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IDBI Bank Executives Recruitment Date of Written Test :September 02, 2012 Selection Process:
IDBI Bank written test
Question type: Objective type multiple choice

a)Test of working English Language

English Section – 2 Parts (50 Objective Type Questions in both parts )

b)Test of Reasoning

Reasoning Section – 2 Parts 
Part 1 - 75 Objective Type Questions in 
Part 2 - 100 Questions 

c) Test of Quantitative Aptitude -Parts

Part 1-Mathematics/Maths section -50 Objective type questions
Part- 2 40 questions

1. In a certain code BASKET is written as '5%3#42' and A R M is written a s ' % @ 9 ' . H ow is T E RM written in that code ? 
(1) 23@9 
(2) 249® 
(3) 4 2 @9 
(4) 2 4 @9 
(5) None of these 

2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word C H R O N ICLE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? 
(1) None 
(2) One 
(3) T w o 
(4) Thre e 
(5) More than three 

3. The positions of how many digits in the number 53269718 will remain unchange d if the digits with-in the numbe r are rearranged in ascending order ? 
(1) None 
(2) One 
(3) T w o
(4) Thre e 
(5) More than three 

4. In a Certain code A R C H I V E is written as D S B G F W J. H o w is SYSTEMS written in that code ? 
(1) T Z T S T NF 
(2) T Z T U T NF 
(3) T Z T S F NT 
(5) None of these 

5. If 'R' denotes 'divided by'; T' denotes 'added to'; 'W denotes 'subtracted from' and 'B' denotes 'multiplied by', then— 15 W 12 T 8 R 2 B 6 = ? 
(3) 27 
(4) 3 
(5) None of these 

6. Wha t should come next in the bfollowing letter series ? 
I H G F E D C B A 1 H G F E D C 
I H G F E 
(1) I 
(2) D 
(3) B 
(4) A 
(5) None of these 

7. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters TSFI using each letter only once in each word ? 
(1) None 
(2) One 
(3) T w o 
(4) Thre e 
(5) More than three 

8. Pointing to a boy, Sunita said "He is the son of my grandfather's only son". How is the boy related to Sunita ? 
(1) Son 
(2) Nephew 
(3) Uncle 
(4) Data inadequate 
(5) None of these

9. T h e positions of the first and the fifth d i g i ts i n t h e n u m b e r 89123654 are interchanged. Similarly the positions of the second and the sixth digits are interchanged and so on. Which of the following will be the second digit from the right end after the rearrangement ? 
(1) 9 
(2) 8 
(3) 1 
(4) 2 
(5) None of these 

10. 'MP' is related to 'HK' in the same wa y as 'WZ' is related to ? 
(1) QS 
(2) RU 
(3) PS 
(4) QU 
(5) None of these 

Directions ( 1 1 - 1 6 ): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II give n below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and— 
Give answe r (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. 
Give answe r (2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. 
Give answe r (3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. 
Give answer (4) if the data given in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question, and 
Give answer (5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 
11. How is 'sure' written in a code language ? 
I. 'he is sure' is written as ja ha ma' in that code language. 
II. 'is she sure' is written as 'ka ja ma' in that code language. 

12. What is Rs position from the left end in a row ? 
I. M is tenth from the left end of the row. 
II. T h e r e are sixteen children between M and R. 

13. How is J related to M ? 
I. M has only one brother and two sisters. 
II. J is daughter of T who is wife of M. 

14. T o wn P is towards which direction of town T ? 
I. T o wn T is towards South of town K which is towards West of town P. 
II. T o wn R is towards South of town V and towards East of town T. 

15. A m o n g P, Q, R, S and T each having different age, w h o is the youngest among them ? 
I. Q is younge r than only P. 
II. S is older than only R. 

16. On which day of the week did Sourav visit Delhi ? 
I. Soura v visited Delhi after Monday but before Thursday but not on an odd day of the week. 
II. Sourav visited Delhi before Friday but after Monday. 

Directions (17-22) : In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by three conclusions numbered 1,' II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if 
they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 
17. Statements: 
All chairs are fires. 
Some fires are winds. 
AllWinds are nets. 
Some nets are clocks. 
I. Some clocks are winds. 
II. Some nets are fires. 
III. Some winds are chairs. 
(1) None follows 
(2) Only I follows 
(3) Only II follows 
(4) Only III follows 
(5) Only II and III follow 

18. Statements: 
Some tyres are ropes. 
Some ropes are tents. 
Some tents are walls. 
Some walls are buildings. 
I. Some buildings are ropes. 
II. Some walls are ropes. 
III. Some tents are tyres. 
(1) None follows 
(2) Only I follows 
(3) Only II follows 
{4) Only III follows 
(5) Only I and II follow 

19. Statements: 
All desks are pillars. 
All pillars are circles. 
Some circles are squares. 
Some squares are rectangles. 
I. Some rectangles are pillars. 
II. Some circles are desks. 
III. Some squares are desks. 
(1) Nonefollows 
(2) Only I follows 
(3) Only II follows 
(4) Only III follows 
(5) Only I and II follow 

20. Statements: 
Some beads are rings. 
Some rings are bangles. 
All bangles are clothes. 
All clothes are boxes. 
I. Some boxes are bangles. 
II: Some clothes are rings. 
III. Some bangles are beads. 
(1) Nonefollows 
(2) Only I follows 
(3) Only II follows 
(4) Only III follows 
(5) Only I and II follow 

21. Statements: 
Some plates are knives. 
All knives are chains. 
Some chains are wheels. 
All wheels are poles. 
I. Some poles are chains. 
II. Some wheels are knives. 
III. Some chains are plates. 
(1) Only I and II follow 
(2) Only I and III follow 
(3) Only II and III follow 
(4) All I, II and III follow 
(5) None of these 

22. Statements: 
All sticks are hammers. 
No hammer is dress. 
Some dresses are doors. 
All doors are cots. 
I. Some cots are hammers. 
II. No cot is hammer. 
III. Some dresses are sticks. 
(1) Only I follows 
(2) Only II follows 
(3) Only III follows 
(4) Only either I or II follows 
(5) Only either I or II and III follows 

Directions (23^28) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below : 
F 4 © J 2 E % M P 5 W 9 @ I Q R 6 
U H * 3 Z 7 * A T B 8 V # G $ Y D 
23. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? 
(1) © 2 4 
(2) P W M 
(3) R I 6 
(4) R U Q 
(5) V G 8 

24. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement ? ' 
J E M 5 9 1 R U 3 ? 
( 1 ) 7 A B 
(2) 7 AT 
(3) * 7 8 
(4) A B V 
(5) None of these 

25. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number but not immediately followed by a number? 
(2) One 
(3) Two 
(4) Three 
(5) More than three 

26. Which of the following is the tenth to the right of the nineteenth from the right end of the above arrangement ? 
( DM 
(3) # 
(4) 2 
(5) None of these 

27. If all the symbols are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be the fourteenth from the left end ? 
(1) R 
(2) Q 
(3) U 
(4) 3 
(5) None of these 

28. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a letter ? 
(2) One 
(3) Two 
(4) Three 
(5) More than three 

Directions (29-34) : In the following questions, the symbols 8, *, %, @ and © are used with the following meaning as illustrated below : 
'P * Q' means 'P is not greater than Q\ 
'P @ Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'. 
'P © Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q\ 
'P % Q' means P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q'. 
' P 8 Q' means 'F is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'. 
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly. 
29. Statements: 
R © K, K6 M. M * J 
I. J 5 K II. M © R 
III. M % R 
(1) None is true 
(2) Only I is true 
(3) Only II is true 
(4) Only either II or III is true 
(5) Only III is true 

30. Statements: 
D @ K, K % F. F © B 
I. F 8D II. B @ K 
III. B % K 
(1) Only I is true 
(2) Only II is true 
(3) Only III is true 
(4) Only either II or III is true 
(5) Only either II or III and I are true 

31. Statements: 
H • W, W @ N. N % R 
I. R 8 W II. N 5 W 
III. H @ R 
(1) Only I and II are true 
(2) Only II and III are true 
(3) Only I and III are true 
(4) All I, II and III are true 
(5) None of these 

32. Statements: 
Z % M, M * F, F 8 D 
I. F % Z II. F 8 Z 
III. D @ Z 
(1) Only I is true . 
(2) Only either 1 or II is true 
(3) Only II is true 
(4) Only III is true 
(5) None of these 

33. Statements: 
R 8 B, B © N , N @ T 
I. N @ R II. T 8 B 
III. T 8 R 
(1) None is true 
(2) Only I is true 
(3) Only II is true 
(4) Only III is true 
(5) Only 1 and II are true 

34. Statements: 
W © K. K 8 R, R % N 
I. N @ K II. R @ W 
III. W 8 N 
(1) Only I and II are true 
(2) Only either II or III is true 
(3hOnly II and III are true 
(4) Only I and III are true 
(5) All I, II and III are true 

Directions (35-40) : In each questions below is given a group of letters followed by four combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1),(2). (3) and (4). You have to find out which of 
the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and the conditions that follow and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark (5) i.e. 'None of these' as your answer. 
Letter R E A U M D F P Q 1 0 II N W Z B 
Digit/ 7 1 $ 6 % 8 5 * 4 9 © 3 1 ? 
(i) If the first letter is a consonant and the third letter is a vowel, their codes are to be interchanged. 
(ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the fourth letter is a consonant, both are to be coded as the code for the vowel. 
(ill) If the second and the third letters are consonants, both are to be coded as the code for the third letter. 
(1) #%978* 
(2) #%9#8* 
(3) 7%9#8* 
(4) #9%78* 
(5) None of these 

(1) ©6289% 
(2) ©2689% 
(3) ©6289© 
(4) ©62©9% 
(5) None of these 

(1)581 #7$ 
(4) 511 #7$ 
(5) None of these

(1) *49%©1 
(3) *49*©.l 
(5) None of these 

(1) 263$4# 
(3)949%© 1 
(5) None of these 

(1) @7*8©% 
(3) @78#<9% 
( 4 ) ! . @ 7 « @ ^ ; ^ ' 
(5) None of these 

Directions (41-45) : Study -jthc following information carefully and answer the questions given below : 
A, B, C, D, E. F, G. H and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is fourth to the left of G who is second to the right of C. F is fourth to the right of C and is second to the left 
of K. A is fourth to the right of K. D Is not an immediate neighbour of either K or B. H is third to the right of E. 
41. Who is second to the right of K ? 
(1) F 
(2) E 
(3) Data inadequate 

42. Who is third to the right of H ? 
( D A 
(2) D 
(3) G 
(4) F 
(5) None of these 

43. Who is fourth to the left of E ? 
(ii A . . 
(2) C 
(3) G 
(4) Data inadequate 
(5) None of these 

44. Who is fourth to the right of D ? 
(I) K 
(2) H 
(3) E
(4) B 
(5) None of these 

45. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting in between the first and the second persons ? 
(1) EKB 
(2) CHB 
(3) AGC 
(4) FGD 
(5) None of these
