HP Candidate-Experiences |   24910

HP Candidate-Experiences

HP Placement experience shared by Sathya

Hi, I'm Sathya pursuing my final year computer science and engineering in sree sastha eng. 

Recently I attended the HP interview which was a pooled off campus drive conducted in Vel tech. It was a 2 day process.

Rounds : Online test, Technical, Manager round, HR round.

Designation : Developing or testing.
Pay : 3.4 lpa for developing and 3.2 lpa for testing (approx)

Day 1 : Online test

Sections : Quants, DBMS, Operating system, Programming, Computer networking

Quants: As far as I remember, Questions from Venn diagrams, calendar, Blood relations were asked.

DBMS : Queries, File system, Data models

OS: Thrashing, Paging, Threads, Multiprocessor, Kernel 

Programming : Find the error, find the output. (Basic knowledge in programming is enough to answer these questions)

Computer n/w: LAN, WAN, ISDN full form, Router. (I don't remember much )

Day 2 : Technical, Manager round, HR round.

SQL queries, I was given a scenario and asked to design a web site for the book bank, Amstrong no, Swapping of two nos without using a third variable, What is macro, Reversing a no, questions from the paper presentation, Was asked to explain about my project.

Manager round : 
was asked abt my project not in detail,front end and back end in my project, diff b/w DBMS and RDBMS.
What will you do if your colleagues don't complete their work and you can start your work only after they complete?
What will you do when you are not able to finish your work on time?
What will you do when you have so many problems because of your team members?
What do you expect from HP?
What do you know about HP?

Everyone who cleared manager round were selected. HR round was just a formality round where no one was rejected.

HR : It was very very casual. I was asked about preferred location, certifications course (if any),Language where I need training, Paper presentation, Situation that highlights my leadership quality.

Tip 1 : workout aps.
Tip 1 : Be thorough with DDL, DML queries, constraints, primary key , Foreign key from DBMS.
Tip 2 : Know the basic programs like fibonacci, factorial,swapping of two nos using temporary variable and without using temp variable, Reversing a no, Reversing a string, palindrome for string and no, Armstrong no,leap year or not,Floyd's triangle.
Tip 3 : Go through the company website. collect info about the CEO , locations, founder, founded year,their key areas, CMM level, customer, employees number.
Tip 4 : speak confidently, have a smile on your face.

All the best :) :) 
Lets meet in HP :) :)

