Honeywell Whole Testpaper |   35310

Honeywell Whole Testpaper


These are the questions asked for the Honeywell test conducted on 22 July 06 in their Bangalore office.

There were 100 questions:

50 Technical questions (branch wise)
30 C questions
20 aptitude questions

Aptitude is very easy. Simple questions from profit&loss, ratio, odd-man series, time-distance, clock...

Technical from OS, DBMS, CN, 8085, unix, DS.. some of the qns I remembered are given below.

1) Binary search tree is used in

2) Given a tree..write the preorder traversal

3) Given an infix expression..write its postfix

4) First general purpose microprocessor

5) What is 8253

6) ____flag is not used in 8085 jump instructions

7) SNMP is used in which layer

8) Banker's algorithm is used for

9) Belady's anomaly is related to___

10) Which of the following is non-preemptive

11 )A relation in 3NF is in______

12) A question on serializability

13) One SQL query

14) Functional dependency one question

15) The first general purpose microprocessor is ____-bit

16) In a three byte instruction the second byte indicates____

17) Average case analysis for partition exchange sort

18) How the receiver knows to what service the packet to be forwarded?

19) Given a binary sign magnitude no:..write its decimal

20) The order in which data is transferred frm magnetic disk

21) In which layer of the network datastructure format change is done

22) Which of the following allow parallel & serial connections

23) Given some IP addresses...identify which one is IPv6?

24) Open addressing and chaining is used in

25) Storage space requirement for diff: sorts in the descending order

26) Which scheduling policy is used in unix..

27) In database which mechanism is suitable for recovery?

28) Which of the following is not correct?

29)which of the following is not correct?

30) Which of the following is not correct?

31) When an interrupt is called control is given to..

32) Which of the following is not a synchronization tool

33) Given a graph write the BFS for it

34) How can u increase ports of a microprocessor?

35) What is 8259?

36) Which of the following maintains a constant time(best,worst,average)?

37) In a database a table is stored not is an example of

38) The time CPU takes to complete the execution of processes____

39) The minimum length of TCP/IP header and IP datagram header

40) Process spawning in OS is__________

41) The topology that uses a central hub is___

C questions were dam easy..pointers and strings ..if ur strong in pointer concepts you can score easily. 2 or 3 qns frm files,enum,extern..
