Indian-Navy Pattern |   6743

Indian-Navy Pattern

                                         Indian Navy Recruitment Pattern


                                                     Indian Navy conducts recruitment for the following posts - Artificer apprenctice,Senior Secondary Recruits,Matric Recruit And Non Matric Recruit,Musicians. Recruitment pattern for various posts are given below.

I.Post Name: Artificer Apprentice

1. Age.
The applicant should be of the age between 17-20 years (ie. he should not be less than 17 or more than 20 years on the date of enrolment).

2. Nationality.
Applicant should be a resident Indian. The Gorkhas, subjects of Nepal, are also eligible for applying for AA recruitment.

3. Marital Status.
Applicant should be an Unmarried male.

4. Minimum Educational Qualification.
(a) 1st Condition. Applicant should have passed Class 12th or equivalent with subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

(b) 2nd Condition. Minimum qualification marks required for applying for a particular type of entry into Indian Navy may vary and the same would be promulgated in the advertisement in Newspapers and this website on as required basis.

5. Physical Standards.
The candidate should be physically fit for enrolement into Indian Navy. This capability is tested at the examination venue on qualifying in written examination and is termed as Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory. PFT will consist of 1.6 km run which is to be completed in 07 minutes, 20 Squats (Utthak Baithak) and 10 Push ups.

6. Medical Standards.

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the sailors of Indian Navy on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in the Navy Orders (SPL) 01/1999 by IHQ MOD (Navy).
(b) Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms.
(c) Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease / disability and have no cardio vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments Vericose-vein etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test followed by PFT and Medical examination.
(d) Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses AND without glasses.

Without glasses 
Better Eye:6/12
Worse Eye:6/12

With glasses 
Better Eye:6/9
Worse Eye:6/12

NOTE: Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy need not apply.

The training for Artificer Apprentice will generally be for 09 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by 08 weeks sea training . Thereafter four years training in technical training establishments of the Navy. On completion, candidates will have qualification equivalent to Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering which is recognised by the Govt of India for purposes of employment in Central /State Govt.

8. Initial Engagement.
The beginning of engagement of sailor with the Indian Navy is subject to successful completion of training. The period of the initial engagement of Artificer Apprentice sailor is 20 years. However, engagement (ie service) period is extendable with maximum limit being till the attainment of 57 yrs of age, which, in turn, depends on the rank attained and satisfactory performance by the sailor while in the service.

9. Exam Pattern:

The written exam shall be an objective type test having multiple choice based questions on the following main sections:

Section I: English
Section II: Science
Section III: Mathematics and
Section IV: General Knowledge

Duration of Exam: 1 Hour
Syllabus for Written Exam: It will be equivalent to the Intermediate/ Class 12th standard.
Language of Questions: Both English as well as Hindi

II.Post Name:Senior Secondary Recruits

1. Age.
The applicant should be of the age between 17-21 years (ie. he should not be less than 17 or more than 21 years on the date of enrolment).

NOTE: Relaxation of Age. Against sports quota entry, the upper age relaxation for outstanding sportsmen, who have played at International / National / State level may be considered up to a period of 12 months.

2. Nationality.
Applicant should be a resident Indian. The Gorkhas, subjects of Nepal, are also eligible for applying for SSR recruitment.

3. Marital Status.
Applicant should be an Unmarried male.

4. Minimum Educational Qualification.
(a) 1st condition . Applicant should have passed Class 12th(Intermediate) with Science stream with compulsory subjects of Physics and Mathematics and Optional subjects of Chemistry or Biology or Computers.

(b) 2nd condition . Minimum qualification marks required for applying for a particular type of entry into Indian Navy may vary and the same would be promulgated in the advertisement in Newspapers and this website on as required basis.

5. Physical Standards.
The candidate should be physically fit for enrolement into Indian Navy. This capability is tested at the examination venue on qualifying in written examination and is termed as Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory. PFT will consist of 1.6 km run which is to be completed in 07 minutes, 20 Squats (Utthak Baithak) and 10 Push ups.

6. Medical Standards.

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the sailors of Indian Navy on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in the Navy Orders (SPL) 01/1999 by IHQ MOD (Navy).
(b) Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms.
(c) Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease / disability and have no cardio vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments Vericose-vein etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test followed by PFT and Medical examination.
(d) Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses AND without glasses.

Without glasses
Better Eye:6/6
Worse Eye:6/9

With glasses
Better Eye:6/6
Worse Eye:6/6

NOTE: Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy need not apply.

The training for Senior Secondary Recruit will generally be 24 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by 24 weeks professional training in the allotted trade in Naval Establishments all over the country. Branch/Trade will be allocated as per requirement of service.

8.Initial Engagement.
The beginning of engagement of sailor with the Indian Navy is subject to successful completion of training. The period of the initial engagement for Senior Secondary Recruit sailor is 15 years. However, engagement (ie service) period is extendable with maximum limit being till the attainment of 57 yrs of age, which, in turn, depends on the rank attained and satisfactory performance by the sailor while in the service.

III.Post Name:Matric Recruit And Non Matric Recruit

The following branches form part of the under mentioned Entries:-

(a) MRs – Steward, Cooks
(b) NMRs – Topass

2. Age.
The applicant should be of the age between 17-21 years (ie. he should not be less than 17 or more than 21 years on the date of enrolment).

NOTE: Relaxation of age Against sports quota entry, the upper age relaxation for oustanding sportsmen, who have played at International / National / State level may be considered upto a period of 12 months.

3. Nationality.
Applicant should be a resident Indian. The Gorkhas, subjects of Nepal, are also eligible for applying for the recruitment.

4. Marital Status.
Applicant should be an Unmarried male.

5. Minimum Educational Qualification.

(a) MR Steward/ Cook. Applicant should have passed 10th class examination.
(b) NMRs Topass. Applicant should have passed 6th class examination.

6. Physical Standards.
The candidate should be physically fit for enrolement into Indian Navy. This capability is tested at the examination venue on qualifying in written examination and is termed as Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory. PFT will consist of 1.6 km run which is to be completed in 07 minutes, 20 Squats (Utthak Baithak) and 10 Push ups.

7. Medical Standards.

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the sailors of Indian Navy on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in the Navy Orders (SPL) 01/1999 by IHQ MOD (Navy).
(b) Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms.
(c) Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease / disability and have no cardio vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments Vericose-vein etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test followed by PFT and Medical examination.
(d) Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses AND without glasses.

Without glasses 
Better Eye:6/36
Worse Eye:6/36 

With glasses
Better Eye:6/9
Worse Eye:6/12

Without glasses 
Better Eye:6/60
Worse Eye:6/60 

With glasses
Better Eye:6/9
Worse Eye:6/24

NOTE: Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy need not apply.

The training for Matric Recruit and Non Matric Recruit will generally be 15 weeks basic training at INS Chilka followed by professional training at respective Naval establishments as per trade.

8.Initial Engagement.
The beginning of engagement of sailor with the Indian Navy is subject to successful completion of training. The period of the initial engagement for Matric Recruit and Non Matric Recruit sailor is 15 years. However, engagement (ie service) period is extendable with maximum limit being till the attainment of 57 yrs of age, which, in turn, depends on the rank attained and satisfactory performance by the sailor while in the service.

IV.Post Name:Musicians

1. Musical Ability .
The candidates applying should have proficiency in western notation, aural aptitude, knowledge of Theory of Music and actual practical skill on any Musical Instrument.

2. Type of Instruments.
The candidates applying should have proficiency in playing String, Key-board, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Instruments both of Western and Indian Origin.

3. Age.
The applicant should be of the age between 17-21 years (ie. he should not be less than 17 or more than 21 years on the date of enrolment).

4. Nationality.
Applicant should be a resident Indian. The Gorkhas, subjects of Nepal, are also eligible for applying for the recruitment.

5. Marital Status.
Applicant should be an Unmarried male.

6. Minimum Educational Qualification.
Applicant should have passed 10th class examination and should be able to exhibit an aptitude for music.
br /> 7. Physical Standards.
The candidate should be physically fit for enrolment into Indian Navy. This capability is tested at the examination venue on qualifying in written examination and is termed as Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory. PFT will consist of 1.6 km run which is to be completed in 07 minutes, 20 Squats (Utthak Baithak) and 10 Push ups.

8. Medical Standards.

(a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the sailors of Indian Navy on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in the Navy Orders (SPL) 01/1999 by IHQ MOD (Navy).
(b) Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms.
(c) Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease / disability and have no cardio vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments Vericose-vein etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test followed by PFT and Medical examination.
(d) Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses AND without glasses.

Without glasses
Better Eye:6/60
Worse Eye:6/60 

With glasses
Better Eye:6/9
Worse Eye:6/24

NOTE: Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy need not apply.

9. Responsibility for Conduct of Recruitment for Musicians.
The Director of Music (DOM) at INS Kunjali, Mumbai-400005 will be responsible for conduct of recruitment for Musician sailors as per schedule promulgated by IHQ MOD (Navy). The preliminary screening and Medical examination would be carried out at following Naval Recruitment Establishments (NREs) by a team nominated by DOM.

(a) INS Kunjali, Mumbai
(a) INS Netaji Subhash, Kolkata
(a) INS Venduruthy, Kochi
(a) INS Circars, Visakhapatnam
(a) INS India, New Delhi
