Candidate-Experiences |   10398



Hi Guys!!!!
I appeared in the Off Campus conducted by Infosys on 20 - 21st JAN 2008 in DELHI. This was my second attaemp at Infy.... earlier when i appeared for infy, i failed to clear the wriiten test and this time I was one of those MOST UNLUCKIEST GUYSS who got rejected after Interview.   Ya its true guys, infy hardly rejects yo after interview and this too came as a shock to me. I checked my mailbox just today (23rd FEB 2008) and it was heart breaking. normally Interview is very smooth and they dont ask any Tech questions aswell. All you need to have confident, and if you people are thinking that i have something wrong with my confidence level or comm skills, then i must tell you that you r wrong!!!!
I am still wondering what went wrong and why me.. but anyways.  no one can do anything about it no....Now Coming back to the Process. The

Witten test was divided in 2 sections: Aptitude and Verbal. 

Regarding Aptitude Paper the time allocated was 40 mins. Actually guys i am a bit confused now that was it 30 r 40, but i would say i completed all the questions in the allocated time.
You already would have searched a lot many questions from freshersworld and that defentily gonna help you, but i would advise you 2 thngs.Dont waste much of a time on any question as few questions are very very easy (like picture questons).The tough question gonna be the one where you will have to make a table and few options would be provided to you. Like there is a gropus of 7 people. Ram sits close to shyam, Sita dont like shayam allall those stuff. So always keep this in mind that this is the question which will take some taking to complete it.the pics question are piece of cake and all the 5 questions can be done in 2 minutes (may be in less time then that).

There is a tricky question as well and you need to practise it also. the question is like.... All Benches are chairs, but some chairs are Carpets..... these type of questions.

If you would have prepared for CAT or any MBA exam then you defently would have come across such questions. So just go thorugh these question and the Tabular question.Always remeber that never get panic while solving the paer and dont spend much time on any question except for the tabular 1. your gutt feeling will defently make you aware that which question you can crack and which one you cant. there will be 30 questions so try to complete 22-23 on your own and that too with full confidence and later on if you are not confident of for remaining 5-7 questions then just tick on any answer as THERE IS NO NEGETIVE MARKING.But again what i can tell you is that youatleast need to do  overall 20-23 questions correct for clearing this section. So those 23 questions should be done with full confidence and yes i know that you might do 1 or 2 might go wrong which you might be thinking that you have attempted correctly but then there is always a chance that the 5-6 questions on whcih you will be taking chances, 1 or 2 might come out to be correct from them.Over all i would say they have 23 average questions which can be very easily cracked with a bit of preparation (just attempt those question, just have a feel and idea). 

See f you have prepared for MBA exams and have a super reading speed then only go for pasages or else  I WOULD ADVISE ALL OF YOU THAT NOT TO ATTEMP PASSAGES 1st. the passages are big and each passage will fetch you just 5 marks, so the better option will be to finish the rest of the papaer (rest 30 question). Many of them are simple grammer questions. and if you get the chance to go through any passage then also I WOULD ALERT YOU THAT 1st do READ 1 or 2 questions in advance and while reading the passage try to findout that answer.again if left out with a passage (whcih means 5 marks) then dont just leave the papaer, atleast mark something. Even i could complete this VERBAL passage, i was in mid of reading the second passage when the examiner alerted me that its last minute, so i just marked the last 3 questions (just like that)......there will be 40 questions nd 22 -23 would again be a good score.always remeber dont go for passages 1st and if you gets the change to complete the whole papaer on time then you can be sure that you will clear it.


Its one of the coolest interview that you could ever had. the HR their just look in for your confidence and communication skills and the team sprit...although i am not the right person to talk about interview coz i got rejected in interview only (but still what i saw theri and what normally people say is that itsall about confidence)Ya one thing i must add here is that never try to show attitude to HR...... I guess that this is where i might have gone wrong.  I wast actully showing any attitude but was sounding to confident that i guess HR might have taken it in a negetive way.... (although i cany say anything).... I just know that infy is a very good company and their selection process is very fare and good. they give proper chance to every candiate to prove his/her worth.... 

Always wear a smile on your face while giving a interview...And do go through other persons experiences on freshersworld also about how to crack interview.....BEST of LUCK GUYSSS!!!!!INFY and TCS are 2 companies which have the easiest selction procedure..Go on Crack the infy exam and get selcted... I would apply again.. probably for the last time then and hope to see u all then in INFY.....Best of luck and do Pray for my 3rd attempt guyssss!!!!!

