Infogain Candidate-Experiences |   7602

Infogain Candidate-Experiences

                         Guys I appeared for INFOGAIN placement procedure and fortunately I am now placed with INFOGAIN !! I appeared through College Campus. 

                       The process took a Day! It started sharp 8:30 in the Morning,firstly there was a PPT for 1 hour,where all the terms and condition were made clear,and experienced people came for the campus recruitment and they were very cooperative and knowledgeble. 

                        The Company has centers in NOIDA and PUNE had a Training program where they are giving you 15100 Rs. of salary and after that the package is of 4 lakh Rupees. Then there was a written Test (Criteria was 65% throughout(10th,12th,Engineering)) Written Test consist of English(10 questions moderate level),Aptitude(30 question moderate level ),Technical(20 questions a bit Difficult),Time alloted was 75 minutes NO NEGATIVE MARKING. Out of 150 student only 30 were shortlisted and I was among the one. 


                            Then the second round was HR HR ROUND He asked me very basics questions like about my education,my family,why this college you choice for Engineering,What I studied during academics,extra curriculum activities,hobbies,and things relating my resume. He also asked me some Technical questions and cloud computing,latest technologies. Guys be confident in the HR,be very calm while answering.Only thing is to be speak true,dont write anything wrong in your resume.Only thing is how you gives your answers to the HR.Be true,Be confident. Fortunately I cleared the Round. 

Then there was a Technical Round The interview contained following Questions. 

1. Firstly he asked me about Google Glasses(as it was mentioned in my resume bcz I won a ppt competition on the topic and I wrote it as a part of my achievement in resume). A long 
discussion was done on this topic 

2. He asked me language I am compatible with,so I said C and C++ and Basics of Java then questions were on all OOPS concept,Polymorphism ,Inheritance (Why in c++ why not in Java),Virtual function(what is VIRTUAL) Late Binding,Early Binding, Abstraction,Interfaces in java, Data Structure and Dbms Difference, Program for swapping two Strings, Program showing Multiple inheritance why it is not in java what are the problems in c++, in DBMS he asked Normalization, Then he gave me two tables and asked me for some results, it was basically the JOIN QUERIES that he asked to me,and that is also OUTER JOIN QUERY. then about project. 

                           They will asked questions from your resume only and all basics questions from your academics and subject. Guys be clear with your basics,they will asked questions from Data Structure,mainly on DBMS,your PROJECT,and Latest Technologies. 

Then RESULTS were announced Guys Fortunately I was one among the Selected Students and I was feeling like Top of the World. 

Guys it was the 11 th Company that I faced but in the previous Companies my written was not being clear or some or the other reasons made that didnt made me to appear for interview rounds,Guys Remember just two things FAITH AND HARDWORK will never disappoint you. Just do Hardwork and have faith and remember that the Hardwork will work the day when your Destiny is with you!!!! 

This is my own personal experience and guys finally I got the Best! Best of LUCK guys,hope you get your BEST.
