General - other |   15284

General - other



Hello friends!!! I attended infosys test on 2nd dec 2007 at Mumbai. The test consists of 2 sections.

1) Logical Reasoning.(30 quest in 40 min)

2) Verbal Ability.(40 quest in 35 min)


Logical section consists of 6 subsections of 5 questions each.

Q1-5) (Puzzel test) the avg of 11 prime no’s less than 45 is also a prime no….

i.  Find the avg?

ii. Which is the min prime no?

iii.Which is the second min no?

iv.Which is the max no?

v. How many no r der greater than 20?


Q6-10) prob on fig. find the odd one out. (It’s very simple)

Like H, I, O, X, F. find the odd fig. Like this…. (Do mirror img nd water img chapters from R.S.Aggarwal verbal non verbal)  


Q11-15) 5 prob based on data sufficiency. This consists of a question followed by two statements containing facts providing clues to solve that quest. We r suppose to find out which statement is/are sufficient to solve ans the quest.

E.g. what is Reena’s rank in the class?
I.  There are 26 students in the class.
II. There are 9 students who have scored less than Reena
Ans: here both the statements r necessary 2 ans the quest.


Q16-20) Data interpretation problems. (Littile time consuming bt easy one. Ref R.S.Aggarwal Quant)    


Q21-25) Prob based on blood relation.The family consistin of three generation der r seven ppl . sudhakar havin 2 grandchild, who is father of amit, is a doc. Sulekha,is a daughter-in-law of shubhra,who is teacher. Mohini is sis of amit…….and there r many such conditions r given nd 5 quest based on it. Like total how many male persons r there in the family? (Easy one)  


Q26-30) Prob based on syllogism. (Ref R.S. Aggarwal verbal n non-verabal Logic chapter) e.g. A. all refils r nibs
B. all nibs r pens
C. no pens r pencils
D. no pencils r nobs
E. all refils r pens
1.ABC        2.BCD     3.BCE           4.ABE         5.ACD
answer: 4  


Section-2 verbal ability

This section consists of:

1) Two RC’s, a very big one n time consuming so attempt them at the end.

2) Replace an underlined sentence with another one which is of the same meaning from the given 4 alternatives.

3) Fill in the blank with correct alternative.

4) Deriving conclusion from small passages.

5) Select the correct statement from the set of 4 statements. One is correct nd some r with little grammatical mistake.


Around 500 candidates were there from which they’ve shortlisted around 140. I was happy to clear the written. Now coming to an interview. The int was held on the next day so we got a chance to prepare for it. But don worry it was jus a personal int. In my panel there were 2 lady HR. Both were very cool n calm. They told me to come in. I greeted them n had my sit.

HR: She asked me for my CV.

(I took it out from my folder n handed over to her)

The other lady then askd me tel me the uses of urfolder except for keeping the documents.

I: said

HR: tell me abt urself?

I: said

HR: tell me abt urshortcomings (weakness)

I: said

HR: tell me abt urfamily?

I: said

HR: How will u react wen der will be disagreement with urfriend? Give an example.

I: said

HR: one lady asked me puzzle. “One day I was on my way to market nd met a man who had 4 wives. Each of them had 4 bags, containing 4 dogs each nd each dog had 4 puppies. So total how many were going to the market?”

I: said quickly only 1 person is going to the market, all others coming from the opposite direction. (She replied “Oh,U r so sharp”. I: Thank u mam)

HR: There r 6 adjacent squares made up of 17 match sticks. Remove 4 match sticks so dat der will remain only 3 squares.

I: said

HR:  what is the other name of the center of a triangle?

I: said.

HR: How many Aptitude tests u have attended till now? N why u r not selected?

I: said

HR: If u got placed in the city other than Mumbai, so will urparents mind it?

I: said.

HR: Any questions from urside?

I: said

HR: Thank u. U may go now.

I: Thank u mam. Have a nice Day.


So friends this was all abt my experience. Go with a confidence n u’ll sail thru it easily. They told us dat we’ll mail u the result after 4-5 weeks. So now waiting for it very eagerly. I’m much tensed now. Friend’s plz pray for me n hope for the best.




