Aptitude - General |   11066

Aptitude - General

Hello Everyone,

Infosys Paper (for Freshers)

 We had pool campus at EAST point college of engg. 3 colleges had participated. (east point,CIT and KIT) Out  of 109 from our coll CIT, 16  cleared written and also got placed. This time once again they had the same selection procedure, with written exam being the main filter. With just over 200 (from all 3 colleges) candidates appearing for the exam only around 40 made through it and then 37 got placed.

Test date: 7th Jan, 2011
Test Venue: east point college of engineering. 
  • Eligibility Criteria: 60% in 10th and 12th
  • 65% in Graduation

(Friends be careful about the eligibility criteria, Infosys people are very strict and specific about it (like even 64.999 % is not at all acceptable ))

The placement process started at about 9:00 am. but the schedule was late by 45 mins, so started at 9:45 am. 2 people  from company gave ppt till 10:00am.

I don’t remember the exact set and values, but set was as such.

  • 5 questions on Data sufficiency.
Each problem consists of a problem followed by two statements. Decide whether the data in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select your answer according to whether:

(A) Any one statement alone is sufficient to answer
(B) both statements taken together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient
(c) each statement alone is sufficient
(D) statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient, and additional data is needed to answer the question
Another set on Data interpretation ( 5 questions very easy)
10 questions on Identify the errors (Difficult)
10 questions on correcting underlind sentences ( Moderte  difficult)
5 questions on fill in the blanks (Not like appeared in previous papers)
They were actually complete the sentence ( Difficult)

5 questions (moderate difficult)
3 questions on read the pagaraph and find inference.

Passage 1 (5 questions) (EASY)

Passage 2 (5 questions) (Easy, not very lengthy)

completed written round at 1.30.

3:00pm ( announced Candidates shortlisted for interview)

(According to me) Once you are shortlisted, believe me there are very less chances of you being rejected, until and unless you completely ruin your interview yourself)
6:30 my Interview (before I get into room, volunteers collected my cv and the sheet we filled at the start and gave to interviewer)
Me: May I come in, mam.
HR: Yes, Please.
HR: hi.
me: hi , mam. good afternoon
(dont loose eye contact )
HR: What is the project you have done ?
Me: i didn't do any projects . being an ece student thr was no rules to do projects in our academics.  bla ...bla...
3 to 4 persons enters the room to give cashew and sweets to HR.
HR: do u like to have it?
me: no mam(but dont tell no , atleast have one. dont take whole of ur palm)
HR: (Saw my resume) asked questions on extra curricurlar activities.
Me: Told.
HR: how u study tough sub?
ME: told.
HR: any questions?
me: no mam.
HR: k thank you
me: thanks for ur questions mam.

Interview ran for about 10 mins.
Believe me they are not there to reject you in interview round. They make three lists, fully accepted, fully rejected, and people to be given another chance. People in the third list was again called for an interview.
Results r out at 7pm.
Infosys head of HR department comes and start making announcements
Please for heaven’s sake, for your own sake speak a presentable English, you need not be a super English teacher.
From our college all 16 (who cleared written round )got selected.
And last but not the least Freshersworld.com was my preparation material. If you go through papers. You are almost there. It held me a lot lot lot. Thanks admins you Rock