ICAR-ASRB Question-Paper |   675

ICAR-ASRB Question-Paper

                                                               IASRI Phd Paper

1. For an efficient integrated pest management, the economic threshold of a pest shall always be made to settle at a level
a) Equivalent to economic injury level
b) Lower than economic Injury level
c) Higher thati economic injury level
d) Fluctuating' to be higher or lower than economic injury level

2. Any manipulation of environment intended to reduce pest numbers is referred to as
a) Habitat manipulation
b) Ecological control
c) Ecosystem control
d) Biointensive control

3. Situation where a pest population after having been . suppressed rebounds to numbers greater than that before suppression had occurred is called as 
a) Secondary pest outbreak
b) Pest replacement
c) Pest resurgence
d) Pest epidemic

4. Currently the crystal toxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are classified on the basis of
a) Serology
b) Transgenic capabilities
c) Amino acid sequence
d) Specificity

5. The use of gamma radiation for the eradication of insects is an example of
a) Mechanical control
b) Biological control
c) Cultural control
d) Physical control

6. The Journal "Insect Science and its Application" is published
a) As International Journal of Tropical Insect Science and published by Cambridge Journals
b) Continued in the same name by ICIPE, Nairobi
c) Continued in the same name and published by Cambridge Journals
d) As International Journal of Tropical Entomology and published by CABI,Wallingford

7. The "nucleocapsid" is always associated with the structure of insect pathogenic 
a) Entomopox viruses
b) Non-occluded viruses
c) Baculoviruses
d) Irido viruses

8. The chemical compound produced by millipedes for their own defense is
a) Cardenolides
b) Iridoid glycosides
c) Hydrogen cyanide
d) Hydrogen chloride

9. An allelochemical involved in the biology of an organism (A),when it contacts another organism (B),evoking a behavioural /physiological response that is favourable to both (A and B) is a
a) Synamone
b) Kairomone
c) Pheromone
d) Allomone 

10. The overall rate of JH synthesis by corpora allata in insects is regulated by peptides, of which the Increase in synthesis is always by 
a) Allostatins 
b) Allatotropins
c) Atropine
d) FMR Famide

11. The mobilisation of lipids from the fat body is known to be effected by the
a) Allatostatins
b) Vitellogenins
c) Octopamine
d) Adipokinemine

12. Chemicals produced by insects, which circulate in blood to regulate all the long term physiological, developmental and behavioural activities are
a) Moulting hormones
b) Insect neuropeptides
c) Insect hormones
d) Pheromones

13. Diflubenzuron, teflubenzuron and chlorfluazuron are examples of
a) Pyrrole insecticides
b) Neonicotinoids
c) Avermectins
d) Phenyl urea insecticides

14. A novel chitin synthesis Inhibitor affecting specifically the plant hoppers, whiteflies and scale insects is
a) Diflubenzuron
b) Dimilin
c) Buprofezin
d) Benzoyl phenyl urea

15. Epigynial shield and setae are important in the identification of
a) Families df Acarina
b) Only Amerosiidae and Ascidae
c) Families of Diptera
d) Subfamilies of Cyclorrhapha

16. In the males of many insects, the sperms that pass through the vas deferens are then held in a storage structure
a) Spermatheca
b) Spermatophore
c) Vasa efferentia
d) Seminal vesicle.

17. "Imms General 'Textbook of Entomology"10th edition (1977) is authored by
a) O.W. Richards and R.G. Davies 
b) A.D. Imms and O.W. Richards 
c) O.W. Richards and R.C. Davies
d) O.V. Richards and R,.G. Davies

18. Dr. M.L. Roonwal had contributed immensely to the taxonomy of
a) Thysanoptera
b) Locusts and grasshoppers
c) Isoptera
d) Diptera

19. In endopterygote insects, the wing development is
a) Internal occurring at postembryonic stage 
b) External occurring at postembryonic stage 
c) Internal occurring in the embryonic stage itself
d) Internal occurring in the larval stage only

20. First entomologist to the Govt. of India was 
a) de Lionel Niceville
b) Lionel de Niceville
c) Maxwell Lefroy
d) T.B. Fletcher

21. Entomological investigations on tea were started in
a) 1905 at Kannykorien (West Bengal)
b) 1905 at Kannykorien (Assam)
c) 1913 at Tocklai (Assam) by UPASI
d) 1913 at Valparal (Tamil Nadu) by UPASI

22. NBAII and NCIPM are located at 
a) Bangalore and Hyderabad, respectively 
b) Bangalore and Faridabad, respectively 
c) Bangalore and New Delhi, respectively
d) Hyderabad and Faridabad, respectively

23. Honey bee species whose nests consist of multiple combs and single combs are
a) Apis nigrocincta and Apis nutuensis,respectively
b) Apis koschevnikovi and Apis mellifera,respectively
c) Apis andreniformis and Apis nigrocincta,respectively
d) Apis nutuensis and Apis breviigula,respectively 

24. The secretion of the following glands are supposed to have the functions of softening the wax and production of royal jelly,respectively in honey bees
a) Glands In 4° abdominal segment and lateral pharyngeal glands, respectively
b) Glands in 4-7 abdominal segments and mandibular glands, respectively
c) Mandibular glands and lateral pharyngeal glands, respectively
d) Alkaline glands and accessory glands,respectively

25. Of the following, the coleopterans consumed as food are
a) Cybisterjaponicus and Crocothemis servilia
b) Graptopsaitria nigrofasciata and Anaxguttafus
c) Cybister tripunctatus and Aulonogyrus.strigosus
d) Gonimbrasia belina and Rhynchophorus phoenlcis

26. Pick the right and sensible combination in the following:
a) Degree days - temperature control - diurnal temperature curve
b) Degree days - life history - developmental rate
c) Degree days - minimum temperature -maximum temperature
d) Degree days - temperature control -developmental rate

27. The following is one of the models used in systems analysis as a prelude to IPM
a) Statistical through regression models 
b) Optimization through mechanistic models 
c) Optimization through simulation models
d) Statistical through pest development models

28. The plant quarantine activity leading to Issue of import permits for seeds and germplasm for research and experimental purposes is looked after as a nodal agency by the
a) National Seeds Corporation and ICRISAT 
b) Nationat Plant Quarantine Station, New Delhi
c) NBPGR, New Delhi
d) NBPGR + IARI, New Delhi

29. Pick the right and sensible sequential combination out of the following:
a) Cry IAc; npt 11, TnS; and aad, Tn7
b) B.t.k.; aad, TN7; and npt It, Tn5
c). Cry lAc; npt 11, aad; and Tn5, Tn7
d) Bt; Cry lAc; npt II, Tn5; and aad, Tn7

30. Concentrate Insecticide Liquids essentially include
a) Non-volatile solvents
b) Emulsifier
c) High viscosity emulsifier
d) Emulsion of oil in water type solvents
