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IBM Preparation Tips


IBM Placement Preparation Tips


IBM Placement  Process


It consist of mailny 3 sections such as 


      1. Written Test

      2. Group Discussions

      3. Interview


1. Written Test 


It consist of Aptitude,Technical and Essay Writting Questions.


i) Test Preparation Tips


The candidate preparing for the written test needs practice and confidence, so that they will be able to deliver their best in the examination. The questions from the topics that the candidates have studied for their course can be answered with ease. The candidate can prepare with previous question papers and aptitude books which help the candidates familiar with the structure of question paper and can manage the time also well. For the group discussion, the candidate can update with the latest topics and news which is of industry relevance. Business magazines, news papers etc will help the candidate to be in pace with the current issues and will help the candidate to perform well in the group discussion.


2. Group Discussions


In group discussion stage following qualities of the candidate is assessed.


       1. Communication Skill

       2. Alertness

       3. Presence of mind

       4. Ability to work as a team

       5. Problem-solving abilities

       6. Creativity etc


3. Interview


The interview is conducted in two stages,Technical Interview and HR Interview.


a) Technical Interview


Questions from the technical side are asked which helps the interviewer know whether the candidate has enough knowledge and skill to do the job well.


b) HR Interview


HR interview may also contain technical questions which depend upon the interviewer. The candidate needs to answer the questions with enough confidence and patience.


i) Interview Preparation Tips


The candidates who have successfully completed the IBM selection process are called for interview. The candidates need to prepare well in advance for the interview so that they can answer the questions with ease and confidence. Here also the candidate needs to answer several questions from the technical side. There will also be questions from the final year project done by the candidate. The candidate will get chance to ask questions to the interview panel which is an opportunity for the candidate to express his attitude and interest towards the organization.


The HR interview of the section process is the chance for the candidate to present himself before the interview board. A well structured self introduction will reveal the potential and strength of the candidate. The candidate should be open and confident while answering and those areas where the candidate is not sure about the answer can be humbly accepted. The candidate need to really perform well in the test and interview to get placed in IBM.


You will need to be familiar with IBM and be honest and confident about yourself. Most of all, demonstrating the right attitude will get you far. Look for ways to illustrate the values that we hold dear.There are no fixed questions in IBM interviews. Much will depend on the type of job you've applied for, the interviewer and how the interview unfolds. The interview is also a chance for you to find out more about IBM, so do prepare some questions of your own.Here are more tips to help you along:


A. Before the interview  


      1. Assess 

      2. Prepare





      1. Study the position for which you’ve applied.

      2. What strengths will make you effective on the job?

      3.   Do you have an understanding of your weaknesses?




Research IBM and the business units you might want to join. The IBM website is a great place to start. Think about questions you might want to ask during the interview. And don’t forget the outfit – choose something that presents you well and reflects the position you hope to fill. Note details about the interviewing venue (date, time) and the interviewer (e.g. name and job role),so that you can prepare suitably. We will usually have a copy of your resume but bring one with you, just in case.




Run through a mock interview session with a trusted friend. They will want to learn more about you, so be prepared to share some information about yourself and your career. Questions will range from the objective (e.g. how many people did you manage) to the subjective (e.g. how could you add value to IBM if you got this job).


B. The day of the Interview


     1. Rest

     2. Arrive

     3. Perform




Interviews can be nerve wrecking, but make sure you get enough rest the night before. You’ll want to be mentally alert.




Plan to be at the interviewing venue at least half an hour ahead of time. This will allow you to collect your thoughts and appear cool and confident in front of us.




You can now put all that practice and preparation to work. We’re looking for people who can think well in a high-stress situation (like an interview). Take your time to answer and don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat a question. A pause between thoughts is better than a garbled Response.Above all, relax and be calmly confident of your abilities. It’s all right to be nervous, but we hope your personality and passion will still shine through. 


All the Best.................
