IndianCoastGuard Question-Paper |   1625

IndianCoastGuard Question-Paper


Model Questions Common for all Technical Officers 


Section A


Each question carries 1 mark.


1. Quality circle is a 


(a) group of employees working at one place who come forward to discuss work related problems 
(b) group of employees appointed by management for quality control 
(c) group of companies with similar quality standards 
(d) None of the above.


Answer :


2. A break in VG conduct is mandatory if 


(a) Character lower than very good is awarded 
(b) Good conduct badge is intentionally not awarded when due 
(c) Restoration of GCB has been intentionally delayed 
(d) All of the above 


Answer :


3. What is the mandatory professional qualification required for promotion of U/Ytk (ER) to P/Ytk(ER).


(a) UWKC 
(c) Charge certificate 
(d) CHERA course 


Answer : a


4. Expand


(a) ERDD 
(b) DTNR 
(c) LOTS 
(d) PPC 
(e) QRNR 
(f) OEM 
(g) RPC 


5. Letters to diplomatic and government officials will be 


(a) Formal letter 
(b) DO letter 
(c) Service letter 
(d) Service note 


Answer :


6. A CG court can be convened by 


(a) Central Government 
(b) DG ICG 
(c) Any officer empowered in this behalf by warrant of the DGICG 
(d) Any one of above 


Answer : d


7. Write 


(a) 7 point check drill 
(b) Safety rules of small arms 

8. The format used in a Compact Disk. 
(a) NTFS 
(b) FAT 
(c) CDI 
(d) CDR 


Answer :


9. Protocol used to receive e-mails on internet. 
(a) Outlook 
(b) TCP/IP 
(c) SMTP 
(d) POP 3 


Answer : d


10. ISO 9000 / 2002 defines 


(a) Quality Standard 
(b) Environment Standard 
(c) Company policy 
(d) All of the above 


Answer :


11. IS stands for 


(a) Military Information System 
(b) Management Information System 
(c) Movement Information System 
(d) Multiple Intelligent System


Answer :


12. What does RIC stand for 


(a) Rough Indicating Cost 
(b) Ration Issue Centre 
(c) Remote Image Camera 
(d) None of the above 


Answer : a


13. The six Sigma quality means 


(a) 02 defects per billion 
(b) Zero defects per billion 
(c) 2.7 defects per billion 
(d) 2% defects 


Answer :  a 


14. Montreal Protocol deals with 


(a) Controlling marine oil pollution 
(b) Controlling use of ozone depleting substances 
(c) Convention of dealing with POW 
(d) None of the above 


Answer :


15. Halon 1301 is being phased out from developing countries by the year 


(a) 2010 
(b) 2011 
(c) 2012 
(d) 2020 


Answer :


16. VED analysis stands for 
(a) Very Economic Desirable 
(b) Vital Efficient Desirable 
(c) Vital Essential Desirable 
(d) Vital Essential Distinctive 


Answer :


17. SWOT analysis stands for 
(a) Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threat 
(b) Stamina Will Obesity Threat 
(c) Subtle Will Opportunity Threat 
(d) None of above 


Answer :


18. Critical path in network analysis is 
(a) Shortest duration path between first to last activities of project 
(b) Shortest duration path between last two activities 
(c) Shortest duration path between central & last activities 
(d) Longest duration path between first & last activities 


Answer : d


19. Float of an activity in a network analysis is 


(a) Maximum amount of delay that can be permitted 
(b) Varieties to be considered for an activity 
(c) Second choice for duration of activity 
(d) None of the above 


Answer :  a
20. W. Sdward Deming contributed total following points in Total Quality  Management (TQM). 


(a) 12 
(b) 13 
(c) 14
(d) 15 


Answer :  c 


21. ARD stands for 


(a) Always Ready Duty 
(b) Always Ready Data 
(c) Always Ready Delivery 
(d) Annual Review Demand 


Answer :


22. PERT uses following time estimation for duration of an activity 
(a) One time 
(b) Two times 
(c) Three times 
(d) Continuous 


Answer :

Secion B



1. What is hard reset of a computer? When is it used? ( 1.5  marks ) 


2. What is cache memory? Explain the use of cache memory in computer. ( 1.5  marks )


3. List the punishments which can be awarded by a CG court.( 2  marks )


4. What are the important provisions in the Industrial factories act 1949? ( 2  marks )


5. Which is the DRDO establishment where you can get your POL tested? ( 2  marks )


6. Name two more DRDO organisation with whom CG has been interacting? ( 2  marks )


7. Describe the material and repair organisation of CG in brief. ( 2  marks ) 


8. What is carbon trading? ( 2  marks ) 


9. What are indirect and direct overheads? ( 2  marks ) 


10. What are the objectives of imparting training to the employees by an organisation?  ( 3  marks )


11. What are the aims of value analysis? ( 3  marks ) 


12. What is ADSL? How an ADSL Modem works? ( 4  marks ) 


13. Give the format of minutes of meeting. ( 4 marks )

14. Which are the different types of organization? Which one is more close to Coast Guard         Organisation? Justify.( 4  marks ) 


15. What is the need for work study? Name five areas where work study finds its application. ( 4  marks ) 

16. Explain the procedure to regularize the loss of a permanent store item .( 4  marks ) 

18. Describe the importance of JIT in inventory management and critically evaluate its applicability in CG inventory management.( 4  marks ) 


19. What are the differences between Material Requirement Planning (MRP),JIT and Supply Chain Management (SCM) ( 4  marks ) 
