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General - other

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  1. a processor has two level cache.Their access time (level1 and level2) is 100ns and 300ns respect.Memeory access time is 1000ns$ ans is 140 (b)

  2. diskless server uses
     a rarp
     b arp
     c ftp
     ans rarp

  3. which one of them is not a client server
     and one more
     ans is e-mail or telephone.

  4. Which one is used to represent operations
     and one more
     ans binary tree 

  5. one qustion was on private key and public key.The quest. was 
    f a wants to send a message to b that no one other that b should $
     A private key
     A public key
     B private key
     B public key
     6.compliers maintain
     ans is symbol table  From Diwaka

  6. what a java interface not have ?
    ans - instance variables

  7. what is done with java code on a web-page
    ans - downloaded and executed on ur pc

  8.  what is the order of deleting a node from a linked list given a ptr 
    to it 
    ans O(n) ( since u have to traverse the list to reach the prev.

  9. what is RSA

  10. how can A send a messageto B so that B knows its from A 
    ans A uses his private key so that B can use A's public key

  11. what is the best sort in worst case
    ans heap sort

  12. what can access protected memebers of a class
    ans other classes of that program

  13. what protocol is used by a machine to map an ip to hardware address
    ans arp

  14. hat is the size of ipv6
    ans 128 bits

  15. how many keys are needed in symmetric and asymmetric crptography?
    ans - i dont know

  16. how many keys are needed in symmetric and asymmetric crptography?
    ans - i dont know 

  17. one on a right threaded tree

  18. very easy k-map 
    ans i think its b)

  19. very easy ckt 
    ans choice which has option : a&c are equivalent

  20. what in unix doesnt have a fd
    ans process ( this was the first ques ).
