Huawei Candidate-Experiences new placement papers in Kerala campuses recruitment |   21409

Huawei Candidate-Experiences new placement papers in Kerala campuses recruitment

                                              Huawei Placement Pattern


Huawei new and latest placement papers questions and this years campus placement pattern

This is my success story of Huawei this years placements. Here I'm explaining the selection procedure, interview process of Huawei Around 500 students were attended Huawei placement drive in my college

Huawei Selection Procedure and on line written test pattern

1.Written Test 
Technical and aptitude 
General aptitude
Unix Questions
C,C++ Java programming languages questions

In Huawei written tests number of questions I'm not sure I think 60 questions in 75 minutes I forgot friends No negative marks

Common aptitude questions such as
Pipes cisterns, time and work, number series questions, pattern series questions etc..,RS Agarwal book is enough or practice Huawei previous years solved questions papers and Huwaei free online mock tests,it is available in different sites

C++ Java Unix questions
C++ Java 20 questions each. 

Choose any one section. 
Most of the questions were for finding out the output or for finding the error.
Identify the correct constant declaration.

20 questions. it was easy for me. Some commands only.

At 3'0 clk shortlist was published around 168 people were short listed.

Then next section was interview It was next day 24th and 25th
1. Interview and HR
2.Technical interview and HR

Huawei Technical Interview -1
a) Virtual memory
b) Syntax for any query
c) Difference between character array and string
d) Best descending order printing.
e) Puzzle. Draw a line and cut it into two equal parts.

Huawei Technical Interview -2

1. Your project
2. Deadlock
3. Puzzle. Find the cube diagonal for 8*8*8 cube.
4. Complexity of binary search.
5. Virtual memory.
6. Storage management.
7. Single and double linked list.

These are the technical questions I remembered And the next section was HR

Huawei HR Round

1. Introduce yourself
2. Some puzzles questions
3. About Company
4. Describe you 1 day
5. About family
6. Your friends circle
7. Some puzzle questions related cubes squares and etc

That's all interview and hr procedure The results were declared after one week Im one among them around half of the students were rejected These are all Huawei placement procedure part This will hlep you guys for you preparation for upcoming Huawei recruitments
