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General - other


Hi frndz...this is Vikash kumar ujjwal 4m MCET,berhampore.... I had undergone recruitment process of Infosys on 9th Feb.  2008 and with god's grace, got selected finally. There were abt 150 students ,out of which only 5 students were selected for HR and only 3 were fortunate to get through...& i was 1 of them...

first f all i wd like to dedicate my success to my parents,my frndz & to all those who wished me luck........

The pattern was somewhat like:
1.logical reasoning (30 ques) 40 min
2.English section (40 ques) 35 min  

For logical reasoning go through RS Aggarwal, even better if u follow cat materials..........

The logical section consisted of the following ques....
1.2 puzzle tests of 10 marks......(just a simple application of brain will do d magic....).
2. 5 figure ques of 5 marks  .its like odd figure out – very easy(  RS AGGARWAL...NON VERBAL SECTION enough).
3.5 ques on data sufficiency .
4.5 ques on logical reasoning or syllogism... (i wd recomnd cat book by Sharma & Upadhyay)...
5. Data interpretation - 5 ques (damn easy)  ......

English section....... it is as follows

1. 2 paragraphs based questions- bit lengthy( a better time management will do........)-10 qns........
2.  5 ques were given  ,each ques carries four options n u have to find the correct sentence – 5 marks

3. Theme detection -7 ques

4.To fill in the blanks with appropriate option. - 8 qns..
5. sentence correction– 10 qns..   

prefer cat materials........ 

Interview is merely a formality,just be what u r...nd i m sure nyone can make it.......They simply check ones comm skill & confidence....may give some puzzles nd situation reactions.....

Just work hard & be honest to urself ultimately u need to be fortunate enough to be associated with a firm like INFOSYS............ 

ALL D BEST...........
