Candidate-Experiences |   11374



Hi friends ,

This is ANAND frm indore . first of all i would like to thank to god and all those people who have posted their exp. which helped me alot to get thru INFY . well i attended the INFOSYS drive at IPS indore on 01 feb, 2008 . The eligiability criteria was 60%( SSC ),60%( HSC) and 65 % in graduation . The selection process consist of 2 phase viz WRITTEN and HR .

1) Aptitude ( 40 min , 30 que )
2) English (35 min , 40 que )

Aptitude:- Its simple one .. just go thru d RS AGGRAWAL .. for selected topics .. definately u will crack it ..the cut-off would b aroud  50 % .

Q 1-5 ) this was a simple puzzle ( just go thru d puzzle section of RS AGGRAWAL VERBAL N NONVERBAL )

Q 6-10) these r d figure problems .. very simple ones ...if u hv ever gone thru this kind of probs .. then i belive dat there is no need to practice for it .....o\w do RS verbal n non verbal

Q 11-15) Data sufficiency problems ....refer RS AGGRAWAL QUANTATIVE . this is more than sufficient

Q 15-20) Data interpretation ...... EASY but leghty one ... attemp it in last ...

Q 20-25) problem on syllogism .. practise wid RS verbal n non verbal .....

Q 25-30) it was another puzzle

English ;- It will b quite typical if u r not gud @ basic grammer ... o\w its also simple one ....

Q1-5 n 6-10 ) in this section der r 2 RC'S which r simple ones but time consuming ..... so better to attemp them in last ...

==> After that der were some question on Sentence Completion (8 questions)
a sentence beginning will be given u need to choose the correct ending sentence from 4options depending upon tense, singular, plural, articles..

==> Sentence correction (8 questions)
same as above but u need to correct the full sentence choosing from 4 options

==> Passage conclusion (8 questions)
a small passage will be given u will be asked to choose best title or conclusion for the passage

==> Fill the blank (8 questions)
same grammer questions,, here instead of sentence u need to choose the correct word

I think d cut-off was 50 % for this section also .....

finally out of apprx 600 candidate 103 got thru written .


here they just test u for ur confidence n ur communication skills .......

me : plz may i come in sir .

intw : yes

me : good evning sir

intw :good evning ANAND , have a seat

me : thank you sir ..( then he just saw my CV n documents .. n told me to sign on d form .....)

intw ok ANAND tell me somthing abt u ?

me : told

intw how u come to know abt infosys .

me : told

intw k tell me wat u know abt infosys ..

me : then i told him evrything from d establishment of d compnay to d figures of d revenu of d last quater ... ( i think this was my 1 positive point )

intw ok tell me in wat circular activities have u taken part ..

me : told evrything ..(mentioned in d cv )

intw then he told me to give him an outline of prgm if as a head of cultural commitee i have to organise a cultural event in my clg .

me : told him evrything ...

intw then he gave me a puzlle .... that frm six matchstics make nothing .

me: done

intw then again he gave me another puzzle that suppose u have 36 buts n frm 6 buts i can make a cigerate then how many times can i smoke using doz buts ...

me: told him d correct ans ( ans is 7 )

intw thanks ANAND .. BEST OF LUCK

me: thank you sir

finally around 11.30 pm d results were announced 90 out of 103 made it n i was one of them ..

well frnds itz not at all a tough job to crack d infi ... i just prepared for 5 days .. n made it .. forget all previous failures n have faith in GOD u will definately crack it ...

i think my this post will halp people to crack infi .. ...i will try my best to help u ..

