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AFCAT Logical Reasoning Test No. 2


1.  Given below are some paragraphs. At the end of each paragraph are conclusions which could/could not be drawn from what has been stated in the paragraph.  Mark the right conclusions as follows :

A) Definitely True

B) Probably True

C) Cannot Say

D) Probably False 

E) Definitely False


(I) A good part of the untaxed income of the Indian farmers is certainly being invested in the accumulation of farm capital: In other words, to the extent that the farmers could finance from their internal resources part of their own requirements of capital, the need for state providing for this purpose out of its resources for development finance is reduced.

1. Farmers should not be taxed as it will hamper the accumulation of capital                                                                                                                A B C D E
Ans : A


2. Government must provide finance to farmers
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


3. Need for farm finance is maximum in India
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : C


4. The author of the paragraph favours taxation of farmers     
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : E


5. Government is spending a huge amount on development
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : B


(II)   There are many schemes included in the Indian plans of the local bodies which need a large volume of unskilled and semi-skilled schemes, afforestation, soil conservation, road development, etc., which can be done with more of labour and less of capital. The assignment of such works can be entrusted to labour co-operatives so that the workers who live in a particular area can take the contract on their own without the intervention of professional contractors.

6. Indian planning is aimed at increasing employment
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


7. There is a huge backlog of unemployment of semi-skilled workers in India                                                                                                                A B C D E
Ans : B


8.  Most of the schemes adopted under out plans are labour intensive
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


9. We should encourage the implementation of labour intensive techniques
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : C


10. Labour intensive projects should be assigned to labour co-operative with a view to increasing employment                                                                                                                A B C D E
Ans : A



(III) Experience is crystallized out of the abortive and successful efforts of a man. As such, experience serves as a guide and a guardian, experience even injects moral attitudes and fine qualities. Man's only advantages are some pitfalls, snags if the previous efforts prove abortive. Mere experience without judgement and intention is of no avail. Even if a person is supposed to gain some working knowledge through it, the man must be sensitive enough to record his reactions.

11. Man is superior to animals
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


12. Experience without judgement is useless
                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : A


13. Only a sensitive man can gain from experience
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


14. Experience helps to obviate some snags
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : A


15. Practice makes a man perfect
                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : C


2.  In deriving some conclusions it is important to distinguish between strong and weak arguments. On basis of this, mark the answer for the following questions.

A) Only I is a strong argument

B) Only II is a strong argument

C) Both I and II are strong arguments

D) Either I or II is a strong argument

E) Neither I nor II is a strong argument


16.  Should censorship be imposed on films in India ?

(i) Yes, otherwise, unscrupulous producers will exploit the situation to their advantage

(ii) No, as it is not imposed in the Western Countries

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans :  A


17.  Should India drop its policy of non-alignment ?

(i) Yes, the situation in the world has changed and India can no longer afford to remain complacent

(ii) No, it is the best policy which India can pursue

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans :  A


18. Should caste-based reservation policy for SCs be dropped ?

(i) Yes, it is not benefiting the actually deserving

(ii) No, it is not easy to find out the actually deserving

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : B


19.  Is caste-based reservation policy harmful for the nation ?

(i) Yes, it is an attack o the brilliance of others

(ii) No, it helps providing equality of opportunity to all

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : A


20. Will the adult education programme benefit the nation ?

(i) Yes, it will make a large number of persons capable of reading and writing

(ii) No, it is just a wastage of precious resources of the country

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans :  A


3.  Given below are some statements. On the basis of these statements some conclusions have been drawn. Mark the conclusions as follows.

A) Only I follows

B) Only II follows

C) Both I and II follow

D) Either I or II follow

E) Neither I nor II follow


21. (A) Some chairs are tables

(B) Alpine is a table

Conclusion :

(i)  Alpine is a chair;

(ii) Some tables are chairs
                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : B


22. (A) Sham is a parrot

(B) All dogs are parrots

Conclusion :

(i)  Sham is a dog

(ii) Some parrots are dogs
                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : B


23. (A) All books are men

(B) All books are women

Conclusion :

(i)  All men are women

(ii) All women are men                                                                                 
                                                                                                               A B C D E
Ans : E


24. (A) All mammals are vertebrates

(B) Some vertebrates are mountains

Conclusion :

(i)  All vertebrates are mammals

(ii) All mountains are mammals

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans : E


25. (A) "Frailty" thy name is woman

(B) Sunita is frail

Conclusion :

(i)  Woman is frail

(ii) Those who are frail are women

                                                                                                              A B C D E
Ans :  C
