Whole-Testpaper |   21764




HI ,

this is the pattern I have..I didn't attend for honewell so don't expect any more than this plz do check this and don't send any queries to this id no use.

Their pattern is
OS   : 10 Questions
C     :  10 Questions
C++ :  10 Questions
Java :  10 Questions

OS is compulsory and you can choose any one of these three language.
I had chosen C++.

Here is few question I still remember. please do not go on my answers they may be incorrect also.

C++  Questions
1)  If there is one class template which has one static member variable  that static variable will belong to
     a) Every instance of class template will share the same copy of static variable
     b) Every instance of class template will have its own copy of  static variable.
     c) Compilation error
     d) Don't remember.

2) What is template specialization ???
3)  How we will overload operator  *+=    such that
4)  IN C++ what does the operator overloading means.
5)  what is '>>' in C++
6)   class A
       int a ,b;
       A() : a(0)
     if you create obj of this class as A obj;

OS  Question
All OS questions were based on basics of UNIX all small -2 commands.
1) how image of one process can be replaced by other process
2) how image of one process can be copied to new born process
3) how can you list all the files used by a particular process

4) how do you  create a link of  file

C Questions

I did not attempted the C paper but still I just had a look on C and java

paper. in C most of the question were programs and their out was  asked in LINUX environment.
      int main()
      char *a= "Novell";
      char  *b;
      return 0;
2) int main()
