HPPSC Placement Paper |   645

HPPSC Placement Paper

HPPSC Administrative Services Previous Year Question Paper for General Studies

1. Given below ( in list I ) are the names of some authors who have written about the Himalayan region and ( in list –II) the titles of their works. Identify the correct match.
List I 
a) Visakhadutta 
b) Guru Govind Singh 
c) Hiven Tsang 
d) Rahul Sanskritayan 
i) Bachitra Natak
ii) Si- yu- Ki
iii) Kinner Desh
iv) Mudrarakshasa
Select from the codes given below:
a) a-i, b-iv, c-iii, d-ii
b) a-iv, b-I, c-iii, d-ii
c) a-iv, b-I, c-ii, d-iii
d) a-ii, b-iii, c-I, d-iv

2. Identify the correct chronological order of the following events.
i) Suket- Satyagraha
ii) Dhami Firing
iii) Pajhota Andolan
iv) Formation of Himalayan Hill states Regional Council
Select from the code given below:
a) iii, iv, ii, i
b) ii, iii, iv, i
c) 1, ii, iv, iii
d) Ii, iii, iv, I

3. Which district of Himachal Pradesh is the largest producer of fish?
a) Chamba
b) Kangra
c) Bilaspur
d) Shimla

4. Who built the Tabo Monastery ?
a) Rinchen Jango
b) Ye Sashoad
c) Sarjan Rinchain
d) Lama Norbu

5. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
a) Sheep breeding Farm – Tal ( Hamirpur District)
b) Wild Life sanctuary- Shilli ( Solan District)
c) Fruit Museum- Jarol ( Mandi District)
d) Akshay Urja Project – Dangar ( Bilaspur District)

6. Which princely state of Shimla Hill state signed the Stand Still Agreement with
British Govt. in 1947?
a) Bilaspur
b) Sirmaur
c) Chamba
d) Suket

7. Given blow ( in list I ) are the names of some players and ( in list II) the name of games with which they are associated. Identify the correct match. 
List I 
a) Novak Djokovic 
b) Leonal Messi 
c) Hashim Amla 
d) Kasumatsuti 
List II
i) Badminton
ii) Cricket
iii) Tennis
iv) Football
Select from the codes given below:
a) a- iv, b- i, c- iii, d- ii
b) a- ii, b- i, c-iv, d- iii
c) a- iii, b- iv, c- ii, d- i
d) a- iii, b- ii, c- i, d- iv

8. What is the name of the student who designed the new symbol of Indian rupee?
a) Uday Kumar
b) Udit Kumar
c) Vijay Kumar
d) Ajay Kumar

9. The Tunisian revolution is called jasmine revolution because jasmine is national
a) anthem of Tunisia
b) flag of Tunisia
c) flower of Tunisia
d) fruit of Tunisia

10. Identify the correct chronological order of the following kings of Gupta dynasty.
(i) Samudargupta
(ii) Kumar Gupta-I
(iii) Chandragupta-II
(iv) Skandagupta
Select from the code given below:
a) i, iii, ii, iv
b) iii, iv, i, ii
c) i, iv, iii, ii
d) iv, i, iii, ii

11. The year 1761 was very bad for India because
i. the Marathas were defeated in the third battle of Panipat
ii. Shah Alam –II was defeated by the British
iii. Lally surrendered Pondicherry to the British
Which of the above statements are true ?
a) i and ii
b) i and iii
c) ii and iii
d) i, ii and iii

12. Who set up “Abhinav Bharat”?
a) B.G. Tilak
b) B.C. Pal
c) Lala Hardyal
d) V.D. Savarkar

13. Which of the following was not included in the Government of India Act- 1919?
a) Bicamearl legislature at the centre
b) Extension of Franchise
c) Extension of reservation for different communities
d) Dyarchy at the centre

14. Who acts as President of India when the offices of president as well as Vice president fall vacant?
a) Speaker of Lok Sabha
b) Chief Justice of India
c) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
d) Chief of the Army Staff

15. What is the upper limit for the total number of minsters in the union council of ministers ?
a) 15 percent of the total strength of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
b) 15 percent of the total strength of Lok Sabha
c) 10 percent of the total strength of Lok Sabha
d) There is no upper limit

16. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?
Dam/ Lake :River
a) Gobind Sagar : Sutlej
b) Kolleru Lake : Krishna
c) Ukai Reservoir: Tapti
d) Wular Lake : Jhelum

17. “ Use of white marble, long legs and slender frames, human beings as central characters and prominence of kings, princess and places” were the characteristic features of which one of the following ancient art forms of India?
a) Amaravati School of Art
b) Gandhara School of Art
c) Mathura School of Art
d) Pahari School of Art

18. In the Individual satyagraha Vinoba Bhave was chosen as the first satyagrahi.Who was the second ?
a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
b) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
c) C. Rajagopalachari
d) Sardar Vallabhabhai

19. Which of the following hill range passes from Himachal
a) Shivalik Hills
b) Khasi Hills
c) Sayadhari Hills
d) Arravali Hills

20. According to latest census poupulation of Himachal is around
a) 70,00,000
b) 60,00,000
c) 1,60,00,000
d) 80,00,000

21. In which district of Himachal Jwalaji shrine is located
a) Hamirpur
b) Una
c) Kangra
d) Kullu

22. Which one of the following hindi authors does not belong to Himachal
a) Yashpal
b) Chaderdhar Sharma Guleri
c) Shanta Kumar
d) Rahul Sanskrityan

23. Shigri glacier is in
a) Jammu and Kashmir
b) Himachal Pradesh
c) Uttrakhand
d) Uttar Pradesh

24. Which of the following power projects is not located in Himachal
a) Dehar power project
b) Giri power project
c) Rongtong power project
d) Farakka power project

25. Which constitutional amendment led to the reorganization of Punjab leading to the formation of Haryana and creation of UT of Chandigarh
a) 18th amendment of 1966
b) 38th amendment of 1975
c) 58th amendment of 1987
d) 36th amendment of 1975

26. With reference to the Growth of Indian Economy, consider the following factors 
(1) Lack of infrastructure development
(2) Lack of investment in education and skills development
(3) Lack of reform in labour markets
Which of the above is likely to adversely impact the growth of the Economy
a) 1 &2 only 
b) 2 & 3 only 
c) 1 &3 only 
d) All the three

27. Consider four phases of demographic transition
(1) first phase, reduction in mortality rates while birth rate continues to be high
(2) second phase, reduction in birth rate but the reduction in death rate is higher than reduction in birth rate.
(3) Third phase, birth rates and death rates are both low.
(4) Fourth phase the population level stabilizes with number of births and deaths being low and equal.
India is at present moving towards which stage
a) 1 to 2 
b) 2 to e 
c) at state 3 
d) 3 to 4

28. With reference to sustainable agriculture in India, consider the following for India’s export oriented crop.
(1) cultivate waste land for export oriented horti-crops.
(2) Use of agri-technologies like ultra high density plantations for higher productivity.
(3) Use high-tech cultivation practices like green house cultivation of exotic vegetables.
Which of the above can be considered for sustainable agriculture?
a) 1&2 
b) 2&3 
c) 1&3 
d) All the above

29. Consider the following in the context of food inflation in India.
(1) Unruly weather conditions
(2) Hoarding and Trader Cartel
(3) Shift in income brackets with the growth of the middle class
Which of the above are the possible reasons for food inflation?
a) 1&2 only 
b) 2&3 only 
c) 1&3 only 
d) All the three

30. RBI monetary policy is aimed at controlling inflation by increasing Repo rate and Reverse Repo rate. Which one of the following rates has been announced on 25th January 2011?
(a) Repo rate 6% and Reverse Repo 5.25%
(b) Repo rate 6.25% and Reverse Repo 5.25%
(c) Repo rate 6.25% and Reverse Repo 5.50%
(d) Repo rate 6.25% and Reverse Repo 5.5%
