IARI PhD Entrance Exam Paper
1. Which one is not measure of dispersion?
(A) Range
(B) Standard deviation
(C) Mean
(D) Coefficient of variance
2. Ear cockle disease is due to
(A) Heterodera avenae
(B) Ditylenchus angustus
(C) Anguina tritici
(D) Meloidogyne inocognita
3. Support price fixed on the recommendation of
(C) Ministry of Agriculture
4. Vitamin B1 is also known as
(A) Thiamin
(B) Calciferol
(C) Retinol
(D) Riboflavin
5.Price fixed by government recently for agricultural products
(A) Minimum support price
(B) Retail price
(C) Wholesale price
(D) Procurement price
6. If farmer has only one irrigation is available for wheat crop, at which stage it is recommended
(B) Booting stage
(C) Tillering stage
(D) Milking stage
7. Which of the following is not bio-control agent?
(B) Bt
(C) Xanthomonas
(D) Trichogramma
8. Which of the following is complex fertilizer?
(A) Potassium sulphate
(B) Urea ammonium Phosphate
(C) Ammonium sulphate
(D) Calcium ammonium Nitrate
9. IVLP stands for
(A) Integrated Village Linkage Programme
(B) Institute Village Linkage Programme
(C) Intensive Village Linkage Programme
(D) Indian Village Linkage Programme
10. In which type of soil low permeability is present
(A) Alkali
(B) Saline
(C) Acidic
(D) None
11. Which is a P solubilizing bacterium?
(C) Clostridium
(D) Azotobacter
12. Which is natural genetic engineer?
(A) Xanthomonas citri
(B) Agrobacterium tumifacience
(C) Azotobactor
(D) Clostridium
13. OBA blood group controlled by
(A) Pseudo allele
(B) Dominant allele
(C) Recessive allele
(D) Multiple allele
14. Citrus canker is caused by
(A) Bacteria
(B) fungi
(C) Nematodes
(D) Algae
15. Which one is not a monosaccharide in nature?
(A) Lactose
(B) Galactose
(C) Glucose
(D) Ribulose
16. Which one is macroni wheat?
(A) T. Dicocum
(B) T, aestirum
(C) T. Vulgare
(D) T. Durum
17. In Rice crop which biofertilizer is commonly used
(A) Azatovacter
(B) Azospirillum
(C) Azolla
(D) Frankia
18. Which one is macroni wheat ?
(A) T. Dicocum
(B) T, aestivum
(C) T. Vulgare
(D) T. Durum
19. Which is the Monophagus Pest
(A) Rice Hispa
(B) Gall Midge
(C) Yellow Stem borer
(D) Leaf Roller
20. Silver shoot is due to
(A) Rice Hispa
(B) Gall Midge
(C) Yellow stem borer
(D) Leaf Roller
21. Loose smut of wheat is
(A) Extemary seed born
(B) Soil born
(C) Internary seeed born
(D) All
22. TRYSEM was introduced in the year
(A) 1989
(B) 1978
(C) 1982
(D) 1979
23. First discovered bacterial disease of plants
(A) Fire blight
(B) Downy mildew
(C) Chestnut blight
(D) Late blight
24. A day neutral plant is
(A) Maize
(B) Wheat
(C) Barley
(D) Rice
25. In the pulse crops, which fertilizer is advised to basal application?
(B) Urea
26. Which one of the following is not a green house gas?
(A) N2
(B) N2O
(C) CO2
(D) O3
27. The contribution of agriculture in GDP is
(A) 23%
(B) 40%
(C) 60%
(D) 30%
28. The National Agricultural Insurance Scheme was started in
(A) 1999-2000
(B) 2002-2003
(C) 2003-2004
(D) 2001-2002
29. Loose smut disease of wheat is a/an
(A) Air born
(B) Soil born
(C) Water born
(D) Seed born
30. Flaver Savr is a variety of
(A) Potato
(B) Tomato
(C) Brinjal
(D) Rice