IBM Candidate-Experiences |   7754

IBM Candidate-Experiences

Hi Friends,
      I am Karthick.G from Chennai, I attended IBM Reference interview at Engineering College on 23, 24 September 2012. This is the recent pattern what they follow.

The whole Recruitment process had four rounds.

Round 1-Written Test
Round 2-GD
Round 3-Tech Interview
Round 4-HR Interview

On 23rd September by 9:00 hours all the officials arrived at the college and they initially screened all my documents and they alloted rooms for taking written test.

Round 1: Written Test.

It had three Secions,
Section1: Data Matrices.
It had 15 questions and alloted time was 12 minutes (No negative marking)
Section 2: Number series
It had 20 questions and alloted time was 4 minutes (Negative marking is 1/4)
Section 3: Quantitative
It had 12 questions and alloted time was 15 minutes (Negative marking is 1/4)

Guys trust me all these were easy.
while doing data matrices sums you need to concentrate on the questions and it will be easier and regarding number series you need to practise more sums before taking test and if you solve maximum problems in both two sections you can solve atleast 3 or 4 sums in next quans section to clear Round 1. There will be problems based on percentages, fractions, time, work, distance in quantitative section.

And the results for the written test were announced by around 14:00 hours.

Round 2: GD.

Next they splitted the shortlisted candidates into groups of 15 each. I entered the GD hall by 14:30 and there was 15 in my group they gave "Is Indian media misusing it's freedom" as topic to our group they asked to give short introduction about us before the GD and we had 20 mins of serious discussion on the topic. Finally they selected 9 from my goup. All they expect from GD is, we need to speak something on that topic either supporting or opposing the title and our english fluency. I was selected and asked to come to interview on the next day by 9:00 hours.

Round 3: Technical Interview.

Resume plays an important role in this round. What ever you put in your resume will be reflected to you as questions. So carefully add the details.

I entered into the interview panel by 10:05 hours and i wished him and he asked me take the seat and he asked me to introduce myself and he asked me to explain about the project briefly and asked what are my hobbies, achievements and all those stuffs and he entered into technical side and as i was from Electronics background he asked me only the basic concepts of some topics in C, C++, Datastructures, SQl, Databases. I didn't touch my pen for his questions and answered everthing orally. He too agreed and was satisfied with my answer. Non-IT students get this advantage of answering orally the concepts alone.
And he concluded the interview and asked me to wait for the result outside and i came out by 10:45 hours and after 10 mins i got the result that i have cleared the round and asked me to wait for the HR round. Out of 150 they selected nearlly 85 in this round. Guys prepare for the this round hardly if you want to clear this all you need to do is to learn basic concepts and some programs. It is more than sufficient.

Round 4: HR interview.

I had this interview for 15 mins. He just asked me about IBM and why IBM? I answered it clearlly and cofidentially and he was very much interested in the way i said and we were chatting about my college days and movies and he asked me to ask some questions to him. So i asked when is my joining date and what is my job role in the company to him and i thanked him after that, i left the room and was waiting for the result.
And after a few mins that they asked me to fill the IBM employment form and once they ask you to do so it means that you are selected and you can be happy and guys note that there is elimination in this round. So speak and answer confidentially in this round out of 85 they selected 75. Be cofident guys. See you all in IBM.
