Placement Paper |   6006

Placement Paper

IBPS clerical cadre solved question papers,IBPS aptitude reasoning computer knowledge bank based general knowledge professional knowledge questions with answers,IBPS previous years solved question papers

1. Four teams, Team A, B, C and D participated in a tournament. Team C scored the least. Team B scored more than team D but not as much as Team A. Who amongst the four teams scored third highest ?
1. Team A 
2. Team B 
3. Team C
4. Team D -Answer
5. Cannot be determined

2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word JOURNEY each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical order ?
1. None 
2. One 
3. Two 
4. Three -Answer
5. More than three

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group, which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
1. Jute 
2. Cotton 
3. Wool 
4. Silk 
5. Rayon-Answer

Directions (Q. 4 and 5) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow
If ‘A × B’ means ‘A is to the South of B’.
If ‘A + B’ means ‘A is to the North of B’
If ‘A % B’ means ‘A is to the East of B’
If ‘A – B’ means ‘A is to the West of B’.

4. Which of the following means ‘P is to the East of Q’ ?
1. H % P – S + Q 
2. Q + R × S – P 
3. P % A – Q + B -Answer
4. Q – Z % S × P 
5. None of these

5. In the equation F % Q + R – S, S is in which direction with respect to Q ?
1. East 
2. South 
3. West
4. South-West 
5. South-East-Answer

Directions (Q. 6 - 8) The following questions are based on the five four digit numbers given below -
3475 2791 6458 1826 7534
6. What will be the resultant if the second digit of the highest number is subtracted from the third digit of the second lowest number ?
1. 1 

2. 2 

3. 3 

4. 6 

5. 4-Answer

7. If all the digits in each of the numbers are arranged in descending order from left to right within the number, whichof the following will be the sum of all the four digits of the number which is third highest in the new arrangement?
1. 19 

2. 18 

3. 22 

4. 17 -Answer

5. 23

8. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the second lowest number ?
1. 3475 

2. 2791 

3. 6458 

4. 1826 

5. 7534-Answer

Directions - (Q. 9 - 13) In each question/set of questions below are statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give Answers -
1. If only conclusion I follows 
2. If only conclusion II follows
3. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 
4. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
5. If both conclusions I and II follow
9. Statements :
All gems are precious
Some gems are stones.
All stones are diamonds
Conclusions :
I. At least some stones are precious
II. All diamonds are precious.

10. Statements :
All dreams are fantasies.
Some fantasies are pleasant
All pleasant are everlasting
Some everlasting are memories
Conclusions :
I. Some dreams are memories
II. Some fantasies are everlasting
11. Statements :
All black are blue.
All blue are green
All green are emerald
Conclusions :
I. Some emeralds are green
II. All black and blue are green
Directions - (Q. 12 and 13)
Statements :
No design is fashion
All fashions are temporary
Some temporary are permanent

12. Conclusions :
I. Some designs are permanent
II. No fashion is permanent
13. Conclusions :
I. At least some temporary are fashions.
II. At least some temporary are not designs.
Directions - (Q.14 - 17) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions -Seven trees namely mango, lemon, apple, ashoka, banana, guava and papaya are planted in a straight row, not necessarily in the same order. (Assume as if the trees are facing North)
a. The papaya tree is planted fourth to the right of the lemon tree
b. The Ashoka tree is planted at the extreme right end of the row
c. The mango and guava trees are immediate neighbours of the lemon tree
d. The banana tree is planted immediately next to the mango tree

14. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their position in the above arrangement and so forma group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
1. lemon, mango 
2. banana, apple 
3. mango, banana 
4. guava, lemon 
5. apple, ashoka-Answer
15. Which trees are planted at the extreme ends of the row ?
1. guava, apple 
2. lemon, ashoka 
3. guava, ashoka -Answer
4. lemon, papaya 
5. guava, papaya

16. Which of the following tree is planted exactly in the middle of the row ?
1. papaya 
2. mango 
3. banana -Answer
4. lemon 
5. apple

17. What is the position of the apple tree with respect to the guava tree ?
1. Second to the right 
2. Fourth to the right -Answer
3. Immediate left 
4. Third to the right 
5. Third to the left3

Directions - ( 18 - 21 ) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions -
A, B, C, D, F, G, H and J are sitting around a circular table facing the centre.
a. D sits exactly between J and F.
b. J sits second to the left of F and second to the right of B.
c. H sits third to the left of G.
d. A is not an immediate neighbour of B.-Answer

18. How many people sit between G and H when counted in an anti-clockwise direction from G ?
1. One 
2. Two 
3. Three 
4. Four -Answer
5. Five

19. If H : F then J : ?
1. B -Answer
2. F 
3. H 
4. G 
5. None of these

20. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in anticlock-wise direction, starting from A, the positions of how many (excluding A) will remain nchanged as compared to their original seating positions ?
1. None 
2. One -Answer
3. Two 
4. Three 
5. Four

21. In which of the following pairs is the second person sitting to the immediate left of the first person ?
1. GJ 
2. FA 
3. CH -Answer
4. AH 
5. DF

Directions (Q. 22 - 26) Study the following arrangement of digits and symbols carefully and answer the questions given below -
3 4 2 6 8 7 © 5 4 £ 3 2 9 $ 1 6 5 3 7 # 9 8 6 @ 2 1 4 3  9 8 7 2  4 3
22. How many 2’s are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a perfect square ?
(1 is also a perfect square)
1. None 
2. One 
3. Two -Answer
4. Three 
5. Four

23. Which of the following is fifth to the right of the eighteenth from the left end of the above arrangement ?
1. $ 

2. 9 

3. 2 4. @ 

5. 6-Answer

24. How many symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded as well as followed by an even number in the above arrangement ?
1. One 
2. Two -Answer
3. Three 
4 Four 
5. Five

25. If all the digits that are perfect squares are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following will be the thirteenth (digit/symbol) from the left end of the above arrangement ?(1 is also a perfect square)
1. $ 2. 6 3. # 4. 7 5. 5-Answer

26. How many pairs of digits are there in the number highlighted in bold in the above arrangement each of which has as many digits between them (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the numerical series ?
1. One 
2. Two 
3. Three 
4. Four -Answer
5. Five

Directions - (Q. 27 - 30) In each question below is given a group of letters followed by five combinations of number / symbol codes lettered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the following coding system and the conditions and mark the letter of that combination as your answer -

Letter P I R S E J L O D N X A B C K
Number Symbol code:/ :  5 4 # 3 8 @ 7 2 1 $ 6  9 
Conditions :
(i) If both the first and the fifth elements are vowels, the codes for both these are to be interchanged.
(ii) If the group of letters contains no vowel, the codes for the first and the last elements are to be interchanged
(iii) If the third element is a vowel and the fourth a consonant, the fourth element is to be coded as the code for the second element.
1. 8246@# -Answer
2. 8246#@ 
3. 8264@# 
4. 8@426# 
5. 2846@#

1. 3147@ 
2. 3741@ 
3. 7413@ 
4. 3417@ -Answer
5. 7143@

1. 793 -Answer
2. 397 
3. 397 
4. 3 79 
5. 397

1. $45$91 
2. 4$9$51 
3. 4$5$91 -Answer
4. 4$$951 
5. 4$$519

Directions (Q. 1 - 10) : What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ?
1. (124)2+ 0.4624 = ?
1. 1.7024 
2. 154.2224 -Answer 
3. 2 4. 1.542 
5. None of these

√256/ 337 *1011/ 1024 = ?
1. 4/3
2. 3/4-Answer 
3. 1/2
4. 2/3
5. None of these

3.961/1681 =?
1. 29/39
2. 31/49
3. 31/41-Answer 
4. 21/39
5. None of these

4. 2/7(54*2-6)*?=1/4 of 3024
1. 24 
2. 756 
3. 92.41 
4. 29.41 
5. 31.50-Answer 

5. 0.006 × 0.2 × 0.35 = ?
1. 0.000042 
2. 0.00042 -Answer 
3. 0.0042 
4. 0.000004
2 5. None of these

6.√ 7 of 64 +(7 +9)?
1. 28 
2. 14 -Answer 
3. 17 
4. 73 
5. None of these

7.80/0.4 +0.8/8 = ?

1. 1125 
2. 2000 -Answer 
3. 200 
4. 20 
5. None of these

8.√of 0.9 =?
1. 0.3 
2. 0.0
3 3. 0.949 -Answer 
4. 0.992 
5. 0.45

9. If√  16/49=?/ 49
1. 4 
2. 7 
3. 16 
4. 28 -Answer 
5. 29

10. 9 + 99 + 999 + 9999 = ?
1. 111006 
2. 11007 
3. 12006 
4. 11106 -Answer 
5. None of these

Directions (Q. 11 - 15) What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in following equations.
11. 35% of 121 + 85% of 230.25 = ?
1. 225 
2. 230 
3. 240 -Answer 
4. 245 
5. 228

12. 3.2 × 8.1 + 3185 / 4.95 = ?
1. 670 
2. 660 -Answer 
3. 645 
4. 690 
5. 685

13. 2508 / 15.02 + ? × 11 = 200
1. 13 
2. 8 
3. 3 -Answer 
4. 4 
5. 6

14. 42.07 × 7.998 + (?)2 = 202
1. 6 
2. 12 
3. 32 
4. 64 
5. 8-Answer 

15. 2375.85 / 18.01 – 4.525 × 8.05 = ?
1. 105 
2. 96 
3. 88 
4. 94 -Answer 
5. 112

Directions (Q.16 - 20) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series.
16. 21, 24, 33, 48, 69, 96, ?
1. 129 -Answer 

2. 126 
3. 132 
4. 135 
5. None of these

17. 540, 316, 204, 148, 120, 106 ?
1. 92 
2. 89 
3. 98 
4. 99 -Answer 
5. None of these

18. 135, 124, 111, 96, 79, 60 ?
1. 37 
2. 41 
3. 43 
4. 35 
5. 39-Answer 

19. 23, 32, 50, 77, 113, 158 ?
1. 213 
2. 212 -Answer 
3. 203 
4. 221 
5. None of these

20. 37, 101, 150, 186, 211, 227, ?
1. 235 
2. 231 
3. 238 
4. 236 -Answer 
5. None of these

21. A mixture of 40 litres of milk and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to make water 20% in the new mixture ?
1. 9 ltrs 
2. 7 ltrs 
3. 5 ltrs -Answer 
4. 10 ltrs 
5. None of these

22. What would be the cost of building a fence around a square plot with area equal to 361 sq.ft. If the price per foot of building the fence is Rs. 62?
1. Rs.4026 
2. Rs. 4712 -Answer 
3. Rs. 3948 
4. Cannot be determined 
5. None of these

23. When the price of an item was reduced by 15%, the sale of the item increased by 20%. What was the effect on the sales
1. 2% increase -Answer 
2. 2% decrease 
3. 1% increase 
4. 1% decrease 
5. None of these

24. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘TRUST’ be arranged ?
1. 240 
2. 120 
3. 80 
4. 25 
5. 60-Answer 

25. Manish travels at the speed of 40 km/hr for 3 hours and the speed of 60 km/hr for 4.5 hours. In this way he covers three fifths of the total distance. At what average speed should he travel to cover the remaining distance in 4 hours ?
1. 60 km/hr 
2. 70 km/hr 
3. 62 km/hr 
4. 65 km/hr -Answer 
5. None of these

26. An empty pipe can empty 1/4 of a cistern in 15 minutes. In 5 minutes, what part of the cistern will be emptied?. 

2. 1/3
3. 1/2
4. 1/12-Answer 
5. None of these

27. Alok, a marine student, has to secure 60% to get first division. He gets 450 marks and misses the first class by 30 marks. Find the maximum marks
1. 600 
2. 650 
3. 700 
4. 750 
5. 800-Answer 

28. The difference between simple and compound interests on a certain sum for 3 years at 5% is Rs.61/- Find the sum
1. Rs.9000 
2. Rs.9261 
3. Rs. 9200 
4. Rs.8000 -Answer 
5. None of these

29. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the two digits of the number is 9. If the sum of the two digits of the number is 15, then what is the original number?
1. 89 
2. 67 
3. 87 
4. 96 
5. None of these-Answer 

30. A man has Rs. 480 in the denomination of one-rupee notes, five rupee notes and ten - rupee notes. The number of notes are equal. What is the total number of notes ?
1. 90 -Answer 
2. 75 
3. 60 
4. 45 
5. 30
Directions (Q. 111 - 115) : In each of these questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. Youhave to solve both the equations and - Give Answer if
1. x < y 
2. x < y 
3. x > y 
4. x > y
5. x = y or the relationship can not be established

Directions (Q. 31 - 35) : Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow :
Number of Females and Males working in five different organisations

31. What is the ratio of the number of females to the number of males from organisation A ?
1. 11 : 8 
2. 7 : 6 
3. 8 : 11 
4. 6 : 7 -Answer 
5. None of these

32 The number of males in the Organisation D forms what percent of the total number of employees from that organisation ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
1. 54.17 -Answer 
2. 62.64 
3. 52.25 
4. 61.47 
5. None of these

33. What is the total number of employees working in Organisation C and B together ?
1. 8950 
2. 9520 
3. 8250 
4. 9500 
5. 9250-Answer 

34. The number of females from Organisation E forms approximately what percent of the total number of employees from that Organisation ?
1. 58 
2. 60 
3. 52 -Answer 
4. 62 
5. 55

35. What is the total number of females from all the Organisations together ?
1. 11540 
2. 11750 -Answer 
3. 12440 
4. 10250 
5. None of these

36. The number of females from Organisation E forms approximately what percent of the total number of employees from that Organisation ?
1. 58 
2. 60 
3. 52 -Answer 
4. 62 
5. 55

37 . What is the total number of females from all the Organisations together ?
1. 11540 
2. 11750 -Answer 
3. 12440 
4. 10250 
5. None of these
