IBPS Bank PO (CWE) Reasoning,General awareness,quantitative Aptitude Question Paper |   7428

IBPS Bank PO (CWE) Reasoning,General awareness,quantitative Aptitude Question Paper

                                                               IBPS Exam Paper


General awareness


1. Which one of the following Public Sector Organizations has offered largest ever equity offer ?
2.Coal India
3.Power Grid
4.Shipping Corporation of India
5.None of these


2. Through which one of the following sources domestic funds are raised by Companies ?
(a) IPO only
(b) FPO only
(c) Commercial papers
1.Only (a) and (b)
2.All (a),(b) and (c)
3.Only (a),and (c)  Only (a)
5.Only (c)


3. Which one of the following was the reason owing to which Govt. want Reserve Bank of India to tighten prudential norms for NBFCs?
1.To reduce liquidity in the market
2.It is as per Basel II requirements
3.It is as per Bank for International Settlement (BIS) directives
4.It is to protect NBFCs from any impact of possible economic slowdown
5.None of these


4. In the financial year 2009-10, which one of the following Banks has made highest Total dividend Payout?


3.Bank of India

4.Canara Bank

5.None of these

5. In respect of which one of the following countries, India has proposed non payments for import of crude oil ?






Numerical Ability Questions
1. The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each divisible by 3 is 72. What is the largest among them?



4 30

Answer: (3)


2. The numerator of a non-zero rational number is five less than the denominator. If the denominator is increased by eight and the numerator is doubled, then again we get the same rational number. The required rational number is:





Answer: (5)


3. Find the greatest number that will divide 640, 710 and 1526 so as to leave 11, 7, 9 as remainders respectively.





Answer:  (2)


4. Jayesh is as much younger than Anil as he is older than Prashant. If the sum of the ages of Anil and Prashant is 48 years, what is Jayesh’s age in years?





Answer:  (3)

5. A bag contains one rupee, 50-paise and 25-paise coins in the ratio 2 : 3 5. Their total value is Rs. 114. The value of 50 paisa coins is:
1.Rs. 28

2.Rs. 36

3.Rs. 49

4.Rs. 72

5.Rs. 50

Answer:   (1)

6. A tempo is insured to the extent of 4 5 of its original value. If the premium on it at the rate of 1.3 percent amounts to Rs. 910, the original value of the tempo is:

1.Rs. 78,000

2.Rs. 78,500

3.Rs. 80,000

4.Rs. 85,000

5.Rs. 87,500 Answer:   (5)

7. By selling 45 lemons for Rs. 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs. 24 to gain 20% in the transaction?





Answer:   (2)

8. In a ratio, which is equal to 3 : 4, if the antecedent is 12, then the consequent is:





5.18 Answer:   (2)

9. A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs. 529. A and B together are supposed to do 19/23 of the work and B and C together 8/23 of the work. What amount should A be paid?
1.Rs. 320

2.Rs. 345

3.Rs. 355

4. Rs. 380

5.None of these

Answer:   (2)

10. A boy rides his bicycle 10 km at an average speed of 12 km/hr and again travels 12 km at an average speed of 10 km/hr. His average speed for the entire trip is approximately:
1.10.4 km/hr

2.10.8 km/hr

3.12 km/hr

4.14 km/hr

5.13 km/hr

Answer:   (2)


11. From a pack of 52 cards, two cards are drawn together at random. What is the probability of both the cards being kings?


12. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes:




5.None of these

Answer:   (2)


13. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is:





Answer:   (4)


14. What is the difference in exports between the periods March to May and June to August (in $ million)?




5.None of these

Answer:   (4)


15. If the exports of company B in the year 2003 were Rs. 77 crore, then, what were the imports of the company in that year?
1.86 crore

2.107.5 crore

3.103.95 crore

4.101 crore

5.None of these

Answer:   (3)

Mental Ability Verbal Questions

1. If Step IV reads ‘to restrict the use of air conditioners”, which of the following will definitely be the input?
(1)use to of the air conditioners restrict
(2)restrict the to of air conditioners use
(3)the air conditioners of restrict use to
(4) Can’t be determined
(5) None of these


Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A famous museum issues entry passes to all its visitors for security  easons. Visitors are allowed in batches after every one hour. In a day there are six batches. A code is printed on entry pass which keeps on changing for every   atch. Following is an illustration of pass-codes issued for each batch.
Batch I: clothes neat and clean liked are all by
Batch II: by clothes neat all are and clean liked
Batch III: liked by clothes clean and neat all are and so on…

2. If pass-code for the third batch is ‘night succeed day and hard work-to for’, what will be the pass-code for the sixth batch?
(1)work hard to for succeed night and day
(2)hard work for and succeed night to day
(3)work hard for to succeed night and day
(4)hard work for to succeed night and day
(5) None of these


3. If ‘visit in zoo should the time day’ is the pass-code for the fifth batch, zoo we the should visit day time in’ will be the pass-code for which of following batches?






4. Sanjay visited the museum in the fourth batch and was issued a pass-code ‘to fast rush avoid not do very run’. What would have been the pass-code for him had   visited the museum in the second bitch?
(1)rush do not avoid to run very fast
(2)rush not do-avoid to run very
(3)avoid rush not do to run very fast
(4) Date inadequate
(5) None of these


5. Subodh went to visit the museum in the second batch. He was issued a pass-code ‘length the day equal of an night are’. However, he could not visit the museum  the second batch as he was a little late. He then preferred to visit in the fifth batch. What will be the new pass-code issued to him?
(1)and of are night the length equal day
(2)and are of night the length equal day
(3)and of are night the equal day length
(4)and of are the night length day equal
(5) None of these


6. If ass-code for the second batch is ‘to confidence hard you leads work and success’, what will be the pass-code for the fourth batch?
(1)leads success to you hard confidence and work
(2)leads success you to hard confidence and work
(3)leads success to you hard confidence work and
(4)leads to success you hard confidence and work
(5) None of these


7. If the pass-code issued for the last (sixth) batch is ‘and pencil by all boys used are pen’, what will be the passcode for the first batch?
(1)pencil and pen are used by all boys
(2)pen and pencil used are by all boys
(3)pen and pencil are used by all boys
(4)Pencil and pen are used all by boys
(5) None of these


8. If the pass-code for the sixth batch is ‘not go the way to of out do’, what will be the pass-code for the third batch?
(1)Of do to out go not way the
(2)of to do out not go way the
(3)of to go out do not way the
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these


Directions: Study the following information to answer the given questions:
A word rearrangement machine when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and
the steps of rearrangement:
Input: Over you pat me crow easy to.
Steps: (I) pat over you crow easy to me
Steps: (II) crow pat over you to me easy
Steps: (III) over crow pal to me easy you
Steps: (IV) to over crow pat easy you me and so on.
As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate step for the given input in the following questions:


9. If Step II of an input is ‘ge su but he for game free’, what would be step VI?
(1)a for but fine he game su
(2)for free ge game su he but
(3)free ge for but game su he
(4)he ge su but game free for
(5) None of these


10. If step IV of an input is ‘blue navy kit lime se get‘, which of the following would definitely be the input?
(1)navy get lime out kit se blue
(2)lime navy get kit se blue out
(3)lime blue navy kit get out se
(4)kit blue navy se get out lime
(5) None of these


11. Input: but calm free are so not eat. Which of the following will be the 3rd step for this input?
(1)so free but calm eat are not
(2)but calm are free not so eat
(3)are but calm free not eat so
(4)but so free eat are not calm
(5) None of these

12. If step V of an input is ‘put down col in as mach sa’ , what would be the 8 th  step?
(1)down in put much sa as col
(2)in put down cot much sa as
(3)much in put down sa as col
(4)col put down as much sa in
(5) None of these

13. Input: rim bye eat klin fe to low Which of the following steps would be ‘fe low rim to bye klin eat’?




(5)None of these


Directions: A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement:
Input: Put pocket hand watch he for them.
Step I: Put for he watch hand pocket them.
Step II: Put he for watch pocket hand them.
Step III: Put hand pocket watch for he them.
Step IV: Put pocket hand watch he for them.
And so on goes the machine. Study the logic and answer the questions that follow:

14. If Step III of a given input be ‘fly sky birds my su fur say’, what is the seventh step of the input?
(1)fly sky birds my su fur say
(2)fly birds sky my fur su say
(3)fly fur su my birds sky say
(4)fly su fur my sky birds say
(5) None of these


15. If Step VII of an input is ‘slow ran dhurwa pat hak dig vi’, what is step V of that input?
(1)slow dig hak pat dhurwa ran vi
(2)slow hak dig pat ran dhurwa vi
(3)slow hak dig pat ran dhurwa vi
(4)slow ran dhurwa pat hak dig vi
(5) None of these


English Language

Direction: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four  ords  are suggested. One of which fills the blank appropriately. Find out appropriate word in each case. The Reserve Bank has taken a bold (1) in the development of    they, the government securities and the foreign exchange markets in (2) of their critical role in overall growth and development of the economy and (3) in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The approach has been one of simultaneous movements on several fronts, graduated and callibrated,with an (4) on  institutional and infrastructural development and improvements in market microstructure. The pace of reforms was contingent (5) putting in place appropriatesystems and procedures, technologies and market practices. Initiatives taken by the Reserve Bank have brought about  a (6) transformation of various segments of the financial market. These developments by improve the depth and liquidity in domestic financial markets  have (7)  to  better  price  discovery of interest rates and exchange rates, which, in turn, hae  led to greater (8) in resource allocation in the economy. The increase in size and depth of financial market has (9) the way for (10) use of indirect instruments.

1. (1)interest (2)participation(3)step (4)role (5)None of these

2. (1)point (2)tune 3)view (4)pursuit (5)None of these

3. (1)decisively (2)reluctantly 3)visibly (4)particularly (5)None of these

4)equilibrium (2)emphasis (3)appeasement (4)overload (5)None of these

5. (1)by (2)for (3)against (4)upon (5)None of these

6. (1)trivial (2)jubilant (3)fastidious (4)significant  5)None of these

7. (1)addressed (2)contributed (3)initiated (4)evolved (5)None of these

8. (1)measures (2)activism (3)debacle (4)efficiency (5)None of these

9. (1)paved (2)repaired (3)dug (4)elevated (5)None of these

10.(1)revolutionised (2)indiscriminate (3)flexible (4)arbitrary (5)None of these


1. (3 )   2. (4) 3. (4) 4. (2) 5. (4) 6. (4)     6. (2)    7. (1) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10.(3)


Computer Knowledge Questions

1. Buffer is device/storage area–
1.Where data are temporarily stored
2.Where data is permanently stored
3.Where data error occurs
4.All of the above

5.None of these


2. A network geometric arrangement in which a single connecting line is shared by a number of nodes is called–
1.Car Topology

2.Bus Topology

3.Truck Topology

4.All of the above

5.None of these


3. An error in a computer program is referred as–



4.All of the above

5.None of these


4. Circuits that provide a ommunication path between two or more devices of a digital computer system is–




4.All of the above

5.None of these


5. A fixed number of adjacent bits that represent a particular character or symbol are referred as– 1.Byte



4.All of the above

5.None of these


6. Cache memory is a–

1.Small buffer storage

2.Permanent storage

3.Main memory

4.All of the above

5.None of these


7. The total number of digits (symbols) available to represent numbers in a positional number system is referred as–

1.Number system



4.All of the above

5.None of these

8. Cache memory–

1.Is a Static RAM

2.Increases the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rate

3.Both 1. and 2.  true .

4.Both 1. and 2. are false

5.None of these

9. Following is false for BASIC–

1.Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

2.High-level interactive programming language

3.Works in time sharing  nvironment

4.Low level object oriented language

5.None of these

10. A unit for measuring data transmission speed that describes the capacity of a carrier is referred as–




4.All of the above


11. A process of trying out a new product by independent users before it is finally manufactured/developed–

1.Alpha test

2.Beta Test

3.Gamma test

4.All of the above

5.None of these


12. A selection, choice, or condition involving two possibilities is referred as–



4.All of the above

5.None of these


13. Base band System is–

1.A networking system

2.Where the channel support a single digital signal

3.Both 1. and 2. are true

4.All of the above

5.None is true


14. One of the early coding systems, based on the idea of converting each digit of a decimal number into its binary equivalent rather than converting the entire decimal value into a pure binary form is–
1.ASCII code



4.All of the above

5.None of these


15. In Batch processing–
1.Several computer programs runs one after another without human interaction to run each program individually
2.Several computer   programs runs one after another with human interaction to run each program individually
3.Selected computer programs runs one after another with human interaction to
un each program individually
4.All of the above
5.None is true


16. BISYNC is–
1.Binary synchronous
2.A process of transmitting data
3.A half-duplex, character oriented, synchronous data communication transmission method
4.All of the above
5.None of these


17. A device that is used to transmit data from one location to another is referred as–




4.All of the above

5.None of these


18. Programs developed by an outside supplier and provided to the user in a machine readable form is known as–
1.Canned programs
2.Beta program
3.Alpha program
4.All of the above
5.None of these


19. A binary numbers are represented by–

1.Digits 0 and 1

2.Digits 0, 1, ..., 8

3.Digits AB, C,...

4.All of the above

5.None of these


20. BIOS is responsible for

1.Handling the particulars of input/output operations

2.Output operations

3.Input operations

4.All of the above

5.None of these 


21 BIOS is an abbreviation for–

1.Binary Input/Binary Output

2.Binary synchronous

3.Binary digit

4.All of the above

5.None of these


22. BISYNC is an abbreviation for–

1.Binary Input/Binary Output

2.Binary synchronous

3.Binary digit

4.All of the above

5.None of these


23. The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as–

1.Computer Architecture

2.Computer Flowchart

3.Computer Algorithm

4.All of the above

5.None of these


24. A number system with a base of two is referred as–

1.Unary number system

2.Binary number system

3.Octal number system

4.All of the above

5.None of these


25. Call statement–

1.A program statement which transfers program control to a subroutine.

2.A program statement that does not transfers program control to a  subroutine

3.Void statement

4.All of the above

5.None of these


Answers 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (1)
6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (4)
11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (3) 15. (2)
16. (1) 17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (1)
21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (2)



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