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IBPS clerical aptitude paper

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IBPS clerical cadre Quantitative Aptitude Model Paper Questions Test – 1 model questions for practice
1.     By what number less than 1000 must 43259 be multiplied So that the last three figures to the right of the product may be 437?
(a) 743 (b) 658 (c) 701 (d) None of these

2.     By what least number must 217800 be multiplied in order to make it a perfect square?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) None of these

3.     Find the least number by which 19404 must be multiplied or divided so as to make it a perfect square.
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) None of these

4.     Find the smallest number which is a perfect square and contains 1400 as a factor.
(a) 8670 (b) 9600 (c) 9000 (d) None of these

5.     Find in the blank indicated by a star in the number 456 so as to make it divisible by 33
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) None of these

6.     By what least number must 6796 by multiplied or divided in order that the resulting number may be a perfect square?
(a) 17 (b) 39 (c) 43 (d) None of these

7.     Find the greatest number that will divide 964, 1238 and 1400 leaving remainders 41,31 and 51 respectively.
(a) 71 (b) 64 (c) 67 (d) None of these

8.     Find the greatest number that will divide 19409 and 43037 leaving remainders 17 and 29 respectively.
(a) 178 (b) 192 (c) 194 (d) None of these

9.     Find the greatest number that will divide 964, 1238, 1400 leaving remainders 41, 31 and 51 respectively.
(a) 64 (b) 71 (c) 69 (d) None of these

10.     Find the greatest number which will divide 12288, 28200, and 44333 so as to leave the same remainder in each case.
(a) 221 (b) 120 (c) 272 (d) None of these

Directions (questions 1 to 5): Read the following information and answer the questions given below.
(i) A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members standing in a row (not necessarily in the same order) facing north.
(ii) C and B have as many members between them as G and C have between them.
(iii) D, who is 3rd from the extreme left, is 3rd to the left of E.
(iv) A and D are neighbors and F and C are neighbors.

1.     Which of the following statements may be false?
(a) A is the 3rd to the left of F
(b) D is 3rd to the left of E
(c) F is 3rd the right of A
(d) B is 3rd to the left of C
(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

2.     Which of the following statements is true?
(a) C and E are neighbors
(b) E is to the immediate left of F
(c) C is to the immediate left of D
(d) A is to the immediate left of D
(e) None of these
Ans (d)

3.     Who is at the extreme right?
(a) Data inadequate
(b) G
(c) B
(d) E
(e) None of these
Ans (a)

4.     Which of the following given two pairs of neighbors?
(a) A, C and D, C
(b) A, B and E, G
(c) D, C and E, F
(d) C, F and C, E
(e) None of these
Ans (c)

5.     What is the position of F?
(a) Immediate to the right of E.
(b) Third to the left of G
(c) Immediate to the left of C
(d) 5th to the right of B
(e) None of these
Ans (e) 

6.     Four of the following five groups of letters are alike in some way while one is different. Find out which one is different.
Ans (b) 

7.     In the sequence given below the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit ’4′ exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 4 and sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 6 exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit 6. How many such 4′s and 6′s together are there?
5 4 4 6 2 6 3 5 6 4 2 8 4 3 7 6 6 4 8 3
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3 
(d) 5
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

8.     Below are given six three-digit numbers. The digits comprise of numeric and letters. The letter indicates its serial order in the English alphabet. What will be the middle digit of the 4th number when the numbers are arranged in the descending order after interchanging numeric in each number without altering the place of letter in the number?
19F, 2H9, 98B, D76, 7A6, 61E
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 6 
(d) 7
(e) None of these
Ans (e) 

Directions (Q.9 & 10): In a code language any letter which is immediately after or before a vowel in the English alphabet is substituted by that vowel and any vowel i.e. A, E, I, O and U is substituted by the letter immediately following that vowel in the English alphabet.
9.     How can the word FEVERISH be written in that code language?
(e) None of these
Ans (c) 

10.     How can the word CONFEDERATION be written in that code language?
(e) None of these
Ans (b) 

11.     If each of the vowels i.e. A, E, I, O, & U along with the 3rd letter to its right in the alphabet are taken out and arranged one after the other in the same order followed by the remaining letters of the alphabet, which of the following will be 5th to the left of the 19th letter from the left in the new arrangement? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
(a) G
(b) H
(c) J
(d) W
(e) none of these
Ans (a) 

12.     How many pairs of letters are there in the word SPONTANEOUS which have number of letters between them in the word one less than the number of letters between them in English alphabet?
(a) five
(b) one
(c) four
(d) Two
(e) Three
Ans (a)

13.     Four of the following five have similar relationship and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
Ans (d) 

14.     Which pair of the letters in the word BEAUTIFUL has the same relationship between its letters with respect to their position in the English alphabet as the pair EA in that word has between its letters?
(a) IB
(b) LF
(c) IE
(d) FL
(e) TL
Ans (c)

15.     Which of the following relates to FLOWER in the same way as RTERBN relates to SECTOR?
Ans (e) 

16.     If arranged properly which one of the following is not a river in India.
(e)None of these
Ans (c) It is CORBAT. It is a National Park 

17.     If the following words are arranged in a natural sequence, which word would be the first.
(a) Night
(b) Negative
(c) Neighbour
(d) Near
(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

18.     In an office having 55 employees men out number the women by 15. How many women are working in that office.
(a) 30
(b) 20
(c) 40
(d) 50
(e) None of these
Ans (b) 

19.     Reaching a place of appointment on Friday I found that I was two days earlier than the scheduled day. If I had reached on the following Wednesday how many days late would I have been.
(a) one day
(b) two days
(c) three days
(d) four days
(e) None of these
Ans (c)

20.     Reena traveled from point A to a distance of 10 feet east at point B. She then turned right and walked 3 feet. Again she turned right and walked 14 feet. How far is she from the starting point.
(a) 4 feet
(b) 5 feet
(c) 24 feet
(d) 25 feet
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

Directions (Questions 21 to 25):- One of the words given in the alternatives cannot be formed by using the letters given in the question. Find out that word.
(d) None of these
Ans (c) There is no alphabet ‘S’ in the question 

(e) None of these 
Ans (d)

(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

24.     MAGNETIC
(b) GAIN
(c) NAME
(d) GAME
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

(a) MITE
(d) SENT
(e) None of these
Ans (b)

Directions (questions 26 to30  ):Read the following information and answer the questions given below.

(i) A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members standing in a row (not necessarily in the same order) facing north.
(ii) C and B have as many members between them as G and C have between them.
(iii) D, who is 3rd from the extreme left, is 3rd to the left of E.
(iv) A and D are neighbors and F and C are neighbors.

26.     Which of the following statements may be false?
(a) A is the 3rd to the left of F
(b) D is 3rd to the left of E
(c) F is 3rd the right of A
(d) B is 3rd to the left of C
(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

27.     Which of the following statements is true?
(a) C and E are neighbors
(b) E is to the immediate left of F
(c) C is to the immediate left of D
(d) A is to the immediate left of D
(e) None of these
Ans (d)

28.     Who is at the extreme right?
(a) Data inadequate
(b) G
(c) B
(d) E
(e) None of these
Ans (a)

29.     Which of the following given two pairs of neighbors?
(a) A, C and D, C
(b) A, B and E, G
(c) D, C and E, F
(d) C, F and C, E
(e) None of these
Ans (c)

30.     What is the position of F?
(a) Immediate to the right of E.
(b) Third to the left of G
(c) Immediate to the left of C
(d) 5th to the right of B
(e) None of these
Ans (e) 

31     Four of the following five groups of letters are alike in some way while one is different. Find out which one is different.
Ans (b) 

32    . In the sequence given below the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit ‘4′ exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 4 and sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 6 exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit 6. How many such 4’s and 6’s together are there?
5 4 4 6 2 6 3 5 6 4 2 8 4 3 7 6 6 4 8 3
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3 
(d) 5
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

33.     Below are given six three-digit numbers. The digits comprise of numeric and letters. The letter indicates its serial order in the English alphabet. What will be the middle digit of the 4th number when the numbers are arranged in the descending order after interchanging numeric in each number without altering the place of letter in the number?
19F, 2H9, 98B, D76, 7A6, 61E
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 6 
(d) 7
(e) None of these
Ans (e) 

Directions (Q.34 & 35): In a code language any letter which is immediately after or before a vowel in the English alphabet is substituted by that vowel and any vowel i.e. A, E, I, O and U is substituted by the letter immediately following that vowel in the English alphabet.

34    . How can the word FEVERISH be written in that code language?
(e) None of these
Ans (c) 

35    . How can the word CONFEDERATION be written in that code language?
(e) None of these
Ans (b) 

36    . If each of the vowels i.e. A, E, I, O, & U along with the 3rd letter to its right in the alphabet are taken out and arranged one after the other in the same order followed by the remaining letters of the alphabet, which of the following will be 5th to the left of the 19th letter from the left in the new arrangement? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
(a) G
(b) H
(c) J
(d) W
(e) none of these
Ans (a) 

37    . How many pairs of letters are there in the word SPONTANEOUS which have number of letters between them in the word one less than the number of letters between them in English alphabet?
(a) five
(b) one
(c) four
(d) Two
(e) Three
Ans (a)

38    . Four of the following five have similar relationship and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
Ans (d) 

39    . Which pair of the letters in the word BEAUTIFUL has the same relationship between its letters with respect to their position in the English alphabet as the pair EA in that word has between its letters?
(a) IB
(b) LF
(c) IE
(d) FL
(e) TL
Ans (c)

40    . Which of the following relates to FLOWER in the same way as RTERBN relates to SECTOR?
Ans (e) 

41    . If arranged properly which one of the following is not a river in India.
(e)None of these
Ans (c) It is CORBAT. It is a National Park 

42    . If the following words are arranged in a natural sequence, which word would be the first.
(a) Night
(b) Negative
(c) Neighbour
(d) Near
(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

43.     In an office having 55 employees men out number the women by 15. How many women are working in that office.
(a) 30
(b) 20
(c) 40
(d) 50
(e) None of these
Ans (b) 

44.     Reaching a place of appointment on Friday I found that I was two days earlier than the scheduled day. If I had reached on the following Wednesday how many days late would I have been.
(a) one day
(b) two days
(c) three days
(d) four days
(e) None of these
Ans (c)

45    . Reena traveled from point A to a distance of 10 feet east at point B. She then turned right and walked 3 feet. Again she turned right and walked 14 feet. How far is she from the starting point.
(a) 4 feet
(b) 5 feet
(c) 24 feet
(d) 25 feet
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

Directions (Questions 46 to 25):- One of the words given in the alternatives cannot be formed by using the letters given in the question. Find out that word.

(d) None of these
Ans (c) There is no alphabet ‘S’ in the question 

(e) None of these 
Ans (d)

(e) None of these
Ans (d) 

49.     MAGNETIC
(b) GAIN
(c) NAME
(d) GAME
(e) None of these
Ans (a) 

(a) MITE
(d) SENT
(e) None of these
Ans (b)

