IBPS Bank PO (CWE) General awareness and Computer Questions with answers |   6270

IBPS Bank PO (CWE) General awareness and Computer Questions with answers

IBPS Bank PO CWE General awareness Computer Questions with answers


101.  What is the full form of ‘NBFC’ as used in the Financial Sector?

A. New Banking Finance Company B. National Banking & Finance Corporation
C. New Business Finance & Credit D. Non Business Fund Company    E. None of these


102.  As per the news published in various financial newspapers, the RBI is reworking the road map on Capital Account Convertibility.  If this is done, who amongst the following would be able to invest in foreign projects or acquire assets outside India without any restrictions ?

(1) Public Sector Banks (2) Companies which are registered in India
(3) Govt. of India (4) Any Individual

A. Only (1)
B. Only (2)
C. Only (3)
D. All (1),(2),(3) and (4)
E. None of these


103.  Many a times, we read about Special Drawing Right (SDR) in newspapers.  As per its definition, SDR is a monetary unit of the reserve assets of which of the following organizations/agencies ?

A. World Bank
B. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
C. Asian Development Bank
D. Reserve Bank of India
E. None of these

104.  Which of the following is/are the highlights of the Union Budget 2010-11 ?

1. Number of new steps taken to simplify the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regime.
2. Rs.16,500 crore provided to ensure that the public Sector Banks are able to attain a minimum 8% capital (Tier-I) by March 2011.
3. More than Rs.1,74,000 crore provided for the development of the infrastructure in the country.

A. Only (1)
B. Only (2)
C. Only (3)
D. All (1),(2) & (3)
E. None of these


105.  As per the news published in major financial newspapers, the Union Govt. is planning to divest 20 % stake in the state owned Hindustan Copper Ltd. What does it really mean ?

A. The Govt. will bring 20% more capital into the company.
B. The Govt. will sell 20 % of its total share to the public.
C.  The Govt. is planning to purchase 20 % shares in state owned company.
D.  20 % of the total shares in Hindustan Copper Ltd. Will be sold to its employees
E.  None of these


106.  As per the newspaper reports, the Govt. of India made an auction of the Third Generation Spectrum (3G) recently. Which of the following ministries was actively involved in the process ?

A. Ministry of Heavy Industries
B. Ministry of Science & Technology
C. Ministry of Commerce
D. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
E. None of these


107.  As per the recent announcement, the Govt. of India will provide an amount of Rs.48,000c crore to develop Rural Infrastructure in the country. This planned development is being undertaken under which of the following schemes ?

A. Bharat Nirman
B. Indira Aawas Yojana
C. Backward Region Grant Fund
D. Drought Mitigation Fund
E. None of these


108. As per the current practice, the maximum part of the Global Foreign Exchange Reserves (more than 60 % ) and Foreign  Exchange Transaction (more than 90 %) take place in only one currency all over the world. Which is that currency ?

A. Euro  B. Pound Sterling  C. US Dollar D.  Yen  E. None of these


109.  The RBI Governor, in one of his speeches made a mention of Inflation Index and said ‘the problem in India is that which inflation index to target as there are several such indices’. Which of the following statements is  CORRECT  in this regard ?

A. There is one WPI index and four CPI indices
B. There are four WPI indices and one CPI index
C. There are two WPI indices and two CPI indices
D. There is one WPI index and one CPI index.
E. There are ten different types of WPI and CPI indices


110.  Which of the following agencies/organizations has recently decided that all the Stock Exchanges should introduce physical settlement of equity derivatives ?

A. Reserve Bank of India
B. Bombay Stock Exchange
C. Registrar of Companies
D. Securities and Exchange Board of India
E. All of these


111.  Recently, India took part ‘Nuclear New Build 2010 Conference” organized in

A. New Delhi B. London C.Paris D.Hong Kong E. None of these

112.  Which of the following schemes announced in the Union Budget 2010-11 will have a direct impact on the pricing pattern of fertilizers?

A. Minimum support price for foodgrains
B. Instant credit for purchase of fertilizers and seeds
C. Nutrient based subsidy for fertilizers
D. Special incentives to small and marginal farmers
E. None of these


113.  As we know, with the launch of Nano by Tatas, India has become favourite Small Car Destination of the world. Other than India, which of the following countries is also a popular destination of small cars?

A. Britain
B. France
C. Germany
D. Tailand
E. None of these


114.  Many economist and financial analysts are of the opinion that India could withstand the recent global economic crisis comfortably because of a good fiscal consolidation and Govt. ‘s adherence to the targets fixed by the

A. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
B. Banking Regulation Act
C. Finance Bill Act
D. Foreign Exchange Management Act
E. All of these


115.  As per the decision taken by the competent authorities, the Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) are required to pay 100 % application money to make them eligible to bid for public issues. How much amount were the QIBs paying as application or margin money prior to this decision ?

A. 5%  B. 1% C. 10 %  D. 50 %  E. None of these


116.  The Finance Minister of India, in one of his speeches said that ‘the current high inflation is not because of monetary  expansion but due to supply side bottleneck in certain essential commodities’. This means that the Finance Minister is of the view that

1. the liquidity position in market is quite comfortable these days.
2. inflation being experienced these days is not cost push inflation.
3. markets are flooded with luxury goods but essential commodities are definitely in short supply.

A. Only 1 is true
B. Only 2 is true
C. Only 1 & 2 are true
D. All are true
E. None of these


117.  North Korea and USA decided to resume their peace talks after a gap of several months. Both the countries have a dispute over which of the following issues ?
A. Bailout package offered by USA
B. Membership of ASEAN to North Korea
C. Nuclear Programme of North Korea
D. Soaring relations of China with North Korea
E. None of these


118.  Who amongst the following was the Chairperson of the 13th Finance Commission which submitted its report to the president of India recently?

A. Mr. M. V. Kamath
B. Dr. C Rangarajan
C. Dr. D. Dubbarao
D. Dr. Rakesh Mohan
E. Dr. Vijay Kelkar


119.  As per the news published in various newspapers, the RBI is considering the grant of licence to some new companies, particularly NBFCs to act as full-fledged banks. Which of the following will be considered NBFC ?

B. Life Insurance Corporation of India
C. Reliance Capital
E. None of these


120.  As per the newspaper reports, China is likely to drop its special ‘Yuan policy being followed by Chine at present ?

1. China had initiated the policy of Yuan’s exchange rate with dollar to Yuan since 2008 at specified rate decided by it and not by the market forces.
2. China has initiated a policy which says that all payment in China should be done in Yuan only. No other  currency is acceptable.
3. China has a policy of accepting all payments for its exports in dollar while all imports are paid in Yuan only. US and some other nations do not agree with this.

A. only 1  B. Only 2 C. Only 3  D. Only 1 & 2 E. None of these


121. What is an ‘intranet’ ?

A. Internal internet used to transfer information internally
B. Internal internet used to transfer information to the outside company
C. Internal network designed to serve the internal informational needs of a single organization.
D. Internal network designed to transfer the information between two organzations
E. None of these


122.  Which of the following groups of cricket teams was declared joint winner of the Col. C. K. Naidu Trophy for 2009?

A. Tamil Nadu & Gujarat
B. Maharashtra & Kerala
C. Punjab & Delhi
D. West Bengal & Maharashtra
E. None of these


123.  Kaiane Aldorino who was crowned miss world 2009 is from which of the following countries ?

A. Germany B. Spain  C. Austria D. Belgium E. Gibraltar


124.  Which of the following teams won the Davis Cup Tennis Finals 2009 ?

A. Germany B. Spain  C. Russia D. France E. None of these


125.  Who amongst the following is the recipient of the ‘CNN-IBN Indian of the year ‘ Award for 2009?

A. Ratan Tata B. A.R. Rahman  C. Manmohan Singh D. Sachin Tendulkar E. None of these


126.  The deficit reduction plan of which of the following countries was reviewed recently in the meeting of the Finance Ministers of the European Union ?

A. Germany B. Romania C. Brazil  D. Hungary E. Greece

IBPS Bank PO CWE Computer Awareness Questions


127.  The database administrator’s function in an organization is

A. to be responsible for the more technical aspects of managing the information contained in organizational databases.
B. To be responsible for the executive level aspects of decisions regarding the information management.
C. To show the relationship among entity clases in a data warehouse.
D. To define which data mining tools must be used to extract data.
E. None of these.


128.   Every devise on the Internet has a unique--------address (also called an “Internet address”) that identifies it in the same way that a street address identifies the location of a house.

A. DH B. DA C. IP D. IA E. None of these

129.  To send another station a message, the main thing a user has to know is _____

A. how the network works
B. the other station’s address
C. Whether the network is packet-switched or circuit –switched
D. Whether this is a voice or data network
E. None of these


130.  In a client/server model , a client program

A. asks for information
B. provides information and files
C. serves software files to other computers
D. distributes data files to other computers
E. None of these


131.   Control in design of an information system is used to

A. inspect the system and check that it is built as per specifications
B. ensure that the system processes data as it wa designed to and that the results are reliable.
C. ensure privacy of data processed by it
D. protect data from accidental or intentional loss
E. None of these


132.  Each of the following is a true statement except.

A.on-line systems continually update the master file.
B. in on-line processing, the user enters transactions into a device that is directly connected to the computer system
C. batch processing is still used today in older systems or in some systems with massive volumes of transactions
D. information in batch systems will always be up-to-date
E. None of these


133.  A set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization best defines

A. Communications technology
B. a network
C. an information system
D. hardware
E. None of these


134.  A ____________is a computer connected to two networks .

A. link B. Server C. gateway D. bridge way E. None of these.


135.  When you save a presentation

A. all slides in a presentation are saved in the same file.
B. two files are created ; one for graphics and one for content
C. a file is created for each slide
D. a file is created for each animation or graphic
E. None of these


136.  In a customer database, a customer’s surname would be keyed into a

A. row B. text field C. record D. computed field E. None of these

137.  Find the correct statement
A. Marketing is redundant in monopolistic companies
B. Performance of sales person depends on the amount of incentives paid
C. marketing is influenced by peer performance
D. An increase in market share indicates fall in business volume
E. A Mission statement is part of the Company’s Propectus.

138.  Storing same data in many places is called

A. iteration B. Concurrency  C. redundancy  D. enumeration  E. None of these

139. Which of the following is the first step in the ‘transaction processing cycle’, which captures business data through various modes such as optical scanning or an electronic commerce website ?

A. Document and report generation
B. Database maintenance
C. Transaction processing
D. Data Entry
E. None of these


140.  CRM (Customer Relationship Management ) is

A. A Pre-sales activity B. A tool for lead generation C. An ongoing daily activity  D. The task of a DSA E. All of the above


141.  Bank assurance can be sold to

A. All banks
B. All insurance companies
C. Insurance Agents
D. All existing and prospective bank customers
E. All of these


142.  Cross-selling is not effective for which one of the following products ?

A. Debit cards
B. Savings accounts
C. Internet banking
D. Pension loans
E. Personal loans


143.  One of the following is not involved in the Growth Strategies of a Company

A. Horizontal integration
B. Vertical integration
C. Diversification
D. Intensification
E. None of these


144.  A successful ‘ Blue Ocean Strategy’ requires

A. Effective communication
B. Innovative skills
C. Motivation
D. All of the above
E. None of these


145.  Cross-selling is the basic function of

A. All employers
B. All employees
C. All sales persons
D. Planning Department
E. All of the above


146.  Data mining means analyzing the data stored with

A. The DSA
B. The front-office staff
C. The back-office staff
D. The customers
E. None of these

147.  SME means

A. Selling and Marketing Establishment
B. Selling and Managing Employee
C. Sales and Marketing  Entity
D. Small and Medium Enterprises
E. None of these


148.  One of the following is not included in the 7 P’s of marketing. Find the same.

A. product  B. Price  C. Production D. Promotion E. None of these

149.  The target group for SME loans is

A. All Businessmen
B. All Professionals
C. All SSIs
D. All of the above
E. None of these


150.  Home Loans can be best canvassed among

A. Builders
B. Flat owners
C. Land developers
D. Agriculturists
E. Individuals wanting to buy a flat or house.




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