General - other |   13578

General - other


Hi, This is Tapan Sood. I have given Infosys written Test on 25th November 2007 in Cambridge School Rajaouri Garden Delhi. Pattern was like this:

Two papers:
1]General Ability test 30 questions, 40minutes.
2]Verbal Ability test 40 questions,35 minutes.

General Ability Test:
This test was very much time consuming.Each question was taking 5 minutes to solve..I had solved about 14 questions in 35 minutes and rest were guesses as there was no negative marking.

1-5 were questions on Dice.
There are six dices,Some conditions are as:
1.)Only three of them should show 4 or more.
2.)Atleast one dice should show six.
Now 1-5 were questions based on these conditions.They were seeming easy but were not so simple.I firstly attempted all these questions.

Now 6-10 were questions of figures. I guess they were some what complex.

7-15 were questions based on data sufficiency. Questions were like questions on ages,seating arrangement etc. They were easy.

15-25 were questions on Data Interperation.They were very much time consuming.

25-30 were questions of Predicate Logic.They were easy.

Verbal Ability Test:
This section was relatively easy. First of all there were comprehensions.They were very much easy,then next there were fill in the blanks.
Result was declared on the same day at about 2:30pm
I had cleared written test.Interview date was on next day.

There were two panels for interview. In one panel there was a lady and a male and in second panel both were males. I was called by second panel. I have done B.Tech. in CSE and currently i am working in Airtel as DSL Engineer. They firstly ask me to introduce myself. I did.They started asking questions regarding communication from me.But when they realized my comuters background then they asked me questions like:
1.What is the unit of memory?
me: Bits,Bytes,Kilobytes,MegaBytes.
2.What is the relation between bits & Bytes?
me:1Byte = 8 bits.
3.How many centimetres are there in an inch?
me: 1 inch = 2.5cmI was feeling like banging my head into wall...what were they asking...Uf
4.Plastic floats in water or dips?
me: without thinking i said floats,then realized that Archimedes principle...oooo..
5.You use gmail, why?
me:Its faster and simpler..Nothing else..I forgot to explain AJAX technology used in gmail & yahoomail beta version.again ooo.
6.How many employees are there in infosys?
Ans: About 2000 in Chandigarh.I guess 40,000 all over India.
They said you were almost right but there are over 70,000 employes in India.
7.Are you not satisfied with Airtel? Why do you want to shift?
Ans:I answered accordingly about my interest in software field etc.
8.Tell us something about Bharti?
Ans: I answered.

Thats it..Do you want to ask something?
I said, "Sir,are you satisfied with my answers?"
They refused to tell anything. They said anything else you wanna ask? I said No.
Then i left.Later on documents were checked (marksheets etc.) and we were told that result will be declared after 2-3 weeks.
Just waiting for that now!!!!!!!
All the best.

Some tips:
1.First of solve those questions in which you are confident and solve them on rough sheet provided to you as they take back rough sheet and check how you have solved questions.I have solved dice questions in rough sheet clearly.
2.Attempt a set of questions first,DI questions, in the same way like dice question was a set of 5 questions,etc.
3.English is very much easy,don't bother,you can clear it easily.
4.For interview,be calm and confident and think for a while before answering.

Thats it guys!!
