Interview-other |   15219



Hiiiii Friends ,SUYOG here, i attended infy test  on 17 dec at pune ,

there were about 900+ students commenced for the LR+ENGLISH test as u all know pattern is totally changed .......dont do puzzles at all The only one u should go for is ENGLISH that's going to trouble u most
let me tell u about test paper ,
1) the first section is of LR ...
Q1-it was  apuzzule ....a simple one
some thing lik   P Q R S T U V W 8 doctors works 8 days in weak in a charitable hospital frm tue-sunday, monday is a holiday ....and saturday is a half day the timing for work is 9 to 1 in morning ,1-2 is alunch break and 2-6 in evenning r works in 5 to 6 U frm 9 to 10 lik that T works just b fore lunch time and then there were quetions on them
Q2-there were non verbal reasoning question ...figure probs , rather difficult to solve .........go for  RS AGRAWAL start frm question no. 500 ....then u wll get a good command on them
Q3-data sufficiency probs .........simplest section , can b done in 4 minutes  
 how far a is frm b ?
1-a is 60 km frm c
   b is 30 km frm  c
ans -both condition failed  distance can b anything 90 or 30 there fore D
lik dat ,all r simple

Q4-Data interpretation .........very tough  i hav never seen such a prob ......on bar graph there is a variable  lik 'a'...'b' some cond. are given .we haveto find values of variables
Q5 was a puzzule ..............very simple

Q6 was syllgoisms........but of 4 statements

the next section was on english ,40 question in 30 minutes

two [passages followed  by sentence correction , correct prepositon , small passages 1 question on each  passage was simple dont attemt passage in begining .........
and remain one thing ......GOD IS GREAT..............this is simple word but lot of depth in it ........told me by one of my frd....He was absolutely correct .........By Gods grace I cleared Written on 18th i had my interview ......only one HR was there ........there was two interwiever .the interwiew was very cordial they try to ease u out by asking tell me about urself .....they asked my strength , weakness , about gwalior frm where i completed my BE , asked how i lead  a team when i was appointed team leader of school sports team they told me wait for result till 3 weak..........depending on again GOD

HOPE for the best 