IBM Whole-Testpaper new latest placement papers campus recruitment procedure |   70994

IBM Whole-Testpaper new latest placement papers campus recruitment procedure

IBM New latest Placement Papers questions answers for 2014 batch


Hi friends, This is my first interview experience in IBM. IBM this their off and on campus recruitment done in different college all over India IBM visited our campuses in September Iam from ECE background..IBM this years new campus placement procedure here Im describing this will help you guys to your IBM recruitment preparation

For IBM this years campus recruitments around 550 students participated IBM first procedure was on line aptitude test. IBM aptitude test like previous years same procedure like IBM number series questions aptitude questions For on line aptitude test Refer and practice IBM previous years solved question papers and practice IBM free on line mock tests 

IBM new selection Procedure and IBM new latest placement papers
IBM First Round IBM On line aptitude tests
First round is Aptitude Test. It was for 36 Marks. It consists of two sections and each section is 18 Marks. No -ve marking. All the questions are choose the correct answer type. 
First section is of Number Series and second section is of aptitude. 

IBM Second round IBM On line communication tests Kenexa Online Communication Test(22 Q).

It was for 22 Marks. No -ve marking. All the questions are choose the correct answer type.
Prepare well with Active voice and Passive voice, Mail writing rules, Where we have to use commas, Conjunctions, Tenses. It was for 20 mins. 

After completion of test we left the day.

Monday I got a call that I cleared my English test. I am very much happy for this.

Another Half of the Students are eliminated.

IBM third round IBM Group discussion-Tuesday
It was around 1 PM. At IBM TPO office Yerwada, Pune.

Third round is Group Discussion. We are batch of 16 Members. They will give two topics we have to choose any one. My GD topics is "Is Semester wide system exam system is better than Annual wide system examinations" The GD took for 40 minutes. In my batch two are eliminated. In other batches many are eliminated.

They will give 5 minutes to prepare the topic. Utilize that time. Try to write more points because points should not be repeated.

Another One Fourth are eliminated.

IBM Fourth round is Interview. Both Technical and HR was combined. It was for 30 minutes. He is around 40 years of age.

He took my resume and checked it for 2-3 minutes.

Tell about Yourself. I replied so and so.

He asked me some basic questions about Oracle. 
I answered it very well. 

He asked a simple program in C. Palindrome program with the char.

And he started asking some questions in 
HR prospect. Mean while he given a question in Number Series. It was very difficult. I took 3 minutes and I answered it.

He asked whether you are ready to work from any location. Replied as Yes.

And he started asking questions about my Hobbies and Place of Interest. Be sure with these topics also.

I completed my interview by 8.40.

They eliminated very less members.

finally I summarize these procedure IBM campus recruitment preparation you have speed in calculation practice IBM previous years number series questions Go through IBM company Profile, thier history about logo etc.., communication test read news papers ....Refer placement papers sites all sites provide free question papers of IBM previous years IBM mock on line tests, IBM previous years campus recruitment experiences 
By God Grace im part of IBM

It was around 9 PM.

I got a +ve news that I cleared the interview. After that documentation is done.

Finally my dreams came to true. Jan 22 is memorable day in my life.

Now I am an IBMer.

Be thorough with the previous papers.
