Aptitude - General |   4346

Aptitude - General

Hei p'pl!!
This z 13th jan 2010
v started off wid a presentation,,, dont forget 2 jot down al d details provided, d ppt lasted 4 an hr or so
then ws d
1st step:- aptitude n reasng -- 30 ques in 20 mins ( very very easy)
general questions on directions,, wd simple pythagoras applctn
then sum ques of data sufficiency,, relations,, n 5-6 syllogism
IMP- pls dont cram puzzl 2 puzzl 4m shakuntla devi dere was'nt evn a singl ques,, just go thru basic aptitude 4m R.S.Agarwal- verbal n non verbal reasng
            :-eng n comm. skills--40 ques in 30 mins (quite simple)
first 4 were passages,, den sentnce completion n sum assertion reason

(i had prepared for cat so 1st round ws a cakewalk)

2nd step
:-  HR interview

This was my first interview in life n i rocked it
HR-y software??
HR-fields f interest
me- bla bla bla
HR-about my current project
me- said 'bou d minor i ws undertaking dt time
HR-were do you stay??
HR- y infosys??
HR- temme 'bou urslf
HR-im done any ques 4m u (last questn 4m him)
me-sir, hv u placed ur interest in m?
HR-y shud i answer dt?
me- sir, so i shud overcom ma lackings n shortcomings
HR- am i here 2 advise you?
me- no sir,, 2 select m
finaly h laughed n this is what happened

v waited for 3 hrs,, n d reslt ws finaly out wd Mr. Saurabh Sharma(HR infosys)
ma nme ws 5th in d list of 31 selected students
my 1st job offer on 13 th jan 2010

TIPS-: be confident,, answer smartly,, get acquainted of d company,, dunno lie n prepare atleast a week b4, last nite wud nt pay,, software p'pl read sum basics f C
Al d Best!!!!!!