India Post Verbal Ability questions |   4491

India Post Verbal Ability questions

Postal Assistant Solved Questions
Part 1 - English ( Consists of 10 Questions )

1.To arrange things in froups or in a particular order according to their type
a) depoist b) sort c) derive d) detail

2. To help somebody to do something
a) assist b) assess c) accomplish d) accord

3. Each of the metal bars that form the track that trains run on
a) coach b) railing c)rail d) bogie

4. A system in a organization in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest
a) structure b) profie c) hierarchy d) matrix

5. A typical example of pattern of something
a) paradox b) paradigm c) exception d) excerpt

6. A lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people
a) introvert b) extrovert c) geriatrician d) flatterer

7. Letters for conveyance by post
a) mail b) male c) maile d) melee

8. A long leaf of a palm
a) leaflet b) fern c) frond d) pendant

9. To stamp a mark on an envelope to show that the cost of posting it has been paid
a) post b) frank c)tax d) franc

10.A person that money or a cheque is paid to
a) payer b) paye c) remit d) payee

Analogy questions and answers for practice
Definition :
Analogy means Correspondence. Questions on analogy test the ability of a candidate to understand the relationship between two given objects and apply the same relationship to find that asked in the question. This type of questions cover all types of relationship that one can think of. There are many ways of establishing a relationship, some of the most common ones are given here.


1 Ex. 'Bull' is related to 'Cow' in the same way as 'Horse' is related to
A. Animal B. Mare
C. Stable D. Meat
Solutins : This is based on male-female relationship. So, 'Horse' is related to 'Mare'.

Ex. 'Doctor' is related to 'Stethoscope' in the same way as 'Painter' is related to
A. Painting B. Brush
C. Exhibition D. Art
Solutins : 'Stethoscope' is used by a 'Doctor' as a tool to perform his work. Similarly, a 'Painter' uses a 'Brush' as a tool to perform his work.

Ex. 'Hate' is related to 'Love' in the same way as 'Create' is related to
A. Make B. Renovate
C. Destroy D. Build
Solutins : 'Love' is just opposite to 'Hate'. So the word opposite in meaning to 'Create' is 'Destory'.

Ex. 'Melt' is related to 'Liquid' in the same way as 'Freez' is related to
A. Ice B. Crystal
C. Water D. Cubes
Solutins : The term 'Melt' is associated with 'Liquid' because after melting the ice, we obtain liquid. Similarly the state of 'Water' after freezing is 'Ice'

5 'Bank' is related to 'Money' in the same way as 'Transport' is related to
A. Goods B. Road
C. Movement D. Traffic

6 'Fan' is related to 'Wings' in the same way as 'Wheel' is related to
A. Round B. Cars
C. Spokes D. Moves

7. 'Captain' is related to 'Soldier' in the same way as 'Leader' is related to
A. Chair B. Followers
C. Party D. Minister

8 'Skirmish' is related to 'War' in the same way as 'Disease' is related to
A. Infection B. Epidemic
C. Patient D. Medicine

9. 'Video' is related to 'Cassettee' in the same way as 'Computer' is related to
A. Reels B. Recording
C. Files D. Floppy

DIRECTIONS : The following questions consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. 
Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

1. Train : Track
A. Idea : Brain B. Bullet : Barrel
C. Water : Boat D. Fame : Television

2. Surgeon : Scalpel
A. Musician : Instrument B. Carpenter : Cabinet
C. Sculptor : Chisel D. Baker : Oven

3. Cells : Cytology
A. Worms : Ornithology B. Insects : Entomology
C. Diseases : Physiology D. Tissues : Morphology

4. Elevated : Exalted
A. Dirty : Filthy B. Disorderly : Unfaithful
C. Raise : Commensurate D. Promoted : Excellence

5. Birds : Aves
A. Fish : Water B. Whale : Fish
C. Lizard : Insect D. Man : Homosapiens
