all aptitude section was logical and easy. I think the cutoff was around 20 out of 30.
2. English(40 questions, 35 minutes):
There were two very lengthy passages which were quite easy, one was on current issues (could be editorial of TOI etc.) 5+5 questions were asked on passages. Most other parts were on grammar. I didn't studied anything for it. You can refer to any standard book on grammar. While solving make it appoint that you check all the options properly because their is just minute difference between them. This section is the decisive factor coz the first section is easily cleared by almost everyone. I think the cutoff was nearly 24+ out of 40.
1) Two RC
2) Replace an underlined sentence with another one which is of the same meaning
from the given 4 alternatives.
3) Fill in the blank with correct alternative.
4) Questions to choose the option which supports/opposes the given passages.
5) Select the correct statement from the set of 4 statements.

After about 2 hours the result of written exam was declared and only 18 of us cleared it. Next the interview began. The one who took my interview was an aged person. Just be confident, positive and prepare well every thing related to your resume and hobby. Two puzzles were asked from me:
1. A bulb is hanging by a rope from the ceiling and it is just touching your head, you need to calculate the height of the room, clock can be used.
sol. Use the formula for time period of pendulum and u will get the length of rope and after adding your height the height of the room can be calculated.
2. A equation in roman numbers was given one movement was allowed so as to balance the equation (I wasn't able to solve  it)

After 1 hr+ the result was declared and 12 of us were finally selected. Clear the written exam and you are through 95% . Just keep smiling and be confident and u will definitely be selected.
All the Best........

